Amazing Grace: C blues harp Cross in the key of G... + (Clue too - TopicsExpress


Amazing Grace: C blues harp Cross in the key of G... + (Clue too hear: C represents Christ, & G represents GOD)Dear Brothers, Elders, & Leaders of The Church, Etc., Glory to GOD, and greetings to you. The inspiration for this message came from a variety of sources, yet it is ultimately given from The Holy Spirit. I finally began to real-eyes putting it all together while having a kind of semi-subconscious vision at Church. I Am only One messenger out of many (Angels of Philadelphia, & E Plurubus Unum). I have also written some complimentary additional messages that make extra efforts concerning the inexplicable doctrine of the Trinity (Light to the Gentiles, Forgive us our debts/trespasses, etc.) - with clear hopes to to edify & provide movement towards a genuine Peace that surpasses understanding. Rainman could be quoted to speak, Let us never allow the perception of darkness imposed from without, to become the reception of darkness enclosed from within. If you can get that One message, then hopefully you shall eventually real-eyes being that much closer too getting The One. Be advised: This is not a book, and some magazine articles would probably take more time to read, however; the short collection of messages hear are considerably longer in length than the typical facebook post - my special empathies to so many of us with time limitations, or woeful apologies to those who do not like too really think & feel in depth. For the rest, please take the liberty to dive in with full heart & mind - the water is fine. The writing is kind of like Epistle styled correspondence, I respectfully request that you follow through too beyond any appearance of initial impertinences. Indeed these are originally messages actually sent to particular individuals, yet it is hoped that you too shall the possibilities of applicability?! One additional peace of advisement hear: Do consult The Word/Scripture/Holy Bible, or youll be reading a message thats like listening to a song without lyrics - You might still find the melody appealing, yet you will probably not fully appreciate what is being communicated. My personal congratulations to Grand-PA, Daddy, Mother, & Uncle on the new family addition / edition! GOD bless every-One! Goodknight, & Peace - In Christ Love... + John Christopher Dear Brother Kurtness, Glory to GOD, and greetings to you. Allow me first to reiterate an apology - Im sorry Bro.! Weather or not you believe me, I can certainly relate to family issues - including some of the sort you have described. Please excuse any apparent insensitivities, it is not that I dont care - yet the hardness of my response was intended to wake / shake you Up. There is no school like the school of hard knocks - Revelation Chapter 3. I see a little too much deflective accusatory blaming from you of everybody else except yourSelf - you understand?! You will find that such hard line confrontation is done often enough by earlier prophets. If, then - as necessary. Consider your choices actions over the years, and begin to get the long term perspective of GOD in regards to consequential results. Perhaps, you should count it a joy that youre held more leniently accountable for sins while hear on earth - rather than what is surely more serious consequences in eternity?! Hebrews Chapter 12 & New Covenant atoning theology explains such better than I could without extrapolating into much more per-Sonal details than current time permits. So, how about it for you?! Time for a real change, wouldnt you say so - I Am forwarding tHis message to you again - if you even carefully read it the first time it was sent?! It is a per-Sonal parable explanation that makes the effort to picture a very challenging & controversial conception, too wit; questions regarding the doctrine of Trinity. It does not provide an exact cerebral definition of the concept, yet even without precise intellectualism it does hopefully increase a mutually benevolent understanding amongst believers with differing viewpoints. Sooner than later, it might help too find a harmonica/blues harp player too illustrate the cross harp key of musical theory to you, and so hear the parable To Be seen. The only thing I shall ever ask of you to pay is attention. I Am fighting the good fight for your very soul, that seems as if its always seeking, but never finding. You keep asking me to send Good News. I have already sent you that & more - What Four!!!! Fantastic Zechariah Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 & Ezekiel Chapters 1 & 2! GOD bless You too - Goodknight & Peace, In Christ Love... + John Christopher / Rainman For every-One, Amazing Grace: C blues harp Cross in the key of G... + Hears a clue too the metafor - Where C represents Christ, & G represents GOD... Dear Brothers & Sisters / Family of GOD..., Glory to GOD, and greetings to you. I think almost everybody enjoys some kind of music. Even a birdsong or a childs laughter can be exquisite expressions of melodies, and so who doesnt have a favorite particular song - especially when that much more aware of GOD given moments? A witty fellow once shared with me a question regarding E=mC2, that is; relevant to the essential nature of Light..., and what truly matters? Everything, nothing, or both? Light is a verily interesting topic, having properties of both matter & sound. A conversation that could last eternally was summed up by agreeing that with either quantum mechanics or fractal equations of grafting a view towards the Tree of Life, dont forget to carry the One. The first Messianic Law of Love is, Love The One GOD with all your heart, soul, mind, & strength., therefore; Rainman says what The Word also strongly agrees with, Dont ever forget to carry The One...+ Good News hear at John Chapter 17. At this time in my life as much as ever, music is very much appreciated by me. Like so many Christians I get fired Up to, Praise on!. This Truth for me is whether singing from the heart with a traditional hymn book & fellow believers, or likewise with following the leadership of a blessedly talented praise & worship team that encourages the congregation to join in with an emerging contemporary flavor - kind of like in the style of K-Love radio. I Am is old school & new school, you see - Psalm 33 & Matthew Chapter 13, notice especially verse 52. I really dont consider myself much of an accomplished musician though, and yet I have enjoyed most of the many various styles/genres of music that Ive ever heard - admittedly some perhaps more than others. We all have our melodies & harmonies, our uniqueness & similarities. I tried the sax for a very short time in grade school, and later a lot of singing in the shower, doing the dishes with sister when little, with the radio & various artists recordings, with the Church, and so on... Singing has always been enjoyable for me, even though it was something I was never usually very comfortable doing in public. Later came attempts at guitar & a little casual drums while struggling through college - with grades & girls as the priority. Good times, bad times? I didnt spend enough time to get either of those two instruments mastered, but I can certainly bring some positive energy to a drum circle - To Be unbroken?!! So be it that Ive always managed to have some measure of rhythm & tempo - rather quite the anomaly for one who is sort of regularly punctually challenged as me. In fact I can recall banging on my steering so hard while driving that I literally had to replace it on a particular vehicle I owned long ago during a hard rocking phase! One fine day along this journey In Life & song, I discovered the harmonica/blues harp. I thought I was pretty good at it right from the start, and so I stuck with playing it some more - until eventually I actually did get a little better. There was a time when I would drive down the road playing the radio, the blues harp, and keep a beat on the steering wheel all at the same time. A one man wrecking band - thank GOD..., I never hurt a body or soul when doing so! Well to get where we are going with this Life song & dance, I feel led by the Holy Spirit to share through testimony what GOD has chosen to reveal to me. This little peace is concerning a parable that makes use of the aforementioned blues harp/harmonica - my favorite instrument to play. The first song I ever learned to play on this instrument was Amazing Grace, and if you ever meet me - Ill be happy to play for a grateful supper! The blues harp/harmonica is an interesting instrument, because there are two major playing styles as to how it can provide a Home key group of notes for structuring music. There are many keys that can be used to make many beautiful varieties of music. Per-Sonally speaking my favorite key/tonal range is the C key harp, and perhaps most especially sweet to all the blessed informed musicians everywhere, it is well understood that the C key harmonica played at second position thereby provides a draw note blues harp cross to The G key! One Way that might provide a view to what youre seeing/hearing now is to picture the musical notes of this arrangement In Christ Consciousness Colors. I shall sing my most per-Sonally loved color of the Rainbow To Be shared as a sign for every-One...+ Still, before specifically tuning to note, please let me do also relate with Most Highest honorable respect of GOD that cues me to share a recognitive revelation for every color existent - wit the expression of smiling sound & shining Light In Christ Love, that is; refractions of Light from GOD through mankind everywhere in the world, created in the image of GOD... A Reignbow of Love that ranges through the full scale of humanity, and should be extended beyond Self for fully appreciating the collaborative harmony & glorious diversity simultaneously ongoing as a continuous rebirth of sound, colors, & Love forever in the creation of GOD - Holy Spiritual heir every-One has, does, & shall breathe... Somebody recently asked me another interesting question concerning color. This witty fellow wanted to know - is a zebra white with black stripes, or black with white stripes? That is a deep question, yet I suppose if you have a GOD given supply of knightvision it is simply, verily, shades of green. Spring green, or envious green? Lets not rush so blindly back to black & white contrast too hastily. Have you ever watched the movie Green Lantern, with the fearful yellow antagonist pitted against the courageous green hero?! The Word speaks, The fear of GOD is the begining of wisdom., yet also, GOD is Love..., and - perfect Love drives out fear! The Christ, and angels of GOD can be quoted with paraphrase to say, Do not be afraid. Psalm 33:8 provides a colorful In-sight to this variably relative transformation of Holy Spiritual growth, or perhaps more uniquely explained through the eloquence in quantity of breath at GOD given moments, that is; variations in colorful vision, & sound through through the process of time - from the cautious nervousness of fear as a young child that would wisely not want to offend their father, to the latter half the same yet deeper reverential verse (See hear again Psalm33:8, & 1John Chapter 4) of hopefully ever ongoing maturity that a well raised loving child who has more genuine respect for papa, too wit; experiences special moments of gracefully emboldened care-full awe/reverence for Father - Like GOD..., The FATHER... One should always be wise enough to retain some inherent fear of GOD..., and yet when fearful yellow is harmonized with the green courage that reverent Love of & relationship with FATHER GOD will provide - One can notice the emergence of blue. I Am talking hear of blues harp, man! Man of Sorrows - Isaiah Chapters 53, 54, 55, & 62. See Revelations 3:7-13, and hear that I sing this song of unforsakeness in the key of the Heavenly New Jerusalem. Yet please please also understand that I do not imply decisive influential commentary on any geo-political issues in this message, or even arbitrary doctrinal details. This per-Sonal testimony speaks/sings of Love beyond the constraints of any language & genetic ethnicity and/or religious superficialities. Every religion has their differences both internal & external, however; The Kingdom of GOD..., with Yeshua/Jesus/Isa Christ Messiah is in the world, but not of this world. Keeping In-Lightened vision to hear the non-violent/non-literal perspective with-In the properly esteemed Holy Spiritual priority, the Prince of Peace doesnt ride a zebra - understand? Rainman says, The greatest Armageddo ever fought is not on the war plains of any geo-political military strategist, but in the battlefields of our very hearts & minds. - Understand the metafor at Zechariah Chapter 12, & Revelations Chapter 19:10-21?! Also, One must wonder - What about Joshua Chapter 5:13-15, and/or perhaps Isaiah Chapter 57:14-21?!! Religion is conveniently blamed for many tragedies, and at times that is at least partially correct. Yet it is not properly practiced religious faith that is ultimately responsible for wars & misunderstandings, although politics & opposing cultures use such as a convenient excuse/manipulating tacktick - parasites, without sight?! It is actually excess greed/the love of money that is the root of evil, and the hunger for worldly power that is often the worst expression of such. When I see/hear of religions accused for the tragedies on all sides of the middle east, or opportunistic funeral disruptive west burro/jackasses shamefully misrepresenting religion, or facebook people posting their own obvious authority figures/parental resentment issues while simultaneously blaming The Church for their own immature hypocrisy/sinful indulgences by filming things such as I hate religion, but I love Jesus - it saddens me woefully, that I individually cannot adequately address each of those misunderstandings much more perSonally with pleading compassions of explanations & facilitated mutual understandings. Let me offer this little peace of thought from a Christian perspective though, for some too hopefully consider without bias - If you like that there are hospitals, universities, and so many additional benevolent benefits that many societies enjoy today, then thank The Church & ultimately GOD..., because if you knew your History, then you would know where theyre coming from?! Often I hear people say theyre Spiritual, but not religious, however; the reality is that most people, if not everybody, comes from & still needs the nurturing of some structure & tradition, if not taken to a gluttonous excess of Self righteousness and/or strict reliance upon such. Keeping the balances of layers & priorities can be a challenge, yet True Spirituality will inevitably eventually manifest. So in order too keep my flashLight batteries charged, with hopes to also have Light for manifesting too others, I do - attend Church. I Am glad its there too attend, in spite of any admittedly human aspects of imperfection. Even so, its deeper than that, too wit: Like Rainman again says, Dont forget to carry The One!, or most poignantly - Let The One carry you too! The Church, & Holy Spirit manifested - We realeyes the metafors a little better perhaps, when recognizing that E=mC2 is a reciprocal equation?! Eternal Spirit is, no matter - What?!?! What is the point too see/hear - perhaps for everybody too stop pointing at everybody else?! So mad, & sad - seems the state of the world. The Blues - lets get real, doesnt everybody have them sometimes? Perhaps you then can compassionately relate to the apparent unending tragedies & hurts of humanity, and the healing hope of reconciling atonement that Christians feel when really understanding/reading the blues music of Isaiah Chapter 53? One day perhaps the sky will not have need of clouds, yet until then we try to realeyes with-In our consciousness the hope of Christ The Way, Truth, & Life... + The second Messianic Law of Love is two, Love your neighbor as yourself / do unto others as youd have them do unto you. All colors of the full spectrum are actually combined in order to make the brightest white Light, and yet One color certainly opens a door of healing & reconciliation to GOD for the hearts of mankindin the world, but not of it. GOD The Most High, has already graciously given tHis One instrument that sings a song of everlasting Love... C blues harp Cross in the key of G... + Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved..., and not only for ours, but for the sins of the whole world. Psalms 150 - We faithfully pray that you hear tHis song, to be shared as we go on dancing together. On The One, I Feel Good! One, two, three, four - In The Way, Truth, Life, & Love To Be we shall all dress in robes washed whiter than snow, When The Saints Go Marching In. Peace, In Christ Love... + John Christopher / Rainman
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 09:12:08 +0000

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