Amazing!! Well weve all made it through another year of - TopicsExpress


Amazing!! Well weve all made it through another year of wonderment and mayhem. Id like to take a bit of time to throw out the top pieces of news in my life. Since I dont post many personal pictures....other than the little stupid sayings or my support towards people or events in our social history. -Many of you know I helped to train several new officers into this wonderful family of service. It has been education for all of us and I would not take any of it back, well except for the lack of fishing time....LOL You guys owe me!! -Something new to my life, well a switch anyway. I have taken up the sport of airsoft. It now replaces my paintball itch from years ago. although only going a few times I am hoping this increases as it is a whole lot easier on my check book. -Still on the dating scene. having gone on actually quite a few over the last few months...although they are only for lunch or dinner. Its has been an education.... Let me elaborate and Im glad I havent friended them on Facebook...LOL. Aparently as of late I have been going out with some really DUMB individuals.... One says her favorite place to shop out of all the places to go shopping is WALMART....?? Yeah, left me speachless for once too!! Besides the Walmart issue she was dumber than a bag of hammers....just plain common sence stupid and she has kids which she is passing on the dumb gene to as well. The next elligible bachelorette who I was setup with by a mutual friend who will remain anynomous, decided to light up a Marajuana joint in my car not more than 2 minutes after getting in....OH and by the way, I had to move my POLICE hat and POLICE jacket and duty bag from the front seat to the back...And Im absolutely positive she could see the POLICE ebloms as they were face up and not dow as they usually are... And so Im a PRICK now for kicking her out of my car and making her walk or get a taxi back to her vehicle instead of taking her on a one way ride to the Marshfield POLICE Station...LOL The others have by far not been as bad as these two but have been educational. So my appologies to the young ladies that I dated before this last summer and never gave another chance to. Who knows maybe our paths will cross once again one day. I wont bore anyone anymore with my little tale. As tomorrow is New Yearss Eve and My birthday as well as a couple of friends of mine(same day different vintage), maybe I will see some of you out and about. Ill be the bug guy all dressed up for a good time. And for those of you who I wont ....have a HAPPY NEW YEAR and/or HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! And if I miss spelled some words(Grammar Police) Tough!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 01:43:38 +0000

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