Amazing appointment changed missed the way thinking of Gods love - TopicsExpress


Amazing appointment changed missed the way thinking of Gods love God to my stop I got a call the guy who I helped Gods be ministring to him about love in God for his life he said Im glad you spoke to me again . Gods beingv doing work and I feel men get scared to say can I wallk you down . Brothers are suppose to its not about the ungody worlds thoughts if your a Godly man think Godly . Righteous women will only think thankyou for being there . Godly women dont think like worlds behaviour ! Men who are genuninely Godly trained in understanding what the Fathers heart is saying do care with the reflection of his righteousnes heart only obedient to him not worring what man should say for your character shouldnt be shaken by the wind but strong in God. He was blessed . Thankyou yes Gods going to bring that right one but prophesy his word in your life seek God and keep with Godly people focus is God . He was touched to believe again. One guy on train was young guy and was potite I had enough I said I m so proud of you and im over women being abused men abused its time to reward these guys that do have manners who do hear the Fathers heart and show women as brothers who will say lean on me I help being in God realionships its about Gods character not your pride. God s love Men is a reflection of a righteous Fathers heart its his love that physical protects a women and fun friendship starts. Bring Gods love back to this world starts with you stepping into Gods character pick her up take her out friendships heal..
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 06:16:45 +0000

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