Amazing fact: FYI, sorry for long post (warning) and for broken - TopicsExpress


Amazing fact: FYI, sorry for long post (warning) and for broken a.k.a not-so-good English (I’m really bad at writing stuff) plus tonnes of anatomy and physiology stuff in it. When slaughtering the animal to make it halal meat (permissible meat) you need to cut the throat, esophagus, carotid and jugular vein. Sounds cruel right but take a look first. It is not advisable to completely cut the head of the animal in Islam. As long as those 4 things above cut in one stroke using a sharp knife without lifting it and the name of Allah mentioned, nah, you get halal meat. Simple work done for us and what we don’t know is, the animal feel no pain. Why? Well, both artery and vein cut. Brain is one of the most blood (oxygen) consumers (around 20-25%) and brain got not glucose storage (glycogen). So, what happen after this? Brain deprived oxygen, no glucose, no energy then they faint and fall into sleep. In fact, they fell into a deep sleep. Well, I don’t want to get in details about NREM and REM sleep here. Too much term need to be explained though. Btw, medically, halal meat much much more healthy because both blood vessels cut. What happen is, heart will pump and continuously pump the blood to meet the demand of brain but the blood flow out of the carotid and blood from brain out from the jugular. Eventually, no or a very small amount of blood will present in the vessels. At this stage u get blood-free-meat a.k.a no bacteria growing medium in your food. Bravo! Why name of Allah need to be mentioned? Muslim believed that Allah is the creator of all creations. Allah is the owner in other words. So, what Muslim do is just to ask permission from the Creator of that animals. FYI, other conditions I forgot to mention are the process need to be done by a sane muslim, not in front of other animals and animal need to be alive and not contaminated or infected with diseases. Alive part is important because once animal died but then a Muslim slaughter the animal with the name of Allah, it is not becoming a halal meat! Btw, not all animals need to be slaughtered and not all can be eaten. Please watch this video for better explanation.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 11:14:17 +0000

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