Amazing saga: Stop Common Core in Louisiana Brandi - TopicsExpress


Amazing saga: Stop Common Core in Louisiana Brandi Sharpton Algebra I Teacher Sam Houston High School I am the parent of 2nd and 7th grader in the public school system as well as a 15 year high school math educator in a public school in Calcasieu Parish. Because I know that our education system is long overdue for some updates and changes, I spent the last year assessing Common Core as both a parent and an educator, and Ive done my best to embrace Common Core. Though the idea of having common standards and supposedly streamlining standards to allow teachers to teach deeper sounds so appealing, I have found that to be an untruth told by those promoting CCSS. After much thought, laborious preparation, and earnestly trying to make it work, I cannot support Common Core and especially PARCC assessments. As an expert in my field and an involved parent, I feel like it is important for others to hear my opinion. One major problem that I have with Common Core math standards is that the concepts are being introduced to children who are not conceptually ready for them. Im definitely a supporter of raising standards, but raising them this way will only serve to make the gaps bigger and frustration levels higher. I especially have a problem with Eureka math the math curriculum that was chosen for K-8 in Calcasieu Parish. It is is absolutely absurd to try to teach math using their techniques, and I cannot believe that we have bought in to such ridiculousness in the name of educational reform. Though I have a Bachelors Degree in Math Education, I spend hours each night trying to figure out how to reteach this nonsense to my 2nd grader. She has an excellent teacher at an excellent school who is doing her best to teach the information, but because the curriculum is developmentally inappropriate for the students, frustrations are continuing to grow. My child cries almost every night, because she is so exhausted from trying so hard to understand it. This child who normally loves school declares that she does not like it anymore. I can not allow this curriculum and these standards to set a negative tone about learning that will effect her for the rest of her life. I can only imagine the long-term effects for the students that I will teach in the coming years. Not only will they be lacking in their mastery of basic facts, but many of them will come to me with a great dislike for math. Not a good combo for trying to learn Algebra. I also fear that this raising of standards will cause students to just give up on education in general, because the standards are being raised to unrealistic and unnatural levels. One of our main duties as teachers is to teach children to be life-long learners and to enjoy learning, and frankly theres no time for fun in school these days. If we do not stand up for our children now, I believe that disaster awaits. Because at this time at the high school level I am not required to teach a concept using a specific strategy, it doesnt seem unnatural or forced, and Im able to still use creativity when it comes to reaching students. I can only imagine the frustrations being felt by the teachers in lower grades who are being forced to use techniques that are not natural to them and are even scripted by Eureka Math so they can try to re-deliver it to their students. I have many friends who teach K - 8 who are at the point of despair because the joy of teaching is being ripped away from them, and it saddens me greatly. One of the most rewarding parts of a teachers job comes through the random teachable moments which are not on the lesson plan or scripted. Sadly these moments that we are able to connect with our students are becoming fewer as we lose control of our classrooms. I am not a jump-on-the-bandwagon or squeaky wheel kind of girl. I am not speaking my mind in haste or just because of a few hard homework problems. I am an educated professional that has researched, sat on Common Core committees, and tried in earnest to see the good in this educational shift. I have decided to draw a line in the sand and stand up for my children and the children of our parish. Though it seems it is taboo for teachers to speak out these days, I know that I am doing the right thing. It will be important for us to unite on this matter, so please be sure to attend the Town Hall meeting at Sam Houston High School on Monday, September 29 @ 5:30 sponsored by Brett Geymann our State Representative. Brandi Sharpton Algebra I Teacher Sam Houston High School
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 01:14:11 +0000

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