Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary : H.E. Mr Andrzej - TopicsExpress


Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary : H.E. Mr Andrzej Cieszkowski Your excellency Ambassador Andrzej Cieszkowski Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University is planning to hold the whole cycle of scientific –-cultural events which is called “Georgia as it is seen by the World and the World as it is seen by Georgia”. The first stage of the cycle represents the International conference called “Contemporary Georgian State viewed by the Georgia itself and the World “ and cultural event Georgian Cultures Days “The earth is a temple and the heaven is its dome ” the words from the poem of the first president of Georgia Zviad Gamsakhurdia “Resurrection”. The event is dedicated to the day of independence of Georgia, to the birthday of the national hero Merab Kostava and the International day of the museums. The event will be hold on May 18-26 - -2014. It will start on May 18 on the International day of the Museums and on 26 of May the day of Independence of Georgia will join the national holiday. Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Center for the World Cultures Religious Bases and Relations along with Merab Kostava Memorial- House –Museum, Zviad Gamsakhurdia society in the Netherlands, National section of Georgia of the International society for Human Rights (IGFM-ISHR) are organizers of the event. The aim of the event is to show the main direction of the new epoch, processes connected with the time of struggle for the independence and democracy, displacements in the mind of the world people connected with the process of liberation from the Soviet, totalitarian ideology, the tendencies of world ideological development, process of forming of the contemporary, independent and democratic states and on the background of all these bring to light the role of the national hero Merab Kostava in these processes. Besides the event makes its aim to evaluate the history of Georgian State and from this standpoint bring to light its main directions, to give the scientific explanation of these processes. The intercultural, political, religious etc. dialogue, the evaluation of the contemporary Georgian state by the international society from this foreshortening will also take place. The direction of the event is in tune with the words of the first president of Georgia Zviad Gamsakhurdia “We will defeat our enemies so that they will win with us. “ and is also in tune with the standpoint of the patriarch of Georgia Ilia II expressed in the Easter epistle concerning the reevaluation of some chapters of the Georgian history and as the result of it the possibility of some of them to be written anew . Namely this kind of approach concerning the issues of the event represents the essential ideological direction of the state governing of the presidents Zviad Gamsakhurdia and Mikheil Saakashvili. The Georgian and foreign scientists, cultural workers, politicians, clergy, experts, businessmen , students, the pupils will take part in the event. It is planned for the Cathalicoss of all Georgia, leaders of the state of Georgia , parliament and the government to be invited to the event. Besides the event and namely the conference will give the explanation of the notions of the contemporary state and its attributes, will bring to light tabooed or distorted issues and it is of great importance for our state and contemporary epoch. The event will make it possible to place the received in 1990-1991 by Supreme Council of Georgia and today Parliament advantageous decisions in a single whole juridical, political, economical, cultural etc. space. Right from this angle the theoretical evaluation of the contemporary Georgian state, its integration and peaceful coexistence in today’s progressive world will be made. Besides our centers initiative is the name of the national hero Merab Kostava to be given to the non-governmental -organization “ Public Institute of the Cultures Research “, established by the founders of center , to hold and award the Merab Kostava competitions, prizes. In our opinion the event will have the commercial effect. Dear Ambassador Cieszkowski! It is important to know that TSU center for the world cultures religious bases and relations -the main organizer of the event was founded at the great for our country time of liberation of Georgia from the Soviet Empire and the great changes going in the world -by the ukaz of the first president of Georgia Zviad Gamsakhurdia , by the establishment of the decision of the social-humanitarian Committee of the Supreme Council of Georgia , recommendation of the Georgian scientists and cultures workers and has its aim of reorganization of the Soviet educational system of Georgia on the bases of the national-religious outlook, popularization of Georgian culture abroad and foreign culture in Georgia, cultures dialogue and integration of Georgian culture in the net of the world cultures. Center began its functioning at Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University by the blessing of patriarch of all Georgia Ilia II and the recommendation and solicitation of the president of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili. The founders of the center are also the members of the Supreme Council of Georgia, scientists and cultures workers: Shalva Tsiklauri-member of the Supreme Council of Georgia, chairman of Zviad Gamsakhurdia society in the Netherlands, member of Helsinki group of Georgia and Netherlands, painter, poet. Bimurza Aprasidze-Dadeshkeliani –member of the Supreme Council of Georgia ,the chairman of the international committee of the Supreme Council of Georgia , doctor of the sociological sciences, professor . Avtandil Davitaia -chairman of the National Section of the International Society for Human Rights (IGFM-ISHR), honored professor, the head of the monitoring mission of IGFM – ISHR of the election of the president of Georgia October 27, 2013 Tamar Apridonidze- the head of the center “W.C.R.B.R” at TSU, culturologist, painter, icon painter, director of the non-government- organization ‘Public Institute of cultures research”, director of cultures business center LTD “Lari”, specialist of the Russian and English languages, member of Zviad Gamsakhurdia society in the Netherlands, member of the National Section of the International Society for Human Rights (IGFM-ISHR), Mamuka Tavkhelidze –doctor of the pedagogical sciences, professor, member of the Round Table experts society in Oxford, president of the Academy of Education ( non-government organization) , honored academician, rector of Grigol Robakidze University in Georgia. Georgi Apridonidze- the head of the digitalization of the National Scientific library, director of the analytical center of research and digitalization - Georgia as the part of tzar and Soviet Russia “, historian, philologist, specialist of the new techniques and technology, Dear Ambassador! I would like to inform you that Georgian and international ,educational and cultural institutions, organizations , scientific centers etc. - scientists ,clergy, non-governmental organizations cultural workers, politicians, experts, students ,pupils ,business circles are involved in the activities of the center and the event but you know well the difficulties of the post soviet organizations which take roots to the national and international values in the transitional ,post soviet epoch. Only from 2003 by the blessing of patriarch of Georgia Ilia II and by the recommendations of the statesmen and the TSU administration we started our legal activities on the voluntary bases. Only once in 2005 the center’s project “St King Tamar was financed by the Rector of TSU University. Today Merab Kostava and Zviad Gamsakhurdi a activity is going to be highly evaluated. I think it is known that his Excellency president of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili had awarded name of the hero to the first president of Georgia Zviad Gamsakhurdia and national hero Merab Kostava before retirement thus once more promoting to the activity of our center. To fulfill the action plan of the center and this great event the coordinative Council with the participation of Georgian and foreign partners is organized. Dear Ambassador Andrzel Cieskowski! Our great desire you as an Ambassador of Poland Embassy in Georgia who made the great contribution in the post soviet epoch in our struggle for the independence, for the Polish –Georgian relations not only to take the part in this great event but to be a mediator of the Polish-Georgian relations, to cooperate with the founders of our center. WE would be grateful in case of your consent and will send our center action plan and the program of the event. Thus we have the possibility to discuss the details of our relations at the event, details of the fact in what foreshortening will Poland take the place in the event. I would like to inform you that the center is also planning to hold the Poland Cultures days in Georgia. Looking forward to your answer Sincerely yours The head of TSU center World cultures for the Religious bases and Relations, member of Zviad Gamsakhurdia society in the Netherlands, Member of the national Section of the International Society for Human rights (IGFM-ISHR) Tamar Apridonidze Contact information; e-mail [email protected], [email protected] see Tamar Apridonidze facebook, page on the facebook – you (Tamar Apridonidze) and Mikheil Saakashvili Mobile telephone (995)593 46 95 93, home (995)2292846
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 12:20:30 +0000

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