Amber stood beside the window of her classroom feeling helpless as - TopicsExpress


Amber stood beside the window of her classroom feeling helpless as the children shouted and screamed so loud that the shouting and screaming could be heard out in the hall. One boy threw chalk at another boy. This set the two boys to punching and fighting. She said, “Stop that. Stop this instant.” The boys did not stop. A little girl started screaming in the back of the room. Her hair was caught in her desk. This had gone on for too long. Amber could feel the attention of the small elementary school focusing on her uncontrolled room, and she knew that it would coalesce into the form of her Principal, Mr. Knorm, appearing in the bright green doorframe of her class room. That would not be good. She said, “I’m going to count to ten.” The pandemonium continued. She didn’t know what she would do if she reached ten. They did not know either. They felt her weakness, and grew louder in defiance. One of the boys from the scuffle had definitely lost, and the other little boy was still holding him on the ground. Amber said, “One,” and started trying to pull the two boys apart. They were so strong for children. “Two” They threw her off. She gave up. She moved to help the little girl with her hair stuck. The girl was frantic. She scratched at Amber, clawing her wrists. Amber sat down and counted. “Three… Four… Five… Six… Seven… Eight…” She paused. The class seemed to respond. They were thinking it through. They would decide whether to comply or not soon. Amber felt a little hope. “Nine.” There were two beautiful moments of silence, and the noise surged in again louder than before. She could hear the click of expensive shoes moving down the old tile floor outside. She dropped her head. “Ten.” Just then, the window shattered as something small and black shot threw it. The thing grew into a basket ball sized shadowy thing bouncing around the room and shoving children into their seats. It continued to grow loosing it’s definite ball-like form for something more misty, shadowy black swirling around the children. It whispered things amber could not understand. She watched as it stopped beside each child whispering what she knew must have been the worst possible thing, the awful gibberish. After each child heard the awful gibberish he or she would sit calmly in her desk. In no time the room was calm, quiet, with attentive but frightened children sitting up straight in their seats. The black shadowy thing moved to the front of the room and gained substantial form again. It looked like a man 9 feet tall with dead eyes and horns. It’s skin was like slug skin with sticky wet slimy stuff running down it. The thing had drool running down it’s chin when it shouted, “Ragatab! Mookal do no den a’lightshm! Ra!!” It patted Amber on the shoulder. Its murderous face smiled. Then it ran and jumped out the window just as Mr. Knorm appeared in her doorway. She said, “The window broke. The kids got a little rowdy. I’ve got them under control now.”
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 15:34:43 +0000

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