Ambition Mine is no glorious ambition, no grandiose dream, I - TopicsExpress


Ambition Mine is no glorious ambition, no grandiose dream, I desire no complicated, millionnaire schemes. My ambition is quiet, simplistically small, its as old as the earliest, Neanderthal. The sweet rhythms of your company, your tender embrace, your comforting, steadfast attentions, the smile on your face. The poem you have just read is a poem written by Beej Weathers, a dear friend of mine. I thought Id analyze it first and give you my look on it, my interpretation. I think it is beautiful, in fact I very much wanted to use it in this post, share it with you. To me the first paragraph is about ambition being personal, it doesnt have tot be grandiose or complicated, but its yours. The second paragraph describes beautifully the essence of ambition. It has kept the boat of humanity floating. Its old, its quiet, a burning desire. The third paragraph is about Beejs ambition I think. I think shes ready to do a whole lot of things to get to the mentioned destination; your company, embrace, comforting, attention and smile. Although I have no clue who shes talking about. Now, having said that I now wanted to get into ambition. Explore it for a little bit, delve into it. As I have said before, it feels like so many people that I come across go through their lives near unconsciously, all ambitions seem to be dead. No wishes, no idealogies and if there are any, they are too superficial to be mentioned, or too materialistic, which is disappointing. As for myself, Ive always had the ambition to gather as much knowledge as I possibly could and to share it, to observe, to be a philosopher, a writer, a story-teller and a speaker. Then there are those with the ambition to change the world; Martin Luther King, Mohandas Karamchand Ghandi, Thomas Jefferson, John Lennon, even David Rockefeller, Stalin and Adolf Hitler. Whether or not they did a good job of it is not the topic. Ambition is the driving force that keeps us progressing and sometimes quite the opposite. Those that toke down the WTC on 9/11 were highly ambitious too. Heres my take; However much of a difference ambition might make, we do not need it, we do not need all this progress. Let me explain why. Ill give you an analogy. In Lord of the Rings Online, a massive multip(l)ayer online role p(l)aying game theres many a thing one can do. one of the first and most obvious things to do is to reach max level (level 85), you can go through different regions, offering different level zones to level in to reach this goal. Another goal is to complete all deeds so that you may play the game far more effectively, as youll be a whole lot mightier. Alot of people will simply shoot for the stars and land in the mud, theyll be weak level 85s. I think it is thus with our society and ambition. This society has been shaped by many ambitious people, yet none of the deeds are done, or only a few. The Native Americans have been ridiculed throughout the last 300 years to fit the agenda of slaughtering them, you see, desentisized people that feel such slaughter is justified are bound to offer their silent obedient consent. So, we do not know for sure what is and what is not true about the Native American people as a result (history is written by the victor, as Napoleon Bonaparte said, so we dont need his-story, we need the truth). The reason I bring up the Native American people is because these people seemed to have no ambitions. If you read into their recorded wisdoms they come across as a very friendly people, theyre one with nature and wiser than the western world has been over the last 2500 years and to me it is a big scandal how they were treated. We could have learned so much, but we were ambitious to turn the world into our own little paradise and in our arrogance and selfishness slaughtered a people that may have been more valuable than well ever know. The Native Americans predicted our downfall too, by saying something amongst the lines of: When the white man has cut down the last tree only then will he realize there are no more trees left for him, had he not been greedy theyd be in abundance. Now, by stating that I do not think any ambitions is needed, I do not discourage it. But I think we should teach and practice self-restraint and not go all the way all the time, only fools rush in. And what ever happened to virtue and self-reflection? Have we lost our basic rules to live by? Or do we need our governments for every aspect of our life? Ask big daddy state. When do we (society as a whole) start to look for peace, go fixing troubles instead of chasing after the latest technologic gadgets? Why dont we make sure poor people are fed instead of producing (as a nation) 4 times the food supply it needs? When do we start apologizing for our racism, discrimination, prejudice and our mistakes instead of burning our emotional energy on The Bold and the Beautiful? When do we start determining our own destination, make amends with our past instead of dreaming away, watching the Oprah show? When do we start to look for real truth and start to engage in true thought instead of clinging onto every word of mass media? When do we start giving something away instead of taking all the time? When do we start helping an old lady cross the street instead of impatiently running past her? There youve some beautiful ambitions for all of us. Im sure there are many more I havent even thought of. We can do FAR better than this! When will we prove it? I say start RIGHT NOW. I know I have, albeit in my own small and humble way, like my ambitions. This world needs your love, commitment to the right thing and your compassion. Just imagine: youtube/watch?v=XLgYAHHkPFs
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 22:49:27 +0000

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