Amen, Brother Rob!!!... Rob Skiba on X-mess... I find it rather - TopicsExpress


Amen, Brother Rob!!!... Rob Skiba on X-mess... I find it rather humorous/sad that whenever I talk against X-mess, whether nicely or bluntly, people accuse me of being divisive, harsh and unloving. Looking at the various responses I often see, I take this to mean: 1) Dont be divisive with all this truth stuff. Wed rather stay unified in our perpetuation of lies, which promote our love of Nimrod honoring traditions of men over the Holy Word of God, so shut up and just post pictures of cute cats, bicycle riding dogs, Weird Al videos and giggling babies. 2) Dont be so harsh in exposing the above. Leave me alone in the sweet bliss of my pagan and entirely unbiblical traditions and well all be fine. 3) I told you to leave me alone! STOP POSTING THE TRUTH ALL THE TIME! Im singing I wanna know what love is... because I have forgotten that Scripture teaches, Love does NOT delight in evil but rejoices with the TRUTH. (1 Cor. 13:6) and that we are supposed to worship God in spirit AND in TRUTH (John 4:24) and that to YHWH, love means obedience to His commandments: 1 John 5: 2 By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. 3 For THIS IS THE LOVE OF GOD, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. Of course, some of you will read this and think Im still being divisive, harsh and unloving... oh well. Might as well de-friend me now, because Im not going to stop putting these truths in front of you. Sometimes Ill do it with peaches and cream and a smile on my face. Other times, Ill be taking out the bull horn and screaming, COME OUT OF BABYLON!! But rest assured, I will be sounding this alarm. If my research concerning Nimrod is true, I would be a FAILURE to YHWH if I did not share what I believe He has revealed to me. Either way, by the time X-mess rolls around MAYBE you will finally get sick of the whole thing and get back to doing what YHWH actually says instead of agreeing with what lying pastors are saying every year concerning December 25th. Its time we hold them responsible for what they are teaching because most of the things we believe (right and wrong) we got from them. And when a pastor tells you point-blank that he KNOWS Jesus was NOT born on Dec. 25th, yet you all will be singing born this day... songs, and passing out cards and hanging Happy Birthday Jesus banners beside their Nimrod phallic symbols, you need to ask him why he is lying to himself and to you, your family and friends. Then ask him what else he is lying to you about, because if he cant get the birth of your Savior right, how are you to believe he has the rest of the story right? Am I perfect and sinless? No. Not claiming to be either. Nor am I setting myself up as a judge over you. I have plenty of telephone poles to remove from my eyes too. However, once I learned the truth concerning X-mess, Easter and a lot of other garbage the Church promotes on a regular basis, I could never go back - even though I once LOVED my pagan traditions just as much as many of you do. But the fact of the matter is, I love YHWH more. And Im sick of others trying to get me to come back to the pig slop I left behind and ridiculing and black-listing me for leaving it. Once my eyes were opened, I began to see the deception SO pervasive in the Church and it is shocking. I see the signs of the times, and the call to COME OUT OF BABYLON and it truly frightens me how many Christians would rather stay. Look around. Plagues are coming folks. We are not appointed unto wrath but if we decide to stay where we are told to leave, you will get what was never meant for you. Now more than ever its time to get serious. Regardless, at least at this point, you can no longer claim, But Lord, I didnt know.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 21:16:37 +0000

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