Amen~ Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of children. Thank - TopicsExpress


Amen~ Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of children. Thank You that before time began You knew these families and friends would be interconnected through Your Holy Spirit. We humbly come before You today recognizing these children are only on loan to us. As each year passes, they become more and more Yours, not ours. We ask You to help us release them to You so that You can accomplish Your will for their lives. How hard it is to let go. Help us as parents, families, and friends to get out of the way so that You can accomplish Your work in their lives. Help us to trust You. Give us the grace to wait on You. Your timing, Father is perfect. Father, we pray that each one will know the depth of Your great love for them and know that You gave Your Son so that they could have life forever with You! Father, we pray that they will call upon Your Son Jesus and confess Him as Lord and Savior of their lives. Father, we pray they will develop a great love for You and a deep desire to have a personal relationship with You. Father, we ask that You cultivate in each one a heart of prayer. Lead them to depend solely upon You for their every need. Father, we thank You that You created them with a specific plan and purpose for their lives. Thank You that they are valuable and precious in Your sight. Father, give them the mind of Christ that is theirs in You and help them to fully know and love who they are in You and this great plan You have for them. Father, we pray Your protection over them by the covering of the blood of Jesus. Give them discernment to recognize Satan’s lies and temptations. Grant them extraordinary wisdom and strength to combat Satan’s work through the power of Your Holy Spirit. Father, may each of them know how extravagantly and unconditionally You love them…that You will never leave them or forsake them no matter what they do. May they be secure in that knowledge. Show them in very personal and powerful ways how wide and high and deep and long is Your love. Father, we pray that they will treasure Your Word above all the riches in this world. Give them a hunger to read it and learn it. Teach them to love it and live their lives according to it. Father, write Your Word on their hearts. Give them a heart to understand and obey it above all else. Move their hearts to live their lives according to Your Word…to live a life that honors and glorifies You in all they say and do. Father, we pray that they will honor their bodies as Your temple and keep themselves pure in every way. Instill in them that they are created in Your image and are worthy of Your highest and best for their lives. Father, teach them to submit to those placed in authority over them. Father, give them hearts of humility. Protect their hearts, keep them free of rebellion and disobedience. Father, draw godly friends and mentors into their lives. Give them friends who are true, wise, kind, and encouraging. Give them great discernment as they choose those whom they will date. May all dating relationships make You the center and honor You. Father, we ask that Your Truth will reign supreme in their hearts and minds. May they base their lives on the Truth of Your Word and not the lies of this world. We ask that they daily renew their minds with Your Truth and keep their thoughts on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, excellent, and worthy of praise. Father, teach our children to trust in You with all their heart, lean not on their own understanding, and in all their ways acknowledge You so that You will direct their paths. Father, fill our children with Your joy…not happiness…but true joy found only in You. Father, consume their hearts so that they desire only You. Protect them from being people pleasers. May they stand confidently in who they are in You! Father, we pray the armor of God over our children: the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the sword of the Spirit, the shield of faith, the belt of truth, and the shoes of the gospel of peace. Father, plant Your love, Your presence, and Your Word deep within their hearts. May Your Word reach into the marrow of their bones and ignite a passion that is unquenchable. Cause them to love You with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength and let NOTHING override that passion. Father, as they spend their days at school, let them be stand apart. May they be light in darkness, joy in sadness, peace in discontent, and order in chaos. Let their character and integrity shine forth like the sun! In their schools, Father, we pray that Your Word and the fear of the Lord would be the basis of wisdom and instruction. Father, we ask that You take our prayers and blanket each school, placing them under the shadow of Your wing. For those teachers that believe in You, strengthen them and uphold them with Your mighty right hand. Father, give them an extra measure of wisdom, knowledge, and revelation to excel as teachers and shine in darkness. Provide them with opportunities to share their faith with faculty, staff, and administration and give them the courage to do it. We pray for every level of administration. We pray for wisdom beyond comprehension as they make decisions for the schools and school systems. We pray divine direction. We pray that You would direct the steps of those making decisions for our children. Make Your way clear and place those who walk with You in places of authority and decision-making. Bless their efforts. Give them favor. Through Young Life, church youth groups, and other student ministries, use leaders and students to sweep each school with revival and evangelism. Guide, bless, and empower the leaders and students through the power of Your Holy Spirit. Go before them and open doors. Father, we boldly ask for many to come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior and yield their lives to Christ. Father, as we end our time in prayer, we boldly as that You would grow each of our children in wisdom and stature and favor with God and with man. Thank You in advance for all You will do in and through our prayers. We ask this in the powerful name of Jesus Christ our Lord! Please leave a prayer today for any child, teacher, leader, or school who is on your heart today. Let’s storm the gates of heaven for our children and our schools today!~
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 22:24:28 +0000

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