Amen! Louie Gohmert to Challenge Worthless Boehner for - TopicsExpress


Amen! Louie Gohmert to Challenge Worthless Boehner for Speaker We learned Friday that a new poll of Republican voters done by Pat Caddell’s organization had some bad news for Boehner. A whopping 60% of Republican voters want a new Speaker of the House selected for the incoming Congress. Yes,Sixty Percent! Say, isn’t that the number of intelligence briefings Obama failed to attend? breitbart/big-government/2015/01/02/poll-republican-voters-overwhelmingly-want-members-to-remove-boehner-as-speaker/ And even today, more Republicans have come forward and said they will not support Boehner! dailycaller/2015/01/04/more-republicans-say-they-wont-support-boehner-for-speaker/ Well, theres some good news.... Representative Louie Gohmert (R-TX) announced this morning on Fox and Friends that he is running for Speaker of the House. He vows to fight Amnesty, Obamacare and to go back to return to regular order in how the House conducts it’s business. Louie Gohmert has an A rating at NumbersUSA and has vowed that he will truly fight against Obamas amnesty for illegal aliens, he will fight to repeal Obamacare, and he plans to restore the normal order of business in the US Congress so that committees function as they should and each Americans Representative has a voice. This would be a major step towards restoring America because both Boehner and Pelosi have been running Congress like their Dictator pal Obama! https://numbersusa/content/my/congress/1191/reportcard/RECENT/ The worthless crybaby John Boehner uses his position to amass scads of money and the power that comes with it. He uses committee chairmanships as a way to reward his friends and punish the Conservatives who refuse to bend to his will. He doles out or withholds campaign funds in order to buy support from fellow Republicans. And if he can’t get your support, he gets downright vengeful. Which answers the question, what kind of drunk is Boehner? Turns out, he’s a mean drunk. The only guy in Washington who is more spiteful and vindictive than John Boehner is the guy at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Daniel Horowitz points out in Breitbart that it would only take 29 Conservatives to stand up to the Mean Girl Boehner and we could usher in a new era within the Republican House to go along with its historic majority. Are there twenty-eight more principled men to follow the lead of Louie Gohmert that he would not support the Mean Girl? breitbart/big-government/2015/01/02/29-conservatives-can-oust-boehner-as-speaker/ Weeping Boehner’s power would evaporate if he loses his place as Speaker. The wealthy special interests, like the US Chamber of Commerce, that back him would flee from him like rats from a sinking ship. Let’s face it. They’re behind him because he is Speaker. We need Someone with principles. Someone with strength of character. Someone with steel-spined courage. Someone who can put some “leadership” back into the Republican Leadership. Someone with balls. In other words. A conservative like Louie Gohmert!
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 03:04:40 +0000

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