Amen. My rant of the day: Lets be clear. For the rich not paying - TopicsExpress


Amen. My rant of the day: Lets be clear. For the rich not paying taxes, for the industry-feeding wars, for our crumbling infrastructure, for the disappearing middle class, for the oligarchy supplanting our democracy, blame can be placed firmly on one side of the aisle only -- the side naturally supported by the Koch brothers and the Sheldon Adlesons and all the greedy me-first flag-waving Bible-thumping hypocritical veiled racists who would suppress voting rights and begrudge help for the poor and unemployed -- who betray the principles upon which this country was founded -- the GOP. Is there waste in our budget? Sure. It is but a tiny fraction, however, of the leeching done by corporate lobbies which buy politicians and deregulation and tax breaks, ship jobs overseas, then cart their cash to the Caymans. Ive grown quite weary of the theyre all bums argument. They may well be. But since trickle-down Reagan, we have been more fiscally conservative with our own citizenry than any country in the civilized world -- the only one, in fact, to attach healthcare to employment, not recognizing it as a basic right...which, by the way, has created a system that is rated 26th globally and costs us more than twice as much as the nearest competitor thanks, again, to unregulated corporate profit skimming. Job-creator-favoring policies have only made the rich richer. Final news flash: Though the Soviet Union has been quelled, our Cheney/Bush-incited destabilizing wars have awakened that and other sleeping dragons around the world. As for prosperity here, look our darkening cities and failing roads and bridges. Drive through Detroit, or even Cleveland. Where are the high-speed rail systems of Denmark (supported by a 61% tax on Big Oil), or the renewable wind & solar energy that now provide more than 65% of German energy. Burying our heads in the sand would be bad enough. But we bury them in corporate quicksand. And it is sucking us down to our demise.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 12:11:40 +0000

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