Amen... The Book of Hosea is an awesome book (and not very long) - TopicsExpress


Amen... The Book of Hosea is an awesome book (and not very long) for husbands and EVERY ONE to read... but I specifically say Husbands because GOD calls you to love your wife as Jesus Loves His bride... so your accountability to be right even when she is wrong... to be the RIGHT kind of LEADER... to be like Jesus in your marriage is PROFOUND... Sound hard?.... well guess what ...truth is, it isnt...not for you. The good news is that you can stop believing the lies of satan and realize that GOD as created you, it is in your genetic make up from the foundation of the world to BE LIKE is in your most basic nature... if only you will realize it be able to be holy as he is holy... to choose right... to tend your Garden... to not allow satan to attack your wife, your marriage, or you... to choose purity instead of immorality.... to be patient and long suffering... to love even when your wife is unlovely... to naturally be the leader, not a tyrant or domineering or her father ... but rather love and appreciate her and show forth how Wonderful and WISE God is to give you a gift of your wife. The Book of Hosea was Holy Ghost inspired and given for two reasons... 1) For us to grasp how like Hoseas wife we ALL are... how even though we go whoring after other gods, place other things as more important, dont reverence the Lord as we should, dont obey his LOVE commands and wisdom, do not behave as the Proverbs 31 woman, are always wanting a Savior in stead of A Lord, are most of the time neglectful, etc... and in fact, most of the time, really act like the strange woman and the bickering shrew spoken of in the Word of God... God is still not harsh and hurtful or leading us toward sin or leaving us or unfaithful to us or choosing immorality, even when we give Him nothing in return... And 2) for Husband to see a carnal flesh example of how a MAN... MALE... is to cherish, appreciate, and love his wife... woman... gift from God......REGARDLESS to how she acts or whether he is getting what he should be... and in the worse case scenario.... # PRAY, get your mind and heart humbled to truly receive revelation from GOD, then read HOSEA
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 01:49:13 +0000

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