Amen my dear brother @Angelo. Amen. The funniest argument i have - TopicsExpress


Amen my dear brother @Angelo. Amen. The funniest argument i have ever heard that modern day blasphemers/prosperity preachers defending their False Blasphemous gospel of worldly prosperity for christians, of God promising worldly riches, wealth, comfort and security to His loved ones in Christ by way of false security found in money, good health, worldly riches, earthly possessions and they even claim & point to verses in the Holy Bible speaking of Spiritual riches, glorious heavenly riches In Christ, riches and treasures to be enjoyed in that Blessed Kingdom of God of Light of Christ Jesus our Lord BUT WHICH THESE DECEIVED CONCEITED CARNAL MINDED, NON-SPIRITUAL, GREED FILLED MEN & WOMEN PROCLAIMING THIS FALSE WORLDLY PROSPERITY GOSPEL CANNOT SEE, NOR COMPREHEND NOR DISCERN THE TRUTH OF GODS HOLY WORD WHICH SPEAKS TO US SO VERY CLEARLY --- Do not love the world & the things in the world, for he who loves the world and the things that are in the world does not have the love of the Father in him. Amen LORD. And never mind Jesus saying, “Do not store up for yourselves wealth here on earth, where moths and rust destroy, and burglars break in and steal. Instead, store up for yourselves wealth in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and burglars do not break in or steal. For where your wealth is, there your heart will be also. So Jesus is asking these prosperity preachers -- where is your heart??? Is it here on earth with your worldly riches, your million dollar mansions, your luxurious jet-planes, your rich & famous life-styles or is your heart and your treasures in heaven with God with Christ our Lord??? Yes right at this moment some prosperity preachers reading this might be accusing me of being jealous of their success their worldly riches, wealth, name, fame, worldly glory, their beautiful earthly mansions etc etc but TRUTH is my dear Deceived brothers -- TRUTH IS -- I CHOOSE TO TRUST THE WISDOM OF GOD OF CHRIST JESUS MY LORD WHEN HE SAID, Truly Truly I say unto you its very difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Amen Lord. And i Simply choose to trust the WISDOM of God, of Christs Words of Gods WISDOM & TRUTH. Amen LORD. I simply no longer rely on mans wisdom nor on mans understanding of TRUTH -- For eg -- the Prosperity preachers whose gospel opposes and CONTRADICTS the very Words of God of our Lord Jesus Christ. However I also honestly Confess that i do not believing in judging & Condemning people,Simply just because they are rich, nor do i dare judge & condemn sinners especially those who are still helplessly bound to the world and still hopelessly powerless over their inherent Sinful Nature having not yet been set free by the Only begotten Son of the Living God Jesus Christ our Only Saviour Blessed Redeemer & Lord. I do not dare judge nor Condemn anyone lest God my Father through Christ my Lord also Condemns me. All i am called to do, is to Proclaim TRUTH(JESUS), the True Blessed Gospel of Love and Peace of Christ Jesus and thats exactly what i will faithfully do in obedience to my Saviours Words/instructions--Now that you know me, TESTIFY. Amen Lord Jesus Amen. And also in Obedience to Gods WORD to Expose any False gospel that contradicts the One and Only True Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ as first Proclaimed by our Blessed Saviour and later by His Apostles. Amen Lord. NOW GETTING BACK TO THE FUNNY MOST ABSURD ARGUMENT OF PROSPERITY PREACHERS USING THAT VERSE--even though he was rich he became poor for our sake, so that we through his poverty might become rich. Amen Lord--- Now please tell me by what understanding or definition is a simple Carpenters son rich??? this is what amuses me, the extent of foolishness the prosperity preachers are driven to, even clutching at straws, to justify their Blasphemous False CARNAL worldly gospel of worldly prosperity. Wont you please REPENT and come back into the Blessed Light & TRUTH of the True Blessed Gospel of Christ Jesus, O my Deceived brothers & sisters. THIS IS THE TRUE EXTENT OF SPIRITUAL RICHES OF HEAVENLY RICHES THAT JESUS POSSESSED WHEN HE WALKED THE EARTH---Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels? (Matthew 26:53) And didnt Our Saviour himself say, everything that belongs to my Father belongs to me. All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you. (John 16:15) AGAIN JESUS said, And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. (Matthew 28:18) --- So my dear brothers & sis who have been misled, Deceived by your love for the world & its things, its riches(not discerning the TRUE RICHES IN CHRIST, THE GLORIOUS RICHES IN CHRIST that The Holy Bible talks about throughout its Blessed pages--- PLEASE dont let your puny CARNAL understanding of Spiritual Truth Deceive you into denying CHRIST and His Infallible Words of Gods WISDOM and TRUTH nor let your lack of understanding of the MAGNITUDE OF JESUS RICHNESS WHEN HE WALKED AMONG US (EMMANUEL) lead you to DECEIVE the Simple & naive Believers, and even catering to those of this generation which the Bible has Truthfully prophesied -- who have Itching Ears who despise TRUTH, who reject Gods TRUTH even Jesus Words of Gods WISDOM & TRUTH. REPENT All you who proclaim the False Blasphemous worldly CARNAL gospel of worldly prosperity Lest CHRIST Disown you. Amen. Much Love in Christ Jesus our Lord to All. Amen
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 07:44:56 +0000

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