#America #Future #Tehnology #News #All #Climatic MTRENew - TopicsExpress


#America #Future #Tehnology #News #All #Climatic MTRENew Scientist Peoples Climate March AMERICA dont loss The WELL of LIFE for promised lands on ALPHA CENTAURY- TO GO THERE WE NEED O TAKE WITH US ALL EARTH WATER AND VENUS AND JUPITER AND TP LET EARTH WITH NOTHINGH. {@Science}PHYSICSScientific American magazine If you love America you love the new ideea The Well of Life By Ion Murgu what was working on it at 17-th years old in a hope a Absolute Rotary engine have a solution and folowing mine Mytological legend about a Well of Life. I know a lot of people what are rich now dont more like International Right of Copyrigth and is understabil but America and the world will need it yet because not alll people will can to go on Mars. here you will see the a greatest of Physics used, what is posibil to make posibil Leonardo Da Vinci Dream and oldest isnt quanti but is posibil to change a lot into quantic too;USPTO publish second part of THE WELL OF LIFE DONT LOST AMERICAN PRIORITY The Well of Life by Ion Murguis 20000 Times a greenhouse then fusionNobel Prize claim for The Well of Life by Ion Murgu . WHO WANT TO SEE NEXT BIG SHOW OF FLYING BICYCLES, I BET ON IT.I wish first show of flying bycicles in AMERICA. (Its for equilibrium of human future I hope) Comic Until you decide Leonardo Da Vinci Dream becamed a Comedy (Is Quantic reversibility on here - Mechanic, Industry but following the Reversibility) (The biggest RPM will help quantic and Physics theory coming from another direction) Nobody want to invest hopes into My flaying bicycle We will need to land on Venus we will need it. I work a lot on it , in a hope will bring a little gravific field on Cosmic ships. Ion Murgu - The Well of Life If you take second Application and only put it near of first you will see a continuity. I bet we can to fly with a bicycle. I MADE IT POSSIBLE , I WISH TO SEE IT. YOU WILL CAN TO GO AWAY FOR ANY DANGERS WITH IT SAY NO TO IRREVERSIBILITY THE WELL OF LIFE say NOT TO aBSURD The Well of Life is coming with a new clean source of Energy. For us here Down International Rights of Copyright must to remain pure, also Human Rights and so a Leonardo Da Vinci and oldest challenge Boys isnt humor here I think finally we can Boeing, GE, GM etc. BUT EASY I WORKED FOR IT FROM 1973 IN A SENSE WITH A LOT OF GIVE-UPS AND RETURNS I am pretty sure into The Well of Life I got any totally new elements, like Ion Murgu Real Magic Angles, ... what will make possibly Leonardo Da Vinci dream, a men to flay with his proper source of energy, proper force. Isnt it a Challenge for us now into millennium 4. Millennium 3 but if we will can, can say 4 ty The Well of Life will be our future Down Here I love every NASA of the world but I am constient a lot of humans and life will remain here then to keep theirs future safety too. To proof we have a merit for it. To build The Well of Life what can to keep us out of irreversible methods of gaining energy. The Well of Life is Contained into 2 Applications at USPTO 1 M Thermodynamic resonant engine with a rotary variant. 2 Shock wave converter for M Thermodynamic resonant engine, for a electromagnetic resonant engine and for shock wave dissipate sources USPTO publish it please with priority, we will remain Down here, then must to assure it. You see I make all deposit in America, because I trusted America then dont send it into another direction using USPTO sensibility NOW. Luck Down is lucking nice you see I didnt test nothing from it because not laboratory, all is the product of mind and not artificial one google/patents/US20130228976
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 00:28:38 +0000

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