America, I have a message from God. If we dont repent as a nation, - TopicsExpress


America, I have a message from God. If we dont repent as a nation, he will give us up to our enemies. We must repent and that starts with the leaders on down. God showed me a lot over the years in dreams and visions. I just dont want to see our fall as a nation happen or as a whole for the world. There are many ways to fall, the first way is character and character come from God. By letting go of God, we destroyed pieces of our character and traded our genuine nature for legalism. Its one thing when you are good because its your will and life to do so and its another thing to do it because people are looking or doing to fulfill guideline, rules, and regulations. You dont have to fake good, just be good. Once character is gone, then the next thing that leaves is love for one another. Thats the dangerous part because we are one big family and hate blinds you to the good that is around and takes the value of good to zero or worthless when thats really not the case. Everyone in this world is worth more than what they are given credit for, if we stop and try to understand one another, then we wont make stupid decisions that cost people lives, health and well being, finances, and etc. We should never use violence as a measure for peace. This peace that people pursue, I want to ask you to ask yourself this question. Are you using violence to ensure peace or to maintain power? Is this your way of population checks and balances in the world to do your selfish affairs in closed doors? God has an answer for you and its called repentance. I repented before, others repented before but one thing I learned about repentance is that it requires action. Sometimes immediate action is required. God has showed me the fall of this nation, if this nation doesnt change soon. World leaders, who ever you are behind the scenes, God is watching you and he know what you have done. You cannot escape God, and it doesnt matter if you travel, kill tons of people, build fortresses, make colonies, or etc. You cannot escape the will of God. Pray for me and I will pray for you. Have a blessed day and this message is for the ones that God will personally point out. You have been warned by God. Dont take this lightly.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 05:09:25 +0000

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