America-Patriots Go Support the Movie “LONE SURVIVOR” Make it - TopicsExpress


America-Patriots Go Support the Movie “LONE SURVIVOR” Make it the Biggest Box Office Surprise in Support of all our Vets! MY FREEDOM is PAID BY MARCUS LUTTRELL & HIS BROTHER’S Action Plus all the other Vets from Revolutionary Wars to Present Day. Thank-You Marcus Luttrell American Hero along with his Brothers Thank-You Peter Berg Director of Lone Survivor very good job handling this story. Proceeds made from Lone Survivor will support Lone Survivor Foundation I wanted to tell you I found myself after crying and to the point of sobbing :) my inter- self/heart was feeling OUTRAGED for a couple of hours. This morning, as I recall the movie I still feel OUTRAGED. Why? Knowing how the Vets are recently a big target with Obama administration today. • 600+ backlog of disability claims (Lauren Price veteranwarriors1 • Clerics/Preachers • Religious symbols being removed (i.e. Prayer, Crosses, Bibles) • Open Air Museums purposely fenced in from a spite-full POTUS • Congress not including our VETS COLA in the budget • Political Posture issues about the surge with both Hillary & POTUS (to win votes) • POTUS not defining existing war by not using the appropriate words (PC Police) • Touting Al Qaeda is on the run both Hillary & Obama lied about Benghazi to win the election. • Obama has managed to fire and/or retire many Military Leaders • Obama & Holder attempting to prosecute Al Qaeda in American Courts • Obama releasing Al Qaeda from Gitmo • Obama trying to shut Gitmo down. • Obama defining Ft Hood as Work Place Violence preventing Purple Hearts and monetary values presented to our Military (Cover lie about Al Qaeda attack) • Obama & Holder Fast & Furious fatal to Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry (Gun Running) • Obama drawing Red Line and did not back up as a leader • Obama supporting Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt destroying the country • Obama & Hillary used Benghazi to cover up Arms Shipments to Muslim Brotherhood • Obama & Hillary unlike the Military Brothers and Sister got the order to “Stand Down” when it comes to supporting our people in uniform. • Obama & Hillary use drones on American Citizen • Obama & Hillary destroyed the whole area of Libya, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, & Afghan • Obama-Hillary-Kerry does not support Israel • Obama-Hillary-Kerry has no Foreign Policy in regard to support the USA sovereignty • Obama sends millions of Tax Payer money to people/country’s that don’t support us. • Obama-Kerry makes deals with Iran to become a nuclear power • Obama has bowed to all foreign Countries with apology tours • Obama does not like America and does not believe in America The distaste for Congress, WH Administration, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, Holder & Obama has marked a time in American History I am not proud of. This Movie should wake up the American People and insist our Government take action now to Restore, Respect and Reverend our Military. I was so upset thinking how Obama instead of support and taking up where Bush left off with the conflict is undermining our Military. Obama wants nothing to do with Afghan and he has ruin Iraq he turns his back and says it is Bush’s war and appears to wash his hands of getting involved. He has not asked and/or given any direction to the Military or the American people as to, What is the Mission? What is the engagement or What are the goals of Afghan war? He has not informed or bragged of what we have accomplished. Obama is always missing in action. Never visits and/or support unless it is election time. I was enraged to compare the treatment of both Congress and Administration regarding expensive Vacations, expensive Golf trips, and flying that big Air Force One around almost every day to our college Kids on the endless campaign trips of nothing and use it to divide Americans continually. Wow how the movie has opened my American Pride for this country to a bitter distaste for this administration. I only wish Bush was back to at least give them total support and finish the job. I found there were not enough certain helicopters to protect certain schnook choppers and some of the equipment malfunction. Bush did believe in America and never made an apology about it. John F Kenney would always encourage us as a Nation and was very positive. Have you ever experienced a uplifting encouraging word from this administration? Have you seen this yet? Please I urge you to go. See what is happening in a war we have been fighting for the past 11 years. So you know a little statistic here: Bush Casualties in 7 Years was about 569 Obama Casualties in 4 ½ Years was about 1575. Then look at these stats: Iran would receive the first $550 million installment of a total of $4.2 billion in previously blocked overseas funds on or about February 1, a senior U.S. official said on Sunday. Under a November 24 nuclear agreement, six major powers agreed to give Iran access to $4.2 billion in revenues blocked overseas if it carries out the deal, which offers sanctions relief in exchange for steps to curb the Iranian nuclear program. Some payments are contingent on Iran diluting its stockpile of 20 percent enriched uranium to no more than 5 percent enriched uranium. The U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, described the payment schedule as follows: Feb 1 – $550 million (NOTE: February 1 is a Saturday, so this payment may need to happen on February 3); March 1 – $450 million (payment for half of dilution); March 7 – $550 million; April 10 – $550 million; April 15 – $450 million (payment for completion of dilution); May 14 – $550 million; June 17 – $550 million; July 20 – $550 million (NOTE: July 20 is a Sunday, so this payment may need to happen on July 21). Have we the AMERICA People SOLD OUR SOULS to this ADMINISTRATION of Distracter & Destruction? Not me! I will not COMPLY. I am AMERICAN and I will fight back with TRUTH and my VOTE it cannot be bought like they think it can. Comparing what is going on now, how this administration has acted with Congress and the players as Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Leon Panetta, Eric Holder, Joe Biden, Leon Panetta and especially the Benghazi lie, this movie brought it out in me. Marcus Luttrell is a hero and to the brothers & sisters he served along beside. BE SURE TO SUPPORT THIS MOVIE. MAKE IT BIG FOR THE FAMILIES OF THIS STORY: You actually lived the battle. It was something else. By the way next Vet you see out America, THANK HIM/HER Buy their lunch, dinner or Shake their hand firmly.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 01:48:45 +0000

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