America has a long history of fascism. Remember slavery and - TopicsExpress


America has a long history of fascism. Remember slavery and Native Americans. Today, the US exhibits many characteristics of fascism. We have a highly militarized nation with extreme nationalism. Our government is owned by big oil and gangster banksters. Our fascist media monopolies are selling Government lies wholesale and big brother brainwashing the sheeple. Our elections are rigged and the people have no real choice. We have a militarized police state that murders thousands and incarcerates millions. Racist hate groups and militias are becoming and operating above the law. We kill with drones and torture in violation of international law. We fund terrorists to sell fear and lie to the people all for oil. Now we have taken our aggression to the level of staring WWIII with Russia. America has become a nation that looks more like Nazi Germany, than a democracy, to me. Really...
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 18:14:59 +0000

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