America is at a crossroad. Our lopsided press keeps repeating - TopicsExpress


America is at a crossroad. Our lopsided press keeps repeating myths that they create almost daily to fan fear of worsening a lousy economy the president continues to act as though pleased with as a prideful achievement. We, the people however are left with the choice of a USA vision that pits Pelosi vs Boehner. The former is all for food stamp lines, like one in six isnt enough needing a handout and hanging with Miley Cyrus as role model borrowing the nation to Greek style debt never to be repaid beyond the interest not for building bridges or that elusive infrastructure. Or the latters tough love of spending reduction with oil pipelines and paychecks to see our way towards a sustainable balanced national budget, no fanfare or 5 star wine drinking hot tub events for the IRS in Las Vegas on the taxpayers dime, goodbye Lois Lerner. I say if we need to get a deal done, we might as well blast through October 17 and as long as it takes to get a budget we can afford, and bust another press myth of recession from default. Remember the same press a month ago was saying on behalf the president we needed to bomb a Damascus civilian neighborhood to save the countrys face from international public opinion, wheres that now? Never was serious talk then and now forgotten. So much of The Beltway business is better just ignored or never considered to begin with, self serving nonsense that seeks our money, its always about the money.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 02:23:53 +0000

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