America is being set up just as Russia was 100 years ago. This - TopicsExpress


America is being set up just as Russia was 100 years ago. This film is a MUST see for everyone. The documentary In the Shadow of Hermes (2009) by Jüri Lina shows how freemasons, international bankers, and communists joined forces in an unholy alliance and through the Bolshevik Revolution of November 1917 established in Russia the most brutal and dehumanizing slave society the world has ever seen. Film based on the book, Under the Sign of the Scorpion: The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire Most people think Communism is an ideology dedicated to championing workers and the poor. This was an incredibly successful ruse which manipulated millions. Behind this artifice, Communism is devoted to concentrating all wealth and power in the hands of the global central banking cartel (the Rothschilds and their allies) by disguising it as State power. The central banking cartel is the ultimate monopoly. It has an almost global monopoly over government credit. Its object is to translate this into a monopoly over everything - political, cultural, economic and spiritual. One world government = Rothschild monopoly = Communism. Any ideology that further concentrates wealth and power in the hands of the State is Communism in another guise. These ideologies -- socialism, liberalism, fascism, neo-conservatism, zionism and feminism -- are fronts for Communism, and are organized and funded by the central banking cartel. Current events are all designed by the central bankers to increase government power. Look after a document called: The Red Symphony, The Red Symphony is a 1938 Stalinist Secret Police (NKVD) interrogation of Christian Rakovsky, a Soviet insider and Rothschild agent. It strips the veil from modern history and explains the real meaning of Revolution, Communism, Freemasonry and War. It was not intended to become public knowledge. The translator, a Dr. J. Landowsky, made an unauthorized copy. The human experiment is endangered by private interests who have usurped the function of money creation everywhere. Modern history reflects the gradual process by which they transfer all wealth and power to themselves, destroying Western Civilization and creating a world police state. In 1938, Rakowsky could say the whole world is controlled by the Sabbatean (Illuminati, Masonic) banking cartel and their allies.~ From the YouTube Comments The 50-page transcript of his interrogation, dubbed “The Red Symphony,” was not meant to become public. It confirms that the Rothschild banking family planned to use Communism to establish a world dictatorship of the super rich. patdollard/2011/05/the-red-symphony/ The Red Symphony: Rakovsky’s Testament to Rothschild Hegemony self-realisation/grand-illusio…/the-red-symphony/ The Bolsheviks were almost all Zionists. The portrayals of the murderous and sadistic regime of the USSR is typical of what happens when Zionists come into absolute power. They just about have it here in the U.S. Woe to Americans when very soon they endure this same kind of systematic murder at the hands of their American Zionist overlords.~ From the YouTube Comments Marxism was just a vessel, an ideology, one of countless, used to carry out the Talmudic agenda, which all serve to sow confusion, division, discord, etc, and have an adverse effect upon those swayed by them to this day.~ From the YouTube Comments From the Amazon Reviews of the Book Under the Sign of the Scorpion: The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire~ As Juri quotes in his book the Chinese Philosopher Sun Tzu said,(490 B.C.) said,in The Art of War,Everything which is valuable in the enemys country must be knocked down and destroyed....Co-operate with the worst and vilest creatures.Provoke fights between the citizens...Degrade the traditions of the enemy and wipe out its history.Infiltrate society with spies. A free version Uris book can be found at: zioncrimefactory/…/Under-The-Sign-of-the-Sco… and gnosticliberationfront/Under_the_Sign_of_the… How did the Zionists conquer Russia? Questions,criticisms or speech against Jews was an automatic death sentence. Infiltrated the churches. Infiltrated the schools and the govt. Secret societies. Dumbed down the schools. Gained control of the press. Took over the banks. Instigated race and class warfare and unrest. Confiscated all private property. Released the prison population to terrorize the population. Removed all the food. Killed all the animals.Took all the seed. Planned genocide. Millions of people starved. Brought in foreign troops. Financed by foreign Multi millionaires Brought in 25,000 revolutionaries from the USA and other countries. Put at least 12 million people in camps or made them slaves. Murdered and tortured 60 million people. Had the cooperation of many leaders in the west. (presidents,prime ministers)The media in the US was censored or influenced. The population of the US didnt have a clue Nothing is at it seems.The rumors you have heard and scoffed at,poked fun at are true and are well documented in this book by Juri Lina. Juri details how the wealth of Russia was plundered by a few secretive, interconnected indivs. Gold,art,money was transferred to private bank acct. usually in foreign countries such as the USA. “Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.” - Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise “At the head of all those secret societies, which form provisional governments, men of the Jewish race are to be found.” - Benjamin Disraeli, Jew, Prime Minister of England “The B’nai B’rith are but a makeshift. Everywhere that Freemasonry can admit that it is Jewish in its nature as well as in its aims, the ordinary lodges are sufficient for the task. - Rabbi Edgar Magnin “I thought about something just now: The decision to nationalize this library was made by the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80-85 percent Jewish” - Vladimir Putin, President of Russia Luciferianism is Talmudism and does not include all Judaism. In fact, most who define themselves Jewish are descendants of Khazarian Talmudists , (Ashkenazi) and have no Semitic Blood whatever. Learn to distinguish between them.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 05:53:23 +0000

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