America is concealing her defeat inside Afghanistan The entire - TopicsExpress


America is concealing her defeat inside Afghanistan The entire world including the American people are convinced that the US has been badly defeated in the war inside Afghanistan. The Daily Beast newspaper has published an article while quoting Colonel Daniel Davis of the American army who had been twice in the overseas military services of US that the American army is confronted with failure in the Afghan war. The newspaper adds that Davis who still puts on the uniform of the US army and is on service told that the American officials are avoiding facing the realities in this regard. Heated discussions are ongoing in various circles inside America about the ending the Afghan war. White house is apparently divided into two camps; some of the officials, who rely on speculations, suggest that the role of the US forces should be confined only to their military bases. They think that in this way they can prolong their military presence and consequently the number of casualties suffered by their forces could be minimized as much as possible. The Afghan national army, police forces and Arbaki militia will instead fight on their behalf. They assume that with the reduction of forces, their financial expenditure would be reduced proportionally. But the recent successful and deadly attacks of Taliban exposed the incongruity of their estimations because these assaults proved that the American invading forces are not safe anywhere. On the other side, a group of White House officials including Vice President Joe Biden are of the opinion that all the troops should be withdrawn from Afghanistan. These American officials have truly discerned that the losses of this futile war are greater than its supposed benefits and as a whole this losing war cannot be won easily. The recent deadly and triumphant attacks of Mujahidin on the foreign enemy targets have consequently increased the number of Joe Biden supporters as he is himself trying to do so. As the American officials cannot turn a blind eye to the inevitable fact of their defeat inside Afghanistan therefore some high ranking US officials proposed that all American troops should be withdrawn from Afghanistan before the end of Obama’s tenure. Wall Street Journal had written on November 2nd 2013 while quoting some high ranking US officials that the initial suggestion of the American officials was to leave nearly fourteen thousand troops inside Afghanistan who will then be gradually withdrawn by 2016 till the end of Obama’s term in office. According to the newspaper, this will provide a historical chance to President Obama to tell his nation that he was able to bring the longest war in American history to an end. Now as the American forces are on the verge of defeat, they want to pretend and show the world that they deliberately ended this war due to the unwillingness of Karzai to sign the strategic security agreement. In actuality the Americans are tactically trying to avoid the demolition of their international prestige ensuing from their defeat inside Afghanistan. It seems that Karzai’s reluctance to sign the security agreement is not due to his sympathy with Afghanistan or his preference for the national interests of Afghanistan over the vested malicious US interests, as it is quite illogical to imagine a person who has lived for 26 consecutive years in someone else’s slavery and has considered the foremost priority of his life to serve the invaders; who knows that if the Americans withdraw he will board the plane prior to them and will simultaneously retreat with them just as he had entered together with them. The fact of the matter is that Karzai’s apparent opposition is directly co-related with the final decision of the White House officials. Until the Americans themselves decide on whether to prolong thier stay inside Afghanistan or not, Karzai can give neither a positive nor negative response to signing the strategic security agreement. The reason is that Karzai’s approval or disapproval can in no way stop the Americans from pursuing their own vested malicious objectives. Therefore until the White House officials arrive at a concrete final decision, Karzai will be spreading doubts and uncertainty as directed by the American foreign invaders. Once they decide to prolong their stay inside Afghanistan, they will surely then allow Karzai to say that Americans have accepted all our demands and conditions, therefore I am going to sign the security agreement with them. But if the defeated American officials reach a conclusion that the lost war inside Afghanistan cannot be turned into success as anticipated by several high ranking American generals then Karzai will be asked to be resolute with his stance so that they could find a way out of this impasse. The world community and Afghans will be given the perception that it was the so called Afghan government which was not ready to sign the security agreement. We have not lost the war; rather we evacuated and left Afghanistan so the Afghans can themselves decide their own destiny. Thus the Americans will be able to end the war inside Afghanistan and conceal their defeat at the same time. They are afraid that if the world community realizes how badly the western powers have been defeated inside Afghanistan, their reputation and prestige will be leveled to the ground which is never a desired option for the Americans. It is a historical fact that once an imperial power is defeated then it rolls back from the whole world and eventually tears apart into several pieces. The most explicit example is the former Soviet Union which is confined to Moscow and the previous British imperial power which is left with London only. Today, as the Americans are confronted with an inevitable defeat and international humiliation, they are leaving no stone unturned to obscure it from the outside world. But this plain defeat and the valor of the Mujahid Afghan Nation can never be concealed therefore we are convinced that Insha-Allah (God willing) the trounce of the American forces inside Afghanistan will be the start of their eviction from all the oppressed areas of the world and as it is said that history repeats itself thus the world will be freed from the yoke of another ruthless imperial power very soon, Insha-Allah, and It is never hard for Allah Almighty!!! Indeed, those who disbelieve spend their wealth to avert [people] from the way of Allah . So they will spend it; then it will be for them a [source of] regret; then they will be overcome (defeated). And those who have disbelieved - unto Hell they will be gathered. Quran (8:36)
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 05:34:19 +0000

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