America is on her way to resembling Hell on earth under this man - TopicsExpress


America is on her way to resembling Hell on earth under this man who thinks He’s the messiah god. Christianity is out and the new religion of the land is approaching. We are all being set up for a huge fall. Obama’s intentions are clear. The replacement of our Constitution with his new socialistic agenda of spreading the wealth can certainly mean that eventually the enactment of Sharia will become the law of the land. The Constitution, in Obama’s mind, cannot be salvaged; it must be tossed out with the garbage. Watch for Sharia law to be introduced as the only viable alternative to the growing trend to obsolescence of our current Constitution. Something evil this way comes. We’re witnessing the creation of a brainwashed bunch of lap dogs, a society being prepared to be ruled by Sharia law. Christianity is the antithesis of Sharia law. They simply cannot co-exist. The following is an excerpt from American Thinker website: Any review of the implementation of Sharia law anywhere in the world (or of Sharia itself) shows it to be brutal, cruel, misogynistic, anti-free speech, supremacist, anti-democratic, and anti-freedom of religion among its many unpleasant qualities. Sharia law is derived from the Koran, Sira, and Hadith, the three foundational documents of Islam. Sharia law therefore has the authority of both Allah and Mohammed, as it is the codification of their commands and the words, deeds, and example of the prophet. American support of this barbaric legal system anywhere on this planet is folly. Sharia law is antithetical to American concepts of freedom and democracy. There is no overlap whatever between American concepts of decency and justice and Sharia law. Among the horrors of Sharia are death for criticism of Islam, death for leaving Islam, dhimmitude (protection) for non-Muslims living under Sharia, the near impossibility of rape victims to prove rape, wife-beating, child marriage, unequal rights for women, no legal rights for non-Muslims, and the subjugation of women. The list of Sharias horrors is lengthy and disturbing. Under Sharia law, there is no retaliation by the Islamic state against a Muslim who kills a non-Muslim for whatever reason. Can there be a more barbarous legal system that is more overtly opposed to our own concepts of right/wrong, good/evil, decency/barbarism, and justice/injustice? No American who loves our Constitution and the freedoms guaranteed under it should accept Sharia law. I preach Christ and Him crucified, I stand on the inerrant word of God. That’s good, that’s real good but an evil is coming that will preclude your preaching Christ and using the Bible. Under Sharia law you will be forced to preach from the Koran if you’re going to do any preaching at all. Obama made the statement that shocked many American Christians last year, but was for the most part dismissed by the media. He said that America is no longer a Christian Nation. That statement, my friends, is so telling. He must believe that America was at one time a Christian Nation to say that it has now lost that designation. It’s a set up folks. Another tyrant, Adolf Hitler, made some interesting quotes. Some of the more famous quotes include “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it” and “How fortunate for leaders that men do not think” lastly “All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach”. Then there’s my quote, “If America doesn’t wake up soon we’re doomed.”
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 16:08:59 +0000

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