America,its time to wake up! Are you living in a make believe - TopicsExpress


America,its time to wake up! Are you living in a make believe reality, not really interested in the current events taking place before your very eyes? Its time to start listening and watching whats going on because you are seeing the results of morons in charge,or an obvious attempt at changing peoples opinions on Sovereignty resulting in Government chipping away at more of your constitutional freedoms.I have been watching closely for many years,and while everyone is debating the democrat or republican parties,there is something going on behind the scenes that few are watching.Once again I ask that you read the summaries of the Patriot Act,Gatt,NAFTA,Homeland Security Act and watch what this Immigration crap is doing to our Country.Did you see the debate with Maher and Affleck,what an unbelievable display of whats wrong in this Country,how does Affleck know the reality of Islam,to just say we cant be racist against a so called religion is ridiculous. As he sits in his privledged world, its easy to generalize all Muslims,but unfortunately we cant,we do not know who is good or who is hell bent on destruction.The open door policies of Immigration has let far to many in this Country with ulterior motives against the US,am I saying that all are bad,no,Im saying that its time to be very selective of who crosses our border.People Like Rosie spoke out in Bens defense,what does she know,she stands for nothing, liberal views like hers and many others open the door for a free fall domino effect,standing on nothing demoralizes family and a Nation as a whole.The rules and regulations that have been in place for many years have been subverted because of a few, on the basis that we have to help everyone,its so easy to just say we cant close the door on those in need.Why do you think the job market is in the situation its in? Do you know how many companies in the US benefit from cheap immigrant labor? How do you think 911 happened? Why are our benefits ,especially the Vets,being cut to help illegals who are scamming the system? Why do you think were paying 3.50 for a gallon of gas,while wages are dropping? Now the FBI is asking for help to find this English speaking Isis terrorist,they dont have a clue to how many Isis terrorists there are and what they will do next.Now we have Americans joining their cause,what in the world would cause someone to join a group of murderers in a false religion to kill innocent people who dont agree? Its not a Religion,its a cult,and until we can root out the psychos from the peaceful Muslims,Im sorry but its time to close the doors into our Country.This principle goes for the Ebola virus as well,I feel bad for those people but there isnt much we can do,why are we sending people into harms way? Why would we let possibly infected people into our Country? We already have a few documented cases with more that have been possibly exposed to the virus,so do we just sit back and wait for our own pandemic? And finally,the 10.00 news last night on channel two,did you watch it? The report that came out specifically stated how vulnerable we were to a terrorist attack on our power grid,that by taking out as little as twelve substations,we could lose power across the entire country.Now Im curious as to the people that decided to run that piece,do they believe that the terrorists dont watch TV, or are they that dumb to think we are so secure that we dont have to worry on our own soil? Lets ask the families that lost someone in the 911 attack if they think were safe? My second thought was,I wonder what legislation is pending to run a news story like that,think about it, why would a story like that be run on National TV in the midst of what is clearing going on right now? I know you think Im nuts or a conspiracy nut,but Im not,these are concerns that anyone whos paying attention should be thinking about.If you have not been paying attention to current events then you should,its not a matter of if,its a matter of when.Its time to quit feeling sorry for the whole world,because we cant fix it,we cant fix the problems in our own country, and if we cant do anything for ourselves,how can we help anyone else? I believe that we need to help everyone we can,I believe that we all should be free to worship as we choose and that being racist for no reason is really dumb.But I also believe that we need to be selective of who and what comes into our country,unfortunately we need to protect our own family first,and that family is The United States of America,this is our home.If we cant live free and safe in our own Country,then what was the point for all the soldiers in history to die if we give up those rights for the sake of a few? Yes I know you dont believe all this,but I challenge you to get off your butt and take a look at the legislation Ive posted and look for yourself, God Bless You and Our Country,we need it!
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 14:13:09 +0000

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