America led the world into the modern era, if we perish humanity - TopicsExpress


America led the world into the modern era, if we perish humanity will enter into a new dark era, one which it will not recover. Our country has been under a multi-pronged liberal assault for decades now, and the effects are finally starting to become apparent. Average citizens, who never before thought about politics, are starting to feel that something “just isn’t right.” Too many things, against our own interest, keep occurring with startling frequency. What the average citizen doesn’t know is that our decline has been, and still is an orchestrated event, perpetrated at the highest levels of government and social leadership. Most people are busy with their everyday lives and don’t have the time to analyze everything our government is doing. Unfortunately, the perpetrators are using our busy lives as a screen to work against our interest, without most of us realizing it. Since you cannot subvert a healthy culture and society, you first have to break it down and make it dysfunctional. This process takes a long time, but the left needs decades to slowly and methodically desensitize the population. If they go too fast, their plan would become exposed and an angry populace would counter it. By going slowly, the population does not notice the millions of minuscule steps taken to eventually enslave them. When they finally get close to the endgame, too few will be awake to notice, and those will be relentlessly demonized, made irrelevant, and pursued by the left’s legal legions. Many will be fooled into thinking that the perpetrators are trying to do good. Many good-intentioned people will get behind the cause, not knowing that they are actually hurting society instead of making it better. They may never realize it, or they may realize it too late to reverse the momentum. Either way, they are a pawn in destroying their own freedom. Due to a brilliant brainwashing campaign, which I will lay out in this article, most people are so uninformed that they are voting for their own demise without even realizing it. Many citizens are too wrapped up into entertainment and sports. They more concerned with World Cup Soccer, Stanley Cup, World Series, Super Bowl, the Olympics, or whatever happens to be the championship flavor of the month. But hey, tyrants have always tried to keep the population busy with sports and entertainment, while pulling the rug out from under the citizens. You see examples of this in the ancient Roman Coliseum, where public events drove crowds wild, and in medieval Japan, where the Shogun turned warrior arts into sports to keep the population busy competing instead of trying to overthrow him. The multipronged attack encompasses a wide variety of infiltrations. Our government is stabbing us in the back and has been coordinating an assault on our country, culture, and history for 50 years. Our heritage is a thorn in the side of any potential tyrant. Our history is an impediment to their domination and control of this country. The people in charge (who I will not grace with the term “Leaders”) decided long ago to change the demographics in order to better dominate us and better control the riches, resources, and productivity of this nation. They have done this by passing laws that hurt us, and by ignoring laws that protect us and preserve our heritage. The people in charge decided long ago that our way of thinking about freedom and liberty was a threat to their determination to subjugate us. The US was the finest example of freedom and liberty, but our concepts started in Ancient Greece and Rome, and later with the English Magna Carta where England was the inheritor of Greek and Roman Republican values. We have been a thorn in the side of tyrants, since Jews fought for freedom in ancient Egypt, and the Greeks fought the Persians centuries later. The people in charge knew that this lineage had to be destroyed before they could have a totalitarian system in place. Therefore, powerful lawmakers and other liberals decided to undermine our culture and heritage and replace it with peoples who would be more accepting of tyranny. No culture, besides Western Civilization, has a heritage of Republican values. By Republican, I do not mean the political party. I mean the Representative form of government that encompasses the Philosophy of the rights of the people through a concept of strict laws that protect citizens’ rights. The people in charge have assaulted this philosophy with a multi-pronged, decades-long attack. The first prong of liberal assault is our elected officials acting like a new aristocracy. They have forgotten the concept of statesmanship. They have forgotten the idea that they come from the people, to serve the people, and return to the people. Instead of serving for a short time, they attempt to stay in office for their entire lives. “The people in charge” have created dynasties, where only they, their families, and their friends benefit from their positions, while the common folk get trampled. The people in charge only care about expanding their own wealth and power, and have no concern about serving society. In America’s past, captains of industry and inventors were the richest people. That was because others thought that what they made was worth buying. Today, though, you still have rich industrialists, we see the political class and their families growing richer and richer. They dominate their states and control industry through favors and deals. Today, the wealthiest neighborhoods in the country surround Washington D.C. How did this happen without the betrayal of the people in charge? To further secure their power, the people in charge pit societal groups against each other. They keep the population busy fighting amongst themselves, while they reap the riches. Instead of serving society, the people in charge look for every opportunity to get one over on us. And they don’t care who they have to get in bed with to do that. The informed citizen is now public enemy number 1. In the past, criminals were public enemy number 1. But politicians have learned that criminals are no threat to their power. The only threat to their pursuit of tyranny is the informed populace. Therefore, any informed American is severely and relentlessly demonized, and now even persecuted by government bureaucracies. Freedom of speech and even freedom of thought that does not agree with the left’s socialist agenda are relentlessly assaulted. Nowadays, our government increasingly controls us through non-elected government agencies, and we have a president who uses executive orders to circumvent the constitutional law-making duties of our elected representatives (most of whom don’t care about us anyway). Our entire concept of representative government has been perverted, and those who cite the Constitution, and try to reign in government overreach, are made to look like fools, racists, anti-feminists, intolerant, and every other negative. The second, very powerful, pronged assault encompasses the education system. With this prong, the elite leftists de-educate, and brainwash our kids against their own heritage and culture. They demonize every traditional value and re-write history to match their views. Never in history has a society taught it’s young to hate itself. Communist, socialist, and fascist societies have reconditioned kids to their agenda, but never has a society ingrained self-hatred and self-guilt like this before. Over 60% of liberals polled recently are not proud to be American. Those same liberals believe that the government knows better than the people and that government is better suited to run business and our private lives. I once asked a liberal if he knew what was best for himself, or if the government did. Without a second’s hesitation, he boldly stated that the government knew what was best for him, and that they were smarter than average people. This is the liberal mentality that conservatives must contend with. Liberals don’t even want to attempt to think for themselves. We got to this point in time, by stripping kids of their heritage for the last five decades. We teach them nothing positive about their own history, culture, and religion. And, while they learn negatives about our own history, they learn positives about everyone else’s. Talk to young people and you will learn just how evil America has always been, and how evil the founders were. And they have no idea that western man has invented every modern technological and medical advance in the world. To them, we have contributed nothing positive. Many young Americans know nothing about the rights we were granted. And, if you don’t know you have a right, how will you ever miss it. Leftists distort or eliminate, altogether, the teachings of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Kids today never get to read the writings of the founding fathers, and never get a balanced presentation about the intentions of the rights they established for us. No society can survive this kind of ignorance and self-hatred. But, like I said at the beginning, this is intentional. Remember, you cannot subvert a healthy society, so recreate it to look evil. Now the leftists are promoting “Common Core,” which will continue the brainwashing and de-educate students, with its continued dumbing-down of the core academics and elimination of our history. Stupid and ignorant people are a lot easier to dominate. It makes a tyrant’s job easier. Our current education system further tries to stifle any individuality, creativity, and inventiveness. They don’t teach kids how to think. They teach them what to think. Anyone displaying any advanced aptitude is slapped down. Any individuality is now Racist, intolerant, or chauvinistic. We strive for mediocrity, because mediocre people are much easier to rule. Tyrants have problems with innovative, inventive, and driven personalities. The only exception to this rule is sports, because tyrants needs sports heroes and celebrities to keep the population preoccupied and entertained. The leftists want a robotic populace that will be easy to dominate. Tyrants want a populace that will never be a threat to their elitism. The less informed and the less educated they are, the safer the elitists feel. And our education system is giving them just what they want. With de-education, they will be able to wipe out the middle class and push the majority of the population into the lower, poorer classes. They will give them enough financial assistance to keep them content and then make sure that they are never a threat to their rule. The assault continues. The third prong is the media and Hollywood. The media decides what to present to us. They relentlessly pursue conservatives, but protect liberals at all costs. They either don’t cover or barely cover corruption stories that involve liberals, but will endlessly cover any story that could hurt conservatives, often without confirming the facts. On the international scene, they ignore or sugar-coat many brutalities perpetrated by Muslims, but will endlessly cover stories about Israelis mistreating Palestinians, or Americans mistreating prisoners, or someone making a cartoon or movie disrespecting Islam. This type of selective reporting further brainwashes an already uninformed society. Many people I talk to have no clue about any current left wing political corruption, like the IRS, VA, Benghazi, or arms to cartels scandals, but still want Bush and Cheney to go to prison. The average citizen can tell you anything about a celebrity or sports personality, but nothing about domestic or world events. The only exceptions they can cite are alleged American or Israeli excesses around the world. Look at the current Middle East crisis. The media does not concentrate on the thousands of missiles shot into Israel, but will criticize Israel for going into Gaza to counter the missile strikes. The mainstream media never asks for a cease of missile fire into Israel, but always try to broker a cease fire once Israel responds. The people in charge love it when you are uninformed. You are easier to manipulate and control. They are happy to legalize marijuana, so that more people can dull their brains. It makes their efforts to subjugate you that much easier. The left will keep the population so hoodwinked that citizens (or should I say subjects) will be happy with their servitude. Hollywood, the other part of the media, almost always skews story lines to favor liberal agendas. They sneak little innuendos in that most people don’t consciously recognize, but that still affects them. Unfortunately, people tend to believe what they see on film, and since what they see is usually liberal, they will tend to see the world that way. Hollywood increasingly demonizes Capitalism, civilian gun ownership, traditional values, and Christianity. They go out of their way to promote liberalism, Islam, and government dependence. Notice how all films show male and female average citizens as weak, but will always have the government hero (e.g. cop, FBI Agent, etc.). All gun use by average citizens is bad, but gun use by police is good. Hollywood does not show citizens using guns in self-defense. They now show them using sticks, brooms, or other objects to protect themselves. This is a way of subconsciously brainwashing people into thinking that private gun use is bad, but government gun use is good. The fourth prong of attack is the court system. Liberal judges actively try to change society by ruling against traditional norms. Many judges make rulings based on their liberal beliefs, instead of on strict constitutional definitions. Many rulings make it easier on deviants and criminals and harder on the law abiding citizen. When it comes to government vs the people, they will usually side with the government, even if it means giving the government the right to take your private property and give it to someone who will provide them with more tax money. This is outrageous. Then, they water down our society with decisions that go against all historical norms. Ideas that had always been considered “right” are now wrong, and those that have traditionally been considered “wrong” are now right. Ideas that have been considered mainstream for 3000 years of organized civilization are now considered intolerant or non-inclusive. We now have the arrogance to think that we know better than 3000 years of tried and tested traditions. This is further example of the left’s attempt to destabilize our culture and values, all with the ultimate attempt subjugate us. Do you ever wonder why it takes the Supreme Court so long to “interpret” the Constitution? It’s because they are not trying to interpret it, they are trying to come up with a reason to circumvent it. We have actually gotten used to the term “interpret.” What does that even mean? They use the term, “Living Document” as an excuse to change and bend the original meaning. Now, we come to the last and most critical prong of liberal assault; our immigration policy. With mass legal and illegal immigration, of people who do not share our values and traditions, the left can change our society more quickly, easily, and most importantly, permanently. Since American values are an impediment to tyranny, the people in charge decided to change their population base. To accomplish this, the people in charge decided to replace White/western America (based on Roman and English Law) with races and cultures that did not value our ideals and who would be more compliant with tyranny. The first thing the people in charge did was to pass the Immigration Reform Act of 1965. This was a deliberate attempt to eventually replace the white, Western European majority and therefore crush the 4000 year old ideals of Republican government. In the past, America represented “goodness,” and people came here to become Americans. Coming here was a rebirth. The places they came from did not allow them to keep the fruits of their labor, and they saw America as the only place on earth where people were free to follow their own destiny and to become independently successful. Since 1965, we have cut off traditional, limited immigration and flooded the country with peoples and cultures from areas of the world that not only have completely different value systems, but also come from tyrannical, oppressive political systems or completely dysfunctional societies. We now have immigrants coming from countries that hate America. Their governments send people here, but continue to undermine us with spying, hacking, technology theft, and terrorism. The personal reasons for immigration are different today. Immigrants do not see America as a starting point. They no longer see it as representing “goodness.” Many see America as something to be exploited. Many do not want to be American, but want to change America into the place from whence they came. In the past, immigrants cut off contact with their places of origin. Now, many immigrants maintain dual citizenship and continue to identify with their birth countries. They travel back and forth between their countries and the US, and never develop a true loyalty to America. They do not assimilate, but instead remain in isolated groups with immigrants from their own countries, speaking their own languages and conducting business with very limited outside contact. Then, their kids go to schools and universities where they learn how evil America is. This dangerously leads to a continued deterioration of our primary culture. I know that technology links the world like never before, but people’s attitudes have also changed. I can break down our current immigrant groups into three main categories. Of course, there are always exceptions to the any generalization, but this is what I see. We have the rich who are going to use America as a playground, and convenience. We have the poor, who are going to milk America for everything it is worth. And, we have the people who hate us and are going to undermine America until it collapses. None of these scenarios are good for our future. One immigrant acquaintance told me how stupid it was that Americans celebrate the 4th of July and how ridiculous it is to fly flags, stating, “You never see that in my country. I don’t get why you Americans are so nationalistic.” Many foreigners don’t understand our proud of our culture and contributions to humanity. They don’t understand that, without us, they wouldn’t have a light bulb, a telephone, a train, an engine, an airplane, a plethora of medicines, or other modern necessities. But then, nobody ever teaches them that kind of chauvinistic stuff. Our current people in charge try to tell us that the millions of illegals pouring across the border are good for us. In reality, Illegal immigration is financially and culturally unsustainable. But the people in charge don’t care. They are willing to go broke in order to unbalance society and give themselves a more compliant population base. One which will tolerate a soft tyranny, as long as you throw in some free medical care and a couple checks a month. And these types of immigrants are happy to live at the bottom of society. They will never threaten the elitists. The people in charge look at this as a safe deal. They know they will vote for them, because they give them “free stuff,” but they will never threaten the power structure, because they are happy at the bottom rung of society. They are being used by the left, but they don’t even realize it, and many wouldn’t care if they did. Have you ever wondered why Democrats oppose voter ID? You need ID for everything else in society, even the left’s beloved medical marijuana. But the Democrats don’t want ID required at the polls, because they want voter fraud. They want illegals voting. They want dishonest liberals voting multiple times under different names. The vast majority of illegals will vote for the party who promises them more freebies. And that party is the Democrats. This accelerates the left’s goals of fundamentally transforming America into a socialist state. The ultimate danger is allowing millions of Muslims to immigrate here. The Muslim population has tripled since 9/11. They knock down our towers and dance for joy in the streets, all over the Muslim world, and we still let them move here. What kind of sense does this make, especially when they keep telling us that they want to wipe our civilization off the face of the earth? Not only do they move here, but they want a mosque at ground zero. Are you kidding me? And the people in charge encourage tolerance towards Islam while trying to depress Christianity. Muslims are at war with every country they immigrate to. They have literally destroyed (or tried to destroy) every civilization they have ever come in contact with during 1400 years of nonstop jihad. The west lies to itself by calling Islam the religion of peace. Muslims laugh at the sheer ignorance of this. They do not look at themselves as peaceful, but instead as warriors. Islam is a warrior’s religion, and the better warrior you are, the better the rewards in heaven. Study the Koran to discover the real truths. Do not rely on what western leftist tell you. You may argue that you know tolerant Muslims. That is fine. There are good people in every segment of society. But, those people are a small minority. They will have no say as to the policies of their leaders. The real policies of Islam are a danger to the west. The little guy will have nothing to say about that, just like he had nothing to say in every other totalitarian system in history. And when it comes to survival, very, very few Muslims will stand with the infidel. If they do, they will also be destroyed. Look at Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Egypt. You are probably asking yourself, why would we flood our country with a population base that despises everything we stand for? There is only one answer. The people in charge want them here. Islam is more than a religion. It is a whole encompassing political structure. The vast majority of Muslims believes in totalitarianism and will go along with a tyrannical government. Islam is the polar opposite of Democracy. The word Islam means “submission” and Islam demands totalitarianism. To Islam, democracy and liberty are evil and must be destroyed. Well, that fits into everything I have written about in this article. The people in charge want it that way. The majority of westerners, who have not studied Islam don’t believe it. It is too scary a concept to accept. Those of us who have studied it know what is coming. And, women, whatever gains you have made, under our detested western society, will be gone once Islam prevails. Your gains are fleeting, because you are going to be dragged back into the dark ages. You may have been brainwashed to hate western civilization, but your descendants are going to hate you for allowing them to be put back into servitude and enslavement. Look around the world. Liberty is not a common practice. There is absolutely no liberty in the Islamic World, and little elsewhere. Even countries, you traditionally view as free have in fact evolved into socialistic, soft tyrannies, where the rights of the people are restricted. Look closer at Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. They appear free, but are in fact dominated by governments who do not allow American-style property rights, free speech, gun ownership, or religious freedom. 99% of humanity, since the beginning of the world, has lived under tyranny. Liberty is and always has been the rarest commodity on earth, and with our cultural downslide, may soon become extinct. America led the world into the modern era. If we perish, humanity will enter a new dark age; one from which it will never recover.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 02:49:18 +0000

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