America, the door is rapidly closing on any opportunity to save - TopicsExpress


America, the door is rapidly closing on any opportunity to save our nation. We have reached the point where our elected officials, people given their office on promises of representation and the defense of liberty have crossed the line. They act as if they have been chosen by destiny and have the divine right to lord over us as they believe themselves to be “the elite.” While the demands grow that the Affordable Care Act be repealed or defunded, politicians had the audacity to make a deal exempting them from the law. Conservatives have spent the past four years exposing this law for the socialist power grab that it is. Republicans cleaned house in 2010 on the promise of repeal now here we are. These people not only refused to do what they promised, it appears they put more effort into ensuring “their” premiums will not rise by thousands of dollars. Now that there is this clear line between us, the peasants, and them, the ruling class, we will never again be a representative republic. The offices of congress themselves no longer represent a position of duty and service to a free people, but rather an office where the plunder of the public treasury and the expectation of reward for pulling the party line are the new norm. patriotupdate/articles/and-they-think-were-stupid/
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 01:06:59 +0000

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