America the silly. In December I got off a cruise ship at Port - TopicsExpress


America the silly. In December I got off a cruise ship at Port Everglades that had been in ports and at sea 21 days with same set of passengers whose modal age was 65-80. We all had 3 or 4 large bags full of shit and packed every which way. Bags that were too large to be x rayed and might not ever close again if you opened them. The TSA decide that cruise ships might be bringing in terrorist. So they decided to examine the bags and people getting off the ship. 1200 people. TSA had minimum people and machines with which to do this and the procedure was completely a joke. There was no protocol or precedence for this action, so they tried to do it as though it was a big plane landing. 1200 old people standing in lines for two hours or more. It was a F-ing disaster. A stupid disaster. I can not stand for more than 10-15 minutes and only wheel chairs and walkers were allowed in the handicapped line. So I got out of the regular line and hauled my bags and body to some seats roped off behind the handicapped area, but still in the secured area. When a TSA person came over to me and questioned what I was doing, I said to her, You can let me sit here and recover from standing now, or you can call an ambulance for me in 10 minutes. She walked away and left me alone. Finally my wife saw me and brought her stuff over and sat down next to me. After about 30-40 minutes they had cleared out all of the wheel chairs and walkers in the Handicapped line. At which point we simply got up and limped down to the handicapped TSA check station. A full 2/3rds of the passengers were still in the other lines (low mummers of death and destruction were coming from their area). We showed our pass ports (the only time in 42 days, 6 counties and 23 ports that we had to) and were waved through the check point because there was no baggage x-ray there and only one staff member. Outside it was chaos as well. The TSA had interrupted the flow of baggage and people and the out-of-port transport systems were therefore all screwed up as well. We were OK, we were just going to our parked car. Others however were missing plane and rail connections by the hundreds. (Did I mention that 90% of the baggage handlers had deserted the chaos and went to another terminal where this was not happening?) We are a joke people, an international joke. America the silly.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 03:46:39 +0000

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