America were are we going ? Vaccines kill and maim millions every - TopicsExpress


America were are we going ? Vaccines kill and maim millions every year.Airports, combing, and coming soon to all towns, and cites here in America T.S.A. stile Police state incorporated. The new philosophy of the new world is , watch what my right hand is doing , so you wont watch the left hand gutting you All. Wow, Hi America ? Airports are breeding grounds for Terrorist training for the police state. Its not about Racism People ! Ebola black out will explode in our faces After the FAKE elections ,and Im sorry to report that will be to late for the American people. We must legalizes anyone who has Ebola,or anyone else whom has any disease to come on in to our country. Come on people dont be racist. Its our duty to let all sick, Illegals people in . Fund them, educate them. Give them a new home, car, and a nice bank account.if anyone objects the should be killed and all there relatives murdered. I really believe we the people are racist and are mean to want liberty, freedom and to live free without diseases. Like North Caroline complaining about there 482 children being raped in September by the beautiful Illegals are racist pigs.Lets get with the program people. Our kids belong to the government, G.M.OS are great Children with Autism are cool, The Veterans suck . Poison in the water is great, and higher taxes and police Brutality is the best. Lets Open them Boarders wider, and push them Death panels harder OK ??? Dont be a hater Racist. Lets go start some more wars and kill lots of Christians, and a bunch more innocent Children OK ? Love yours, Truly, The Globalist of the world. P.S. After all we are the best at war right, and killing Folks. If you even think different Your a Freak in RACIST FASCIST PIG> We are all being used ! Ebola,Criminals,Terrorism,and many other non undesirables coming everyday To America. Open Boarders, and Immigration is only two programs against the people of the world. Money Junkies have done all of this to rid them of US ALL !!! Immigrants have no clue there victims , just like our Military, police ,Teachers, Pastors,and The true American congress. We the people, not only of the U.S, but of the World. We must stand up and say no more!!! Our Lives, Health ,Bodies, even our Souls , are in a war. May the Creator stop all these evil Globalist from Destroying everything Good to promote Evil. May our free wills prevail. The right to life belongs to everyone , not just the rich & EVIL> Can I get A Prayer from the people of the world, whom are GOOD ? Being the only country in the world with our boarders wide open, is so TRENDY ! GO ! OBAMA ! GOOO ! your our lord and Savior. Dont believe me ask Jammie FOX. Lets get with the program people. Seriously America, Let the people of the world know. We the People are not part of this evil Government whom are indeed being controlled by the Globalist, and Money Junkies of the world. May the true Creator destroy all for which they stand for AMEN !. BLESS ALL THE GOOD PEOPLE ! THERE IS SUCH THING AS GLOBAL WARMING OR CLIMATE CHANGE. There is We be robbing all your asses change.FIRE ALL OF THEM OR America will collapse by design !!! All of government is Corrupt, Hell , Even the kids know there being Poisoned When they take our Guns America Its over. Wake up before Its to late. Obama is a ABOMINATION TO THE CREATOR. Everything Good,Dr. King,JFK,Liberty,Freedom,Good food,Water, Air, Education,ETC...and Most of all the Creator. Must be Destroyed at all cost. Love the Globalist, and The new world order. Wayne Baker ,ISRAEL IS TERRORIST JUST LIKE THE EU The USA is the only country in the world whom allow Monsanto to get away with killing there people. Its time for Operation American Freedom . Wake up before all our children are Murdered. vaccines are death shots, and are proven without a doubt to be responsible for millions of deaths world wide. It is in my opinion that the CDC and all companys responsible for giving Cancer, Diabetes, Autism, HIV,Hepatitis, Altimeters, and a whole host of deceases. Should be prosecuted to the fullest existent of the law. Including having what they inflicted be done to them 100 times over. In the Creators name AMEN ISRAEL IS TERRORIST JUST LIKE THE EU
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 01:20:15 +0000

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