American Alloy; I’ve been thinking on this for more than a few - TopicsExpress


American Alloy; I’ve been thinking on this for more than a few days, it has been especially difficult for me to perform any useful problem solving since my massive seizure at work on June 18th, 2013. The original 13 Colonies and outlying areas were an amalgamation of different cultures, religious beliefs, morals, ethics, colors, races, languages, etc. The original settlers self-segregated into congregations with their own kind and folks lived as that had in their mother countries, being separate from other settlers. A uniting reason or force did not exist and the people were happy in their individual communities. Slowly over time, as their freedoms eroded away by attacks on the frontier and England’s attempts at imposing taxes without offering the corresponding representation in government. The colonies starting seeing that their “diversity” was going to have to give way to the “melting pot” unification. Can you imagine an army of individuals speaking different languages operating as a unified force? So the Radicals started pushing for a more unified nation. These radicals focused on commonalities within the colonies in order to unite the diversities into a well melted pot of the “American Culture”. This American Culture was an Alloy formed from the strengths of the diverse cultures. Think about it, at 3rd rate country prior to WWI rises to be the only super power in under 50 years. This status was achieved through the combined effort of the new America Alloy, it was not built on diversity. Up until the last 10-15 years, the goal had been inclusion. Now we see groups wanting to maintain their cultural identity. That separation means the Alloy is not well mixed and is weaker. I am not {Insert European Country Here} – American, I am an American. I am a Native American born in Iowa. I argued with one of my daughter’s teachers who was a hyphenated American of indigenous descent. I explained to him; politely, that I would consider myself a more loyal American as I did not need to stand on a Hyphenated version of my heritage. I was able to actually change his mind and he conceded that we were all Native Americans. We need to get back into the process of making more American Alloy in order to return our country to Super Power Status. We need everybody, so, cast off your Hyphenated American title that focuses on our differences and figure out how we are the same. This will take real work. It has to be done, so let’s start today. Be an American, rise above discrimination but be sure to point it out when it occurs, no matter the source, no matter the victim. All discrimination in America is wrong, this includes race based quotas, set asides, etc. We will never end discrimination until we allow the marketplace to kill it. Let it go. The marketplace can destroy discrimination, the government cannot. The government can help create a level playing field, but that is all. Small businesses intent on going after the same business will fiercely compete, gather subcontractor pricing from the lowest qualified suppliers, trust me, most business owners don’t care where the supplies come from, as long as they are the right price, on time, as specified. Do not confuse discrimination with discretion. There are laws on the books that prevent property owners the discretion to allow or disallow smoking on their property or in their building. If you own a business and choose to allow smoking and I don’t like it, I can choose to spend my money elsewhere. Laws restricting smoking in private businesses is an infringement on property owners’ rights. Some localities have banned smoking in your own home. Many years ago, my wife took me shopping at a mall store for teens, you know the type if you have been to a mall, I have not been in years. She picked out some clothing for my teenage daughters. I politely refused to step foot in the store until they turned the garbage music off. The sales clerk promptly complied, to a round of applause from other shoppers, and I came in to look over and pay for the purchases. The clerk was not willing to lose a sale over the “music” of choice, capitalism at its finest. It is not a matter of leading massive public boycotts, simply vote with your dollars. If some chain of stores behaves in a way that you find undesirable, stop spending money there. Kmart mistreated me during a $350 purchase over $10, I canceled that sale and have not shopped there since. I have been voting with my dollars for years.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 01:48:03 +0000

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