American Patriots : STAND in DEFIANCE at Obama-Boehner Amnesty ! - TopicsExpress


American Patriots : STAND in DEFIANCE at Obama-Boehner Amnesty ! JOIN Facebook Event (2015-01-03) to fight for Americas Great Republic !! Internet link: https://facebook/events/996907210324105/?ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming Facebook Event: Obama Amnesty -- National Protest : 2015-01-03 Its time we all step-away from the computer keyboards and RALLY at Courthouses & Overpasses across America on 2015-01-03 ... ... and put ASIDE the petty fights between Tea Party LEADERS and Groups based on bruised egos and financial conflicts !!! ================================================ Obamas illegal amnesty as a dire threat to Americans constitutional republic; were amazed and shocked that virtually no one in the GOP has the raw courage to check Obamas excursion into tyranny. Clearly, with the GOPs pathetic political surrender (Boehner & McConnell) ... We Patriots must rise in DEFIANCE against Obamas pillaging of the U.S. Constitution. Who am I, this events organizer ? A simple Patriot, Aerospace Mechanical Engineer ... I am CHALLENGING all Patriots and Groups and LEADERS to put aside their PETTY personal conflicts and differences ... AND JOIN THIS FIGHT. Contact your Groups leadership and urge them to march with US on Saturday 2015-01-03. i916.photobucket/albums/ad8/Coggeshall1955/FB-1227-61_zps3a35c225.jpg Mark Levin Amnesty Youtube Link: https://youtube/watch?v=BVQjIhbkSzs ================================================ National (local) rallies is scheduled for Jan-3, 2015 (Saturday a week on 2015-01-03). Can you take a moment out of a busy Christmas - New Years holiday season and help promote this crucial series of national rallies on 2015-01-03 ? Momentum is building nationally for the rallies, and its already scheduled for at least one radio interview on Monday. Go outside Facebook to engage your friends and local Tea Party folks to participate. Youre encouraged to call into Mark Levins radio show, as well as Eric Erickson, Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Shawn Hannity, Joe Pags, Mark Davis (etc) as well as your local conservative radio talk show hosts. As Ronald Reagan said ... Its amazing what can be accomplished when No Ones interested in getting the credit. ================================================ As youll see below, Im not asking for any $$$ financial donations. Ever. Godspeed. Douglas Coggeshall (Tampa, FL) [email protected] =============================================== National Rallies : STOP Obama Amnesty - FIRE Boehner : 2015-01-03 ================================================= 2015-01-03 National Rally Goals: 1) Speak DEFIANCE against Obamas Illegal Amnesty ! 2) FIRE Speaker John Boehner by encouraging House GOP to select Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) as the next House Speaker. 3) Tell the GOPe-RINO gang (Juan McCain, Karl Rove, Reince Priebus, Jeb Bush) that we WILL NOT TOLERATE their pathetic political surrender to Obamas clear agenda to DESTROY our AMERICAN REPUBLIC. 4) Express our Patriots DEFIANT OUTRAGE ... in the face of BITTER COLD WINTER, just as Generals Washington and Patton won GREAT victories at Trenton (Christmas 1776) and Bastogne (Battle of the Bulge, Christmas 1944). ====================================================== On Saturday Jan. 3, 2015 ... we will ALL STAND DEFIANT in the BRAVE tradition of American Patriots before us ... our fathers and grandfathers ... at Valley Forge, Yorktown, the Battle of New Orleans, San Juan Hill, Belleau Wood, Midway, Omaha Beach, Iwo Jima, Chosin Reservoir, Battle of Ia Drang, and Battle of 73 Easting. Share with ALL Patriot Friends and Tea Party groups ... WHY ? Ted Cruz, Jeff Sessions, Mike Lee, Trey Gowdy (et al) GREATLY appreciate our support ... A great Patriot turn-out encourages the Senate and House GOP to FIRE the Machiavellian traitors John Boehner and Mitch McConnell ... ====================================================== RSVP at the Facebook event Obama Amnesty -- National Protest : 2015-01-03 ====================================================== Youre encouraged to send Rally photographs to [email protected] where they will be posted (in collage form) at the Free Republic website (youll be provided the internet link). Follow this link (below) to download Hertiage Foundation Report (PDF) on $$$ Trillion-dollar Illegal Amnesty Cost thf_media.s3.amazonaws/2013/pdf/sr133.pdf ================================================= Step out -- be COURAGEOUS ... Organize your own LOCAL Rally ! 1) Select your location (primary and secondary) 2) Continue recruiting team members for rally NEXT Saturday. 3) Encourage your local Tea Party chapters to join your team. ====================================================== Rally Team Planning Tips : Team Assignments (Very Important !) 1) Sign Coordinator 2) Security (Two Persons taking Pictures / Videos of the Team Protest) This includes one person on the groups perimeter in case the wrong people approach and try to disrupt your rally team. 3) Hot Coffee & Doughnuts Coordinator (itll be COLD that day) 4) Transportation for Team members with special needs 5) Vehicle Parking Coordinator (locates safe parking) 6) Special Events Person (the Runner for unexpected actions) 7) Communications Coordinator : Press Spokesman & inviting others such as Tea Party groups 8) Team Protection Coordinator : Primarily to keep the Violent and Crazies away 9) Prayer Leader : Your Patriotic Protest Team will absolutely need The LORDs blessing and protection ! ================================================= Douglas Coggeshall ... Aerospace Mechanical Engineer [email protected] Financial $$$ donations NOT accepted or solicited ! Youre asked to share this event (Inside/Outside Facebook). Godspeed to You, Everyone ... .
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 02:42:50 +0000

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