Americans, Christians and Jews around the world MUST join together - TopicsExpress


Americans, Christians and Jews around the world MUST join together push our government leadership to back Israel at the U.N. and everywhere that Jerusalem and the Temple Mount belongs to Israel not to the Palestinians nor to any other Islamic faction ... Jerusalem IS the Capitol of Israel and thus MUST be recognized as such ... The Temple Mount is a historical Jewish and Christian site along with Bethlehem and other cities that the Islamist seek to have as part of their so-called Palestinian State which would be the worst mistake that the U.N. and every free democracy throughout this world could ever make ... Making a Palestinian State Israel is the ONLY Peace loving nation in the Middle-East ... and world leaders MUST come to the realization that there NEVER will be total peace in the Middle-East as long as there is a Palestinian Liberation Authority and Hamas ... the Palestinian Liberation Authority and the Muslim Brotherhoods Hamas has vowed that as long as there is an Israeli Nation and Jews in the Middle-East, that there will never be peace ... Despite the fact that Israel seeks peace. And, Even IF there were no Israel anymore, there STILL would not be any peace in the Middle-East because the Sunni and the Shia would constantly battle each other as long as there are groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood and their terrorist organizations ... The United States of America, the European Union (EU), the United Kingdom (UK) and every free and democratic nation on earth to include the United Nations (U.N.) MUST Stand by, stand with and support Israel and its occupied territories ... for IF they DO NOT, then they will be destroying their own nation by supporting these Barbaric satanic people and their agendas to divide, overthrown and conquer every free democracy.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:06:34 +0000

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