Americas great and amazing founding fathers said a lot of things - TopicsExpress


Americas great and amazing founding fathers said a lot of things about freedom and the rights of each individual. They also spoke of injustice and tyranny. They even had flags made that stated, clearly, what they believed should always be true- and they intended for us, their posterity, to also stand firm against tyrants. Here is what they said on the flags they made (pics). How many of us have the guts to stand up for anything any more? Well, I dont see many, if any. I see a lot of talking heads who spout a lot of good ideas about freedom. But I never see anyone actually willing to do something about our present tyrants in office. I tried. A few months back I tried to get folks who love this country as much as I to get onboard and unite to make demands backed by a force of arms. But not a single person joined. It has become painfully clear that no one, at least on my fb page, loves America like I do. What a sad and sorry indictment on every American alive today! I dont want to hurt or kill anyone. really, I dont. But when foreigners and traitors usurp the offices they were elected to serve in then We, the people have only one recourse- remove them from that office. Americas first law and first Right, The Declaration of Independence, gives We, the people the forever and guaranteed Right to remove any and all leaders from OUR government when they become destructive of our desires for this country. Well, every Democrat and the foreign-born man in the White House have been and are still doing just that. We have the right and the obligation (to America and to our children and theirs) to remove and arrest these tyrants and traitors. We can hang them after the trial. But are you a patriot? Do you love America? Are these mere words to you that have an automatic response of Yes? If you do nothing but read and talk then you are neither a patriot nor do you love this amazing country. You want to know what to do? Join groups or militias that are determined, by whatever means it takes, to remove the bad leaders from our government and put America back on the right track. Then, begin sending letters and emails through the groups to your leaders informing them that their time for change has come. Tell them they no longer have the option of what to do and that we will inform them of what they will do from here on in. Let them know, in no uncertain words/ways, what is expected from them and that they will be held accountable for not following We, the Peoples desires. If they comply then all is well. If they dont then it is time for us to take up arms against our illegal and tyrannical government, as our founding fathers did to their government, and remove them from office by force. Now, I ask again, are you a patriot and do you love America? Or, are you a coward who simply likes to talk as our country slips farther and farther out of our hands and away from freedom? Your actions will determine who and what you are because actions, I have been told, do speak louder than words. I am no brave man but I have had enough tyranny and treason from my government! It is time they learn that we will not be forced to be or do anything. They listen to We, the People or we try them for treason and hang or shoot all who refuse. Where do YOU stand- coward or patriot? The first picture is one of the flags selected as Americas Great Seal (It is a biblical symbol showing Americas Christian founding but it didnt get chosen). The second is a flag made and carried during the Revolutionary war against our founders government, England. Our Founders gave everything for America and you. Our founders stated that Americans should always rebel against tyranny. They put those words on each of the flags. They pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honors to each other and he cause of freedom and independence. What are YOU willing to pledge to their honor, for America freedom and for Americas future generations? Have you any honor? Then stand up and speak out and help take America back from thugs, terrorists, tyrants and traitors.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 18:18:25 +0000

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