America’s Facebook: By Samuel Mercuri Today’s - TopicsExpress


America’s Facebook: By Samuel Mercuri Today’s politician, Seems oblivious, to the needs of their constituents. They promise us fiscal responsibility, And ethical leadership. Hope for tomorrow, And a better world for our children. But they leave us with rising unemployment, Secret back room deals, and crushing debt. We wonder why, But perhaps the answer is right in front of us. Just look at where we put our priorities, on America’s Facebook. Actress Drew Barrymore has 1.5 million fans on Facebook! Vice President Joe Biden comes in at 578,000. Rap artist Kanye West has 1.6 million fans, But ABC News anchor Diane Sawyer doesn’t even have a half million. President Barack Obama has 36.4 million fans from around the world! Which sounds impressive, until you realize that the late Michael Jackson has almost 52 million. Actress and entertainer Jennifer Lopez has nearly 25 million fans on her page. While radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh has only 1.2 million fans. That happens to be a few more than President Bill Clinton, who has just over one million. Comedian Chris Rock has 3.1 million fans. House Majority Leader John Boehner is just shy of 350,000. Only 811,000 people are following first lady Laura Bush. But over 6 million Americans follow Lay’s Potato Chips. Actor Denzel Washington has 3.6 million followers on Facebook. The Washington Post, on the other hand, has just under 700,000 Presidential candidate Mitt Romney has 11 million fans, compared to the over 29 million people that follow Mc. Donald’s. Former playboy playmate Jenny McCarthy has about 130,000 fans But that’s still better than Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who has less than 37,000. Actor and comedian Adam Sandler’s page has over 41 million fans. Senator John McCain can’t even get 1 million! Pepsi has 17 million followers. While House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan has about 4.8 million of them. Secretary of State John Kerry has about 24,000 fans on his page. While Tim Tebow of the New England Patriots has 2 million fans. LeBron James, 2 time NBA Champion for the Miami Heat has over 14.5 million fans! But radio talk show host and opinion journalist Sean Hannity has just over a million. The ever popular Oreo cookie has 34 million fans on Facebook. The entertainment/news program “The Daily Show” has only 3.8 million. Tom Brady, quarterback for the New England Patriots has 1.9 million fans. In the off season. Senator Tom Harkin, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions has less than 6,000. Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly has 52,000 followers. While director and actress Angelina Jolie has almost 4.3 million. Alex Rodriguez, baseball star for the New York Yankees has over 1 million fans! Senator Al Franken, Chairman of the Senate subcommittee on Energy, has hardly 250,000 fans. Maybe our politicians would work on our behalf, If they had any indication that we’re paying attention. And that we’d hold them accountable. Because I hate to break it to you, But if you instantly recognize Pete and Stewie from “Family Guy”, But couldn’t pick Jay Carney out of a police lineup, If you know Snooki from “Jersey Shore”, but have no idea who the Governor of New Jersey is, If you’ve never heard of the Huffington Post, And think the “Daily Caller” is the telemarketer that’s been trying to sell you health insurance for the past three months. Then I’m afraid you’re part of the problem.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 14:26:11 +0000

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