America’s greatest enemy is not ISIS or the Muslims by Ron - TopicsExpress


America’s greatest enemy is not ISIS or the Muslims by Ron Bedell The Muslims have been demonized by the American media and by the entire New World Order establishment, including being demonized by American churches. The New World Order establishment has to blame their evil deeds on somebody, so they blamed the Muslims. Do I think Islam is a satanic religion? Of course, I do. But then again many other world religions and cults are just as Satanic if not more so. But do I think Islam is America’s greatest enemy? No! America’s greatest enemy is the International World Bankers. In fact the International World Bankers are the greatest enemy of every nation in the world. The Bankers control America’s media; they control federal state and local governments through organizations such as Masonic Lodge, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and many more; they control the foreign and domestic policies of the United States; they control the educational system in America; they own and control America’s money system through the Federal Reserve; they control Americas churches through the 501-C3 status of the privately owned IRS; they control nearly every area of American society. (If you don’t believe what I just said above about the Masonic Lodge, look at the northeast corner of every government building in America. There is a Masonic Lodge plaque right there. America is run by the Masons. In fact at your next town hall meeting, ask your elected official if he is a Mason. The god of the mason’s is the devil, himself. The God of Christianity is the Lord Jesus Christ. Even men who belong to Baptist churches professing to be Christians are involved in the Masonic Lodge. In fact the Southern Baptist Convention is controlled by Freemasonry, Masonic Lodge. Moreover, Republicans and Democrats are Masons.) There are also a number of books and videos that I can recommend to you. However, I think, the book that really opened my eyes is a book called the Shadows of Power, by James Perloff. If the Bankers control the media, they control how you and I think about foreign and domestic policies of the United States. The Bankers/globalists Elites are masters of deception (Revelation 12:9). Today, people don’t like to talk about conspiracies because it exposes the evil and wicked side of mankind. How could man possibly plot evil against his own fellow man? Well, the Bible lists at least 25 conspiracies of man plotting evil against his own fellow man. Of course, the greatest conspiracy in the history of mankind was the plot to kill Jesus Christ. Today, we are led to believe that man is basically good when the Bible teaches the exact opposite is true. The Bible teaches that every man is conceived in sin with an old sin nature that is desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9). So how do we fight conspiracies when the globalists do all their plotting and planning against the American people behind closed doors and in secret? First, we have to realize that this is a spiritual battle. The Apostle Paul said in Ephesians 6:10-24 that this is a spiritual battle. The spiritual realm influences and controls the physical realm. Satan is the god of the unbelieving world. He is not the God of the believers; Jesus Christ is the God of the believers. Believers in Christ and the entire world are under satanic oppression today because believers have allowed Satan to occupy and control the world. Jesus told believers to occupy till I come. “And He called His ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.” Luke 19:13 Believers in Christ are to occupy in politics, business, and in every area of society. youtube/watch?v=g47NGtODeVM (The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America.) youtube/watch?v=5hfEBupAeo4 (All wars are Bankers Wars) (Rothschild’s want Iran’s banks) https://youtube/watch?v=hO1BD6jpBSE& (John F Kennedy exposes the secret societies) I believe that if more Americans wake up to this Rothschild scheme we could abolish the Federal Reserve and we could get Americas free market economy back on track as well as restore political freedom.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 23:10:26 +0000

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