America’s leaders need to understand we need to stop being the - TopicsExpress


America’s leaders need to understand we need to stop being the world’s policeman. We have spent too many American lives and much treasure fighting other people’s battles. Stay out of involvement with Syria. President Barack Obama often says one thing and then does another. Domestically the press lets him get away with that behavior. However, his “red line’’ international comments have come back to bite him. We also need our leaders to better understand what is in America’s best interest. In Egypt who should we support? The overthrow of their president by the military is really a move that is consistent with our long-term interest of stability in that region of the world. An Egypt controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood would have yielded lots of problems via Israel. Our involvement in Iraq eliminated a counterbalance to Iran. Our involvement in Afghanistan will change nothing. Once we are gone, watch want happens. The war in Vietnam was a big-time mistake. We should only deploy our military to defend Americans and a clear American interest. I should add that we have economic problems at home that make dubious military adventures unwise. Republicans need to check their desires to get into military conflicts because of our values. Our first value should be to not waste American lives.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 01:34:00 +0000

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