Amethyst with Onyx Gemstone Bracelet For Sale @ BD15. This - TopicsExpress


Amethyst with Onyx Gemstone Bracelet For Sale @ BD15. This bracelet is made from high grade & genuine gemstones & strung on elastic thread. Free delivery within Bahrain and we ship by EMS Post Office within GCC & internationally. Gemstones are keys which can be used to unlock your potential. Their energies can calm anxieties and infuse the body with healing energies. By wearing this particular stone, you are inviting its energy into your life. Black onyx is one of the most unique and powerful stones. It is best known for its protective qualities, but can be used to help enhance determination, deflect negative energies and increase self-confidence and the ability to multitask. Black onyx is also a grounding stone which is valuable in difficult or confusing times. Wearing black onyx can help keep ones mind focused and increase productivity and determination. It is an excellent stone to help heal a broken heart or release attachments to people, places or things. It is said to be helpful in overcoming a past relationship or an unwanted form of love towards somebody. It helps to smooth the ‘roller coaster of emotions’ we all face at times. A great aid for letting go or releasing past attachments to people, places, things, bad habits and even addictions. This is sometimes known as the sobriety stone. It is frequently recommended for people who have lost a job or recently experienced some type of breakup or ending. Because of its power of assisting in letting go it is wonderful to have around if going through a break up or divorce. It is also great for keeping negative people away from you and out of your life. Black onyx can also make one more receptive to change and help release old patterns and beliefs that may prevent goals from being reached. Onyx will help you gain emotional balance, strength and self control; very powerful when you need help moving through a lesson or task. Onyx brings change into our lives by helping us to realize and see patterns or old beliefs that no longer serve us and provides us with the strength to change them. Black onyx is an excellent stone to wear to protect from negative energies and provide strength during difficult times. The energies of black onyx are said to repel negative energy from other peoples emotions and thoughts. In ancient times it was worn to protect the wearer from the evil eye or jealousy of others. Today, black onyx can be worn to help end unhealthy emotional attachments and help release negative thoughts which may be blocking emotional healing. Its protective vibrations work to reduce fear and worry and can keep one centered and grounded during difficult times. On a physical level, black onyx can be used to heal skin disorders such as sunburn, psoriasis or poison ivy. Simply soak an onyx stone in a cup of water for at least twelve hours and then dab the water on the body in the area where the skin problems are occurring. Black onyx has the unique ability to absorb energies emitted from other crystals, making it more powerful over time. It is one of the few crystals which can be used with other stones to enhance their healing abilities. Feel The Change In Yourself & Your Environment... If there was only one stone that you were able to choose to have in your environment, this would be the one. It is certainly the pre-eminent stone for all sorts of reasons. And the fact that... it is easily available is a very good reason to get one for yourself. Once you have a piece, and use it... you will feel the change in both yourself and your environment that Amethyst Crystals will bring into your life. Why is it so admired... and why are people keen to use it? It is a beautiful stone to have in any part of the home as its energy is so helpful. Having a piece in the bedroom will promote restful sleep and peaceful dreaming...and are one of the quartz formations that are a powerful asset to any room. One of the beautiful geodes placed anywhere in your environment... is powerful to bring through a wonderful healing vibration. These quartz crystals emit a strong field of vibrational healing energy... so they are marvelous tools for self healing. This is one of the Amethyst facts that is immediately apparent when you stand in front of one of them, and experience the feeling that resonates from them, as the field of light that they emit is so strong. If you have addictive habits such as smoking, drinking or drug addictions you may be assisted by using Amethyst crystals... This is one of the reasons why these purple crystals have been prized throughout history... as well of course for its beauty. It is historically believed to have been the ninth stone on the Breastplate of the High Priest of Israel. The history of this beautiful purple crystal goes right back to ancient times. Any person may benefit by having this stone close by... as it is also a highly protective crystal. This crystal is common and comes in a variety of forms... and has many good and valid reasons for it to be the stone of choice. All quartz crystals are strong amplifiers of energy. When it comes to their healing energy the properties of all quartz crystals are very impressive. More than any other crystal it will quieten the mind... allowing you to more easily make contact with spirit. It is very easy to obtain and natural crystals should be able to be bought very easily at crystal shops, gift shops, on the internet and at a wide variety of other retail outlets... as its popularity is high. This quartz crystal may also help with healing sadness and grief... and will assist you to heal your inner child, as it will allow you to let go of built up melancholy and depression based in the past, as well as helping to dissolve anger, fear and anxiety. This stone has a useful energy that will cleanse negative energy from your auric field. You can see that it will be a great advantage in the overall growth of your spirituality and health. Amethyst improves concentration, memory and other mental abilities. Acting as a means against depression, it helps cure headache and reduce fears. The light of Amethyst calms and relaxes, enabling the person who wears it to clarify the thoughts and achieve inner harmony. Besides the abilities to awaken clairvoyance, it protects against witchcraft and evil forces. Amethyst will help you whenever you find yourself overwhelmed with negative energies, such as rage, hatred and guilt, or if you want to reduce sorrow and pain. It helps in cases of grief, and encourages acceptance of loss. On the other hand, it provides insight into the powers of Divine love, encourages selflessness and spiritual wisdom, and stimulates the third eye. Amethyst is a wonderful talisman for use in the creative arts, especially in darker shades. It assists endeavors where new, original results need to be created using tools and methods of the past. It is often used as the Artist’s Stone, the Composer’s Stone, the Inventor’s, Poet’s and Painter’s Stones. Keep an Amethyst crystal or cluster in the area to focus and amplify the creative elements of the Universal Life Force. Amethyst is the stone of St. Valentine and of faithful lovers because St. Valentine was thought to have worn an Amethyst ring engraved with the image of Cupid. It is also referred to as the “couple’s stone” and gives meaning to relationships that over time, transcends the carnal union and gives way to deeper connection and a more soulful communion. Wear as an engagement or eternity ring for fidelity, or as a locket to call back lost love. Referred to as “nature’s tranquilizer,” Amethyst calms and soothes, assisting the transmission of neural signals through the brain. It relieves obsessive compulsive disorder and hyperactivity in children and animals. Place under the pillow or mattress, or rub the center of the forehead counter-clockwise to cure insomnia and stimulate pleasant dreams. It is especially effective for children’s recurring nightmares and fears of the dark, and may help alleviate homesickness. Amethyst is an excellent stone for diplomats, negotiators and business people. It calms angry temperaments and gives a distinct advantage in situations where debating is required. Wear or hold Amethyst to bring in spiritual insights coupled with intellectual reasoning. As a luck and prosperity crystal, Amethyst is good for reducing the tendency to overspend, gambling addictions or unwise investments. Amethyst gemstone color is considered a royal color and has adorned British Crown Jewels. This stone was also thought to encourage celibacy and is used to increase spirituality. This gem is also referred to as Bishops Stone and has been worn by even the Bishops of Churches. Amethyst is a gemstone often worn by healers, as it has the power to focus energy. If placed under the pillow at night this stone is said to give a calm and peaceful sleep. This stone is also said to protect the wearer from sudden and unexpected happenings, sickness, danger and evil spirits. This is an ideal gem for those who deal with fashion garments, beauty parlors, travel and tourism, research, show business etc. Amethyst symbolizes piety, humility, sincerity and spiritual wisdom. It is thought the amethyst is the perfect stone to symbolize The Age of Aquarius. Amethyst is known for its healing powers as well because of its power to focus energy. Amethyst magnifies psychic abilities and right-brain activity. This stone is also said to increase memory, motivation and courage. Amethyst was also reputed to control evil thoughts, increase intelligence and render men shrewd in business matters. For travelers it was worn as a protection from treachery and surprise attacks, kept soldiers from harm and gave them victory over their enemies. It lent assistance to hunters in the capture of wild beasts and fowl, and was considered to be a powerful psychic stone of protection against witchcraft and black magic. Like other royal stones it protected its wearer from disease and contagion. Amethyst is connected to the Temperance card in the tarot, representing balance. It is a stone dedicated to curbing overindulgence and bad habits, and is an excellent aid to quitting smoking, drinking and drug use, as well as unhealthy physical passion. It also provides the strength needed to obtain freedom from addictive personalities, one’s own or another’s. Placing an Amethyst on the navel is believed to protect a person from intoxication, and in conjunction with other treatments such as counseling, helps cure addictions. A naval piercing makes it possible to always keep an Amethyst in this spot. On the physical level, Amethyst regulates the secretion of hormones, cleanses the blood, regulates the blood pressure, calms the nerves, protects the heart, soothes bruising and swellings, and helps in cases of hearing disorders. It is also said to strengthen immunity, while energizing and purifying the blood. It is beneficial for the digestive system; it relaxes and enables easier falling asleep. It facilitates hair growth, and cleanses the skin and pores. This stone is used to treat headaches, breathing problems, blood sugar, and mental imbalances. This stone is also used for meditation, spiritual opening & internal surrender Amethyst is used in breathing problems. Protection Stone-Ancient Egyptians used the amethyst guard against guilty and fearful feelings. It has been worn as protection from self-deception, as well as a protection against witchcraft. The amethyst has long been used to open the spiritual and psychic centers, making it one of the power stones. In the spiritual world, Amethyst provided a connection to the Divine. To the Hebrews, it was Ahlamah, the ninth stone in the breastplate of the High Priest, engraved with the tribe of Dan, as well as the twelfth foundation stone for the New Jerusalem. To the Egyptians, it was Hemag, listed in the Book of the Dead to be carved into heart-shaped amulets for burial. In Eastern cultures, it was listed in descriptions of sacred “gem-cities,” “trees of life,” and used in temple offerings for worship, and to align planetary and astrological influences. It was popular in rosaries and prayer beads, credited with creating an atmosphere of pious calm, imbuing a sense of mental peace and quietude.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 07:28:17 +0000

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