Amidst all the negative vibes, gloom and pervading sense of doom - TopicsExpress


Amidst all the negative vibes, gloom and pervading sense of doom threatening to overwhelm and engulf the fledgling Aam Aadmi Party; the more than welcome news of a Delhi Police sub inspector being ensnared in his own web of deceit, corruption and insatiable lust for wealth must surely come as manna from heaven to the beleaguered chief minister and his incorrigible colleagues....... A sub inspector of police attached to/with the Vikaspuri police station was apprehended red handed by the anti corruption bureau personnel while demanding and accepting a bribe from a businessman for showing him the undue favour of recommending his name for a much desired revolver licence thanks to a sting operation being carried out on the errant cop by the very same businessman.......... The rogue sub inspector who has since been identified as one Joseph Johnson was arrested right outside the very same police station in which he was stationed while accepting a bribe from the businessman late on Wednesday evening........ An elaborate trap was laid out by the anti corruption bureau personnel following the registration of a complaint by the businessman pertaining to the demand for illegal gratification for discharging his official duty on the Delhi governments anti corruption helpline........ According to the information put out by the complainant put out on the helpline, the sub inspector had initially demanded the exhorbitant and seemingly outlandish amount of Rs.20,000/- for rendering him an official favour, but the same was brought down to Rs. 10,000/- following protracted and lengthy negotiations........ As promised, a sum of Rs. 1,000/- was delivered to the unscrupulous Delhi police personnel on Tuesday and the remaining Rs.9,000/- was to be handed over to him in cash outside the Vikaspuri police station premises on Wednesday evening as earlier agreed to........ This is the third successful arrest of a Delhi police personnel since the Delhi chief minister launched the anti corruption helpline 1031 amidst much fanfare and brouhaha on January 8, 2014....... Two Delhi police constables were apprehended on extortion charges by the vigilance department on January 11 following the registration of a complaint regarding the same on the above mentioned helpline by a vendor who also successfully carried out a sting operation on the rogue cops following the instructions laid down by the chief minister to the very last comma........ Disgruntled elements within the rank and file of his very own party might call him the choicest of names and even brand him a megalomaniac and budding dictator, while political opponents might well vent their collective spleen on nitpicking and finding imaginary faults with his populist and eccentric schemes launched thus far to alleviate the perennial sufferings of the chronically suffering Aam Aadmi............ Love him or hate him, but there is certainly no earthly chance of ignoring the Delhi chief minister and his anti-corruption juggernaut..........
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 06:51:54 +0000

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