Aminu Gamawa Northern Governors were invited to Washington DC to - TopicsExpress


Aminu Gamawa Northern Governors were invited to Washington DC to meet and discuss with key US government officials, International organizations and experts on how to address the current insecurity in the North. Ordinarily, I have many reservations on going to another country to discuss Nigerias problems. I dont think we should outsource our problem-solving to other countries. Nigeria has enough material and human resources to deal with all her problems without foreign intervention. Sadly, we are unable to use these resources and we also lack the political will to address most of the key challenges hindering our development. I think this case is different for two reasons. One, the attitude of the Federal Government and some states on the Boko Haram issue and insecurity in the country is very discouraging. Normally, the US government has no business discussing directly with states, but in this case they want to hear from the Governors of the states affected by the current violence and conflicts. Two, the political atmosphere in Nigeria is so polarized that it is hard for this governors to get together and take any concrete steps that will improve the security situation. Many of them are busy planning for 2015 elections and playing politics. I dont see anything wrong in discussing with anyone or any country that can help us in rebuilding the north. We need assistance in rebuilding schools, hospitals, improving agriculture, resettling those displaced by the conflict and addressing the root causes of the conflict. I, however, want the governors to keep the following in mind. 1. We are all responsible for the current mess in the North and playing a blame game will not solve the problem. We created the mess. We must clean it. 2. The US is a strong partner in confronting the current challenges in the North, but we cannot and should not rely on any foreign country to solve our problems. We must understand that foreign assistance have many limitations. 3. You have all seen how they do things here in the US. Everything is working and the government respects the people. If they govern the way we do, we wouldnt have come here to seek for their help. Many of you have sent their children to study in the US because they have good schools. When you are sick you come to the US for treatment because they have good hospitals. There is no magic. It is all about good governance and leadership. 4. Talking will not change anything. You need to have a clearly defined vision and plan on how to address the problem of unemployment, poverty and illiteracy in the North. We can use military force to crush Boko Haram today. Tomorrow another group will emerge if we dont address the root causes. 5. Many of you are now used to receiving and spending billions in the name of security. That is another way of profiting from the current violence. If we want a solution we must use that money to provide good education, health and jobs for our people. Finally, as you look outside for help, you should also look inside for resources that can be used to make your various states better. There is nothing you will learn or get in the US which is not available at home. There are so many great ideas and qualified Nigerians that can assist you in coming up with solution to our various problems. Good governance is what will solve the current problem of insecurity in Niger
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 02:09:26 +0000

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