AmirLiaquat Hussain’s letter from #Madina@ Wednesday, October - TopicsExpress


AmirLiaquat Hussain’s letter from #Madina@ Wednesday, October 23, 2013 I beg forgiveness that the days spent in traveling from Muzdalifa to Mina, from Mina to Rami Jamra-e-Aqaba, Tawaf-e-Ziarat, and Rami Jamra for the second time were so busy and tiring that I could not find time to write. On Waqoofe Arafa day, I was once again granted privilege of having the company of thousands of pilgrims in praying to Allah and we prayed most obsequiously to the Almighty till the sunset. Faisal Mahmood Siddiqui and Mufti Sohail Raza Amjadi of Hijaz-e-Muqaddas had arranged such a gathering for prayer that tears rolled down the eyes without a gap. Further a sinner like me was entrusted with the responsibility of leading the prayer at the plain where our Holy Prophet (PBUH) had supplicated to Allah Almighty with raised hands joined together. If I have many lives still they would be insufficient to possibly offer my gratitude to Allah Almighty for immensely facilitating the performance of Manasik-e-Haj. Since ‘Tawaf-e-Ziarat’ on 10th Zilhaj is believed to be more auspicious, that explained the huge rush of pilgrims. Although a separate portion has been constructed above Mutaf which is part of construction to be completed by 2020, still the area was opened for the ill, senior persons on wheelchair, and very elderly persons to do Tawaf. However Tawaf can be performed from the roof of Masjid-al-Haram and even from a lower floor. The lovers’ keenness to do Tawaf at Mutaf cannot be adequately described in words. Still a hard fact should be kept in mind that in spite of their love for Tawaf, their jostling through the crowd and not caring for ladies particularly veiled ones, deprives them of the blessings of Tawaf but this also affects the prayers they have recited and also the number of rounds he has taken of (Tawaf). This is a point to ponder and calls for basic awareness to be driven in the minds. This is absolutely essential so that in the final phase of performance of the great Haj, the pilgrim is not deprived of the immeasurable bounty of Allah Almighty. Most of the pilgrims leave Mina for Haram Sharif on 12th of Zil Haj before Maghreb prayers and after the Rami, whereas some prefer 13th. Before leaving Mina for Haram Sharif I had the pleasure of having several meetings with Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Sardar Mohammad Yusuf who is undoubtedly a very affable person. He has been my colleague in the 2002 National Assembly. He wanted to meet me and seek my advice on certain matters relating to his ministry. I humbly replied that that I am an insignificant person and one whose advice is of no consequence. My advice could not get attention when I was minister of state and Ijazul Haq was minister for religious affairs. I told Sardar Mohammad Yusuf to work according to his conscience. In the meantime the ‘evergreen’ Behrullah Sabzwari joined us. I had the honour of visiting the Maktab-6 of administrator Jamia Farooquia and noted religious scholar Maulana Saleemullah Khan in Mina where I was received with open arms. The Maulana has grown old but still he performed all the Manasik-e-Hajj with the agility of youth. He was accompanied by his son-in-law. We had a discussion about talks with Taliban and the bold Maulana candidly said: “Ulema should not get involved in this exercise”. I could not meet Muzaffar Hussain Shah Qadri as he had already left for ‘Tawaf-e-Ziarat’. However I met Maulana Tariq Jamil for the second time. Now the time was approaching when we were going to breathe the air of the city of our most revered Holy Prophet (PBUH). Love was boundless and enthusiasm limitless and restless. How could a lover feel at ease till he has seen the abode of our Holy Prophet (PBUH). On 13th Zil Haj we proceeded towards Madinah. This was a journey in which eyes were continuously shedding tears, and legs, rather the entire body was shaking with the awe of the destination. This was a journey which you do not undertake yourself. This journey is possible only when there is an invitation. We offered Asar and Maghreb prayers on way. Night had fallen when we reached Madinah Sharif. We hurriedly took bath, changed, sprinkled some perfume and moved like a criminal to the place where the sins are washed off. I offered different prayers like Tahayyatul Masjid followed by Isha and Vitar. After that I entered the space to offer my salam to ‘Syedi, Murshidi’. There was lot of room at Riazul jannah as Hajis were due to visit the place from the following day. I offered all the prayers there and with heavy feet and downcast face stood before the golden ‘jaalis’. I am pained to see that some people try to look into the Hujra of the Holy Prophet. This feeling becomes the more painful when they try to look into the Hujras of Syeda Ayesha Siddiqua, and next is the Hujra of Syeda Fatimatuz Zuhra. The piety and veils of both these great women of Islam is universally acknowledged. May Allah lead us to the right path so that instead of peeking into the Hujras and making videos on mobile cameras, the pilgrims should recite Darood-o-Salam. Those who indulge in such activities lose the bliss of proximity to the great Prophet’s court. The ecstasy of the faithful which he enjoys while appearing in the Darbar of our Holy Prophet (PBUH) is something which words cannot adequately describe. Here you do not utter a word while the job is done by tears rolling down the eyes. The maximum one does is to beg redemption in subdued voice. If one still feels something lacking, Syedna Siddique Akbar and Syedna Farooq Azam are there to plead your case for mercy. No one can return empty-handed from the court of our Holy Prophet (PBUH). How can he refuse the recommendation of his close aides? This is a place where you can get almost everything, as what else can a faithful need other than redemption. I am back in my room but I am short of words as the rapture of shedding tears there does not let me do anything else. Allah Hafiz
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 12:16:57 +0000

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