Amnesty=here it comes Why is this president and administration, - TopicsExpress


Amnesty=here it comes Why is this president and administration, so determined to allow more and more illegals into the country, which is already sinking in debt, lack of jobs, entitlement increases, etc.? Obama Considering New Immigration Enforcement Changes (Updated) on March 13 Updated 10:18 p.m. | President Barack Obama told the Congressional Hispanic Caucus leadership Thursday evening he’s considering more changes to the enforcement of immigration laws, amid growing unrest among his allies over his deportation record. “The President emphasized his deep concern about the pain too many families feel from the separation that comes from our broken immigration system,” the White House said in a readout of the meeting. “He told the members that he has asked Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson to do an inventory of the Department’s current practices to see how it can conduct enforcement more humanely within the confines of the law.” The readout continued, “The President thanked the Members of the CHC for their work on these challenging issues, and expressed his strong desire to work together to put pressure on Congressional Republicans to pass bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform as soon as possible.” Obama met in the Oval Office with Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chairman Ruben Hinojosa, D-Texas, CHC Immigration Task Force Chair Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., and House Democratic Caucus Chairman Xavier Becerra of California. Gutierrez had pointedly called the president the “deporter-in-chief” and “dishonest” on the issue just last week. But Gutierrez sounded positive in a statement late Thursday: “The President directed Secretary Jeh Johnson to review with the CHC a menu of options that can be implemented to reduce the pain of the current enforcement escalation and end the deportations that separate families. “I will meet with Secretary Johnson next week to present options and then the entire CHC will meet with him to discuss those and other options that the Department of Homeland Security is developing when Congress returns after recess. “Just as important, Republicans should step up to the plate and take action on immigration reform and not abandon the American people on this important issue. And in the absence of action by House Republicans, administrative action is imperative. “It is clear that the pleas from the community got through to the President. The CHC will work with him to keep families together. The President clearly expressed the heartbreak he feels because of the devastating effect that deportations have on families. “This began a new dialogue between the CHC and the White House that had been dormant for too long. The CHC Members who met with the President were adamant that the President needed to act. I agree with the President that the ultimate solution and responsibility for fixing our broken immigration system rests with the Republican majority in the House of Representatives and we will work together to demand Republicans take action.” The meeting comes as prospects for an immigration overhaul seem as bleak as ever, with Democrats ripping Republicans for legislation aimed, in part, at rolling back the president’s executive actions sparing young people brought here illegally by their parents from deportation. Republicans believe the president has already stepped outside of the law on a range of issues, including halting deportations for the young. And with hopes for an immigration overhaul fading, many immigration advocates have increased pressure on the White House to act unilaterally to halt deportations that break up families, and the Hispanic Caucus has been considering a resolution urging the president to act. Obama has repeatedly resisted doing so. “Relief delayed is relief denied,” said Pablo Alvarado, director of the National Day Labor Organizing Network, in a statement after the meeting. “The President has no excuse to continue his unjust deportation policy, and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus should not delay joining what is now a consensus position that the President can and should suspend deportations, expand deferred action, and end the disgraceful Secure Communities program = = = = = = OBAMA SEEKS EXECUTIVE OPTIONS TO AID ILLEGAL ALIENS 13 Mar 2014 President Barack Obama has launched an internal review on how he can provide additional leniency to illegal aliens inside the United States of America, the White House announced on Thursday evening. Obama has asked Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson to do an inventory of the Department’s current practices to see how it can conduct enforcement more humanely within the confines of the law, the White House said in a Thursday press release. Obama’s announcement that he would seek to grant more executive amnesty to illegal aliens came after he met with three Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) members on Thursday -- CHC chairman Rep. Ruben Hinojosa and Reps. Luis Gutierrez and Xavier Becerra. Hispanic lawmakers have complained vociferously of late about the number of deportations executed by the Obama administration. The president emphasized his deep concern about the pain too many families feel from the separation that comes from our broken immigration system, the White House said in its readout from the meeting. A Senate GOP aide told Breitbart News that these concerns are overblown because about two-thirds of what the amnesty advocacy community is considering deportations are actually removals of people caught as they were trying to cross the border. Johnson recently admitted as such in a congressional hearing. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)—the law enforcement agency that handles deportations from the nation’s interior—reports that 98 percent of 2013 deportations were of convicted criminals, people who just crossed the border, or people who illegally re-entered the U.S. after being deported before. President Obama kicked off 2014 by asserting his executive powers, infamously saying he has a pen and a phone that he plans to use if Congress does not grant him his agenda. For the last more than a year since the 2012 presidential election, President Obama has pressured Congress to grant amnesty to illegal aliens. The White House worked with the Senate’s bipartisan “Gang of Eight” to write their immigration bill, which passed the Senate but has remained stalled since. It has also tried to pressure the House to move on immigration, and after a recent meeting with the president, Speaker John Boehner said the issue they agreed on most was immigration. Even so, the majority of the House GOP conference has vocally stood up against granting legal status to illegal aliens, and massively increasing legal immigration, during this extended period of high unemployment in America. An estimated 50.5 million working age Americans are either officially unemployed by Department of Labor standard definitions or not working, but want to work, according to a recent report from the Center for Immigration Studies. In summer 2012, Obama announced—in the White House Rose Garden alongside then Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano—the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which granted executive amnesty to so-called DREAMer illegal alien minors. Additional executive action now would likely infuriate House Republicans—even those who support amnesty. For instance, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor—who supports granting legal status to illegal aliens—criticized the administration’s non-enforcement of immigration laws in an addendum to a 2012 report he released on Thursday. “This is another example of President Obama abusing his authority and unilaterally refusing to enforce the immigration laws by directing officials to stop removing broad categories of unlawful immigrants,” Cantor wrote about one such instance in August 2013 of Obama using executive authority to aid illegal aliens.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 02:38:41 +0000

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