Amnesty is Irreversible. Here Is Our Battle Plan To Stop Obamas - TopicsExpress


Amnesty is Irreversible. Here Is Our Battle Plan To Stop Obamas Amnesty Call your Congressmen and tell them to oppose an Omnibus spending bill that will cast aside the exclusive power of the purse and will lead to Obamas executive amnesty. Tell your Congressman to reject a long-term budget deal made in the lame duck. A vote for a long-term spending bill is a vote for amnesty. Its as simple as that. The phones in Congress have to ring constantly throughout next week to achieve our first goal. Please be part of our citizen army to stop amnesty. Make the call, send the Fax and emails below! Call back everyday this week; Burn up the phone lines. We need all hands on deck! Message to your members of Congress: Dont give away your power of the purse to defund amnesty. Insist on a SHORT-TERM SPENDING BILL. Reject any long-term omnibus spending bill that takes away your ability to stop an executive amnesty early next year. The Capitol switchboard is 1-866-220-0044 Start calling, you can leave a message for your congressman Send a FREE Fax to your three members of Congress, click here: https://numbersusa/sendfax?refer=content%2Fmy%2Faction%2Fboard Send an Eagle Forum prepared email to your three members of Congress, click here: From Conservative Headquarters 11/14/2014: ttp://conse rvativehq/node/18917amnesty for illegal aliens To most Americans whether Congress passes an Omnibus spending bill, a short term Continuing Resolution (CR), a long term Continuing Resolution or a an actual budget and appropriations to match is a distinction without a difference – what they want to know is did spending, the deficit and the debt go up or down? But right now those fine distinctions will decide whether the America we know lives or dies. Upon those fine distinctions rests whether Republicans will retain the tools they need to stop Obama’s amnesty or whether they will unilaterally cast aside the exclusive power of the purse the Constitution grants Congress to rein-in a lawless President and allow Obama to embed millions of illegal aliens in our country. As our friend Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies explained in National Review Online, while Congress “cannot stop Obama’s passive abuse of discretion (his exempting the vast majority of illegal aliens from immigration enforcement, for instance), it can use that power to prevent active abuses, like the provision of work permits, Social Security cards, and driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, which would be politically irreversible.” (emphasis ours) This concept of stopping “active abuse” of power is why the message that Republicans must reject a long-term budget deal made in the lame duck is so important. As Krikorian pointed out in his commentary for NRO, Harry Reid will obviously not agree to any funding riders prohibiting Obama from issuing work permits to illegal aliens. Also, the Republican leadership has already said it’s not going to engineer another government shutdown. But in the next Congress, the House could pull out the Homeland Security budget (rather than fold it into an omnibus funding bill for the whole government) and attach the rider just to that, so when Obama vetoes it, only DHS will be subject to a “shutdown.” The reason for the quotation marks is that it won’t be much of a shutdown since law-enforcement components continue to function as “essential personnel,” including the Border Patrol, the Secret Service, the Coast Guard, ICE, and the TSA. In fact, the chief component of DHS that actually would be idled by a budget battle would be US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the very bureau that would have to implement Obama’s lawless amnesty. This creates a Catch 22 for Obama, if only the GOP has the wit to exploit it, noted Krikorian. If Obama signs a DHS budget with the rider prohibiting his amnesty, then it doesn’t happen (though he would still be able to implement certain other parts of his lawless plan). But if he vetoes it, the agency that he needs to process the amnesty is furloughed, so the amnesty still doesn’t happen. But all this depends on Congress approving a short-term spending bill (a Continuing Resolution or CR) now — one that would keep spending at the current (absurdly high) levels for the next two or three months, so the new GOP-run Congress can have a free hand says Krikorian. If spending were locked in till September 30 (the end of the fiscal year) the opportunity to halt the amnesty will be lost; it would take months to implement the amnesty, so little will have happened by January or February, but once millions of people are legalized, even if it’s ostensibly temporary, it will be impossible as a practical political matter to revoke their work permits, Social Security cards, drivers licenses, etc. Harry Reid or the president could try to kill such a short-term spending bill, but that would be politically difficult if the Republicans propose no changes to current spending, noted Krikorian. What would be their public rationale for shutting down the government? Their only rationale would be that such a plan interferes with Obama’s planned amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, and that, the results of the recent midterm election tell us, is exactly what the voting public wants, so Republicans would be clearly on the winning side of that battle. For now, there’s only one thing that conservatives who worked to give the Republican Party its new majority in Congress need to know: A vote for a long-term spending bill is a vote for amnesty. It’s as simple as that. Read Mark Krikorians article in National Review Online here. From NumbersUSA Battle Plan To Stop Obamas Amnesty HERE’S THE DIRE DANGER WE ARE IN If you were like me, you got very excited to see so many Republican congressional leaders standing up to Pres. Obama at the White House last Friday and in other venues decrying his continuing announcements that before the end of the year he will declare an amnesty that Congress has refused to declare. But when our staff and the staff of our allies in Congress look at the words of the Republican leaders — particularly of Senate Minority Leader McConnell and House Speaker Boehner — they fail to find any promise to take away all funding from Pres. Obama to carry out his executive amnesty. Right now, it looks like the GOP leaders are prepared to make political hay in vocally opposing the President. But they also are planning to take away the ability of Congress to defund his actions. Yes, you read that right. Outrageous. But we have no reason to believe otherwise at this moment. Surely you won’t let them get away with that. How would Sen. McConnell and Speaker Boehner do it? By allowing passage of an omnibus spending bill over the next few weeks that would fund the government through next September. During that time, opponents of amnesty would lose the one tool that is available to them to stop Pres. Obama’s amnesty before millions more illegal aliens get work permits. Will you please join the citizen army over the next 10 days and serve with distinction? The phones in Congress have to ring constantly And then, we have to start it all up again throughout next week to achieve our first goal. 1st GOAL: Ensure that Congress leaves on Thanksgiving vacation without passing an OMNIBUS SPENDING BILL. Why? Theoretically, the House of Representatives could start the omnibus spending bill with a provision prohibiting any money be used for an executive amnesty. But Senate Majority Leader Reid has shown in the past that he won’t bring up a bill like that. He is likely to force a shutdown of the government rather than accept defunding language, but the House would probably get blamed. As long as Reid and his Democratic colleagues are in the majority in the Senate (only through December), we cannot hope to get any spending bill to Pres. Obama’s desk if it includes any defunding language. That means a short-term spending bill also could not get to the President’s desk with defunding language. But a short-term spending bill would require the new Congress to pass another spending bill early next year. Reid would no longer be in charge of the Senate. It is assumed that the next spending bill would have defunding language in it and would go to Pres. Obama’s desk. At that point, it would be the President and not any chamber of Congress who would have a choice of signing or shutting down the government. 2nd GOAL: Pass a short-term spending bill before Christmas. 1st WEEK IN DECEMBER: If we have blocked the omnibus spending bill before Thanksgiving, we can devote our wall-to-wall December phoning to pressing House Members to push Speaker Boehner to bring to a vote a short-term spending bill that will keep the government operating only until mid-winter. It will then be up to Sen. Reid to decide whether his commitment to protecting Pres. Obama’s executive amnesty is worth his being blamed for shutting down government because he refuses to bring the spending bill (which will NOT have any defunding language) to the Senate floor. We cannot be sure of how clean the outcomes will be while we have a President who seems intent on expanding executive power to nullify the Constitutional rights of Congress as far as he can get away with. But we see no other course of actions at this time. say no to amnesty -- Educate and inform the whole mass of the people. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty. - Thomas Jefferson
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 21:27:15 +0000

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