Among modern democracies India is the only country where political - TopicsExpress


Among modern democracies India is the only country where political opponents have been jailed without any genuine reason except that they protested misrule and corruption. We are a democracy! We have progressed so far as a brutal dictatorship that our govt even arrested and jailed Anna Hazare merely because he was going to protest. We are a democracy! We have a CM, Nitish Kumar, who is so paranoid and treats his State like a private fiefdom, that he dictates who should enter and who can campaign in his state. We are a democracy! We have politicians making laws like 66A which can land you in jail for harsh criticism of Sonia Gandhi or mocking her. We are a democracy! We have the Shehzada telling poor people emotional crap like “airports and roads can’t feed you”. It doesn’t occur to the Shehzada that those who worked and laboured to build the roads and airports earned their bread honourably instead of crumbs being thrown at them by the ‘family’. In short, he’s telling them “Don’t bother fishing we will give you the fish”. We are a democracy! Please vote for me in the name and sacrifice of my Mummy who cries, My Daddy who was killed, my Daadi who was killed and my Great-Daada. We are a democracy! Vote for Smith, Smith & Smith! The late Saddam Hussein and Idi Amin had many statues erected for themselves. Many roads and schemes were named after themselves. Cut to India; every second scheme is named after some Nehru-Gandhi family member. There is hardly any village, town or city where you won’t find statues of the ‘family’. Of course, we are still a democracy. And then when someone talks about honouring Sardar Patel they are upset. They want to own Sardar Patel too when the man would be the first to dump the current Congress (I) in the Arabian Sea. They call themselves “secular” while constantly dividing society by religion and caste through every policy and law they make. They give out laptops and mobiles like a Raja throwing gifts at his poor subjects. They believe in democracy! The fear-mongering is now at its peak. Anything threatening Smith, Smith & Smith… Err… Gandhi, Gandhi & Gandhi is now a threat to democracy. mediacrooks/2013/11/desperate-measures-part-3.html
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 07:40:10 +0000

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