Among the many good things that the winter brings in what more I - TopicsExpress


Among the many good things that the winter brings in what more I take note is the stock of garden fresh ginger, turmeric and the white ginger ( its called mango ginger in kerala മങ്ങാഞ്ചി , മാങ്ങാ ഇഞ്ചി ). Probably I never missed buying these combination ever since I first tasted the salad made of a cobination of this as a bachelor from the Gujarati home where I stayed almost an year. I think this is something that everybody , I mean the people of Kerala and else where too , adopt at this season as this is something that most probably available almost everywhere in India where lot of sunlight and rain falls or similar places world wide. These three items are washed and the thin skin is removed ( just very superficiality scrapped) and sliced into thin pieces , all items in equal proportion or in a proportional that one would like after trying out. Add to this sufficient quantity green chilly and enough of fresh lemon with skin each cut into minimum of 4 pieces. Add good number of curry leaves and sufficient salt. Keep it all open for some time and then fill into a purely stainless container which is more in height compared to its mouth and closable airtight. Pour over it a spoon or two or more plain salad vinegar in a way that it wet all pieces . One can start using it after few hours with whatever one have and especiallyb with rice as I do. Keep under refrigeration and use good amount every time sit for meal. As time goes it becomes tastier only but finish it off in two weeks time maximum and replenish it with new stock.till it disappear , as a combination, from the market ( never the cold storageg ones please , this or anything , I would suggest as it defeat the purpose of the seasons itself !) I think has everything to keep one healthy at this particular season that offers many natural wonders like gooseberry ( nellica) and assortment of fresh fruits including cheap berries. . A recent research result shows the power of turmeric to fight many a thing. The curcumin present in it is a natural phenol which we Indian knew from ancient times and used and now others are taking note of it .
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 03:24:14 +0000

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