Among the qualities that the four imams shared was their great - TopicsExpress


Among the qualities that the four imams shared was their great knowledge and expertise in Islamic Law. Something else they all had in common was that each of them faced persecution at one time or another in their careers. They had difficulties with the rulers, with their peers, and with the general masses, and in every case they showed extraordinary patience. Imam al-Shāfi`ī faced the threat of execution. Ahmad b. Hanbal was imprisoned during the inquisition about the nature of the Qur’an. Mālik was flogged due to the stance he took regarding people who were compelled by the state into getting a divorce. Abū Hanīfah faced false accusations and was beaten for refusing to accept a judicial post. All four of them endured persecution and all of them came through it shining like pure gold. It was an early portent of the important impact they were to have in society, and of the overwhelming acceptance they were ultimately to attain. It was not only the state that gave them trouble. They also had the to contend with the ignorant and gullible from among the general masses who were easily swayed by rumours. There are numerous accounts of how the imams stayed above the abusive behaviour they experienced at the hands of the ignorant and foolish who were resentful of the popularity and respect the imams enjoyed. The imams rose above these trials, which ultimately helped to cement their reputations. Al-Shāfi`ī was once asked: “What is better for a man, to be established in reputation and authority, or to be persecuted?” He replied: “It is not possible to have the former until you’ve experience the latter.” The imams never sought revenge and never did wrong in their turn. They put their hardships behind them and forgot them, as if the persecution had never taken place. Sometimes they faced the censure of their colleagues, people who possessed knowledge and religious piety, but who, out of either personal weakness or misunderstanding, stooped to the level of name-calling and petty accusations. Ahmad b. Hanbal once asked his students where they had been. They told him that they had just been attending Abū Kurayb’s lessons. This was Abū Kurayb Muhammad b. Al-`Alā’ al-Hamadānī who had recently been speaking badly about him and criticising him on account of a difference of opinion they had on a particular issue. However, Ahmad told his students: “Write down what he says, for he is indeed a scholar of integrity.” His students responded: “But he says a lot of bad things about you.” Ahmad said: “What can I do about that? He is a scholar of integrity who is upset with me.” Only people of great personal integrity can conduct themselves with such magnanimity, people who are not self-centred and are able to set their egos and vested interests aside. This was the case with the four imams, was not in their natures to get into personal disputes with people. Their vision was more far-reaching, their goals were loftier, and their example was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). They were not about to turn their personal problems into matters of public concern.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 13:35:55 +0000

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