Among the reasons the Democrat Party is full throttle behind the - TopicsExpress


Among the reasons the Democrat Party is full throttle behind the illegal alien issue is the State of Texas. Colorado was flipped from red to blue by four billionaires who poured their money into that State with the specific intent of flipping it blue. Texas is not so easy to flip. The conservative attitude of the huge population won’t be defeated with ease. The Democrats believe that if they can flip Texas, the country belongs to them indefinitely. The remaining red states would not hold enough electoral votes to override the leftists in a presidential election, and the steady rise of representatives in the House would all but seal the fate of America. When the City of Murrieta in California refused to accept busloads of illegal aliens into their city, the public became aware of the massive influx of border crossers into the country. Murrieta, a conservative enclave in an otherwise very liberal State, may have been targeted because of its GOP flavoring. The illegals being shipped into the city, however, were not primarily from San Diego. Southern California’s fence at the border has slowed the invasion to a trickle. The massive numbers of law breakers being shipped into Murrieta were from the Rio Grande Valley, in Texas. People from south of the border are being encouraged by the Obama administration to not only flood into the United States, but to do so at the Texas border. The number of incoming illegals is so great that the facilities in Texas are unable to handle the processing requirements for such large numbers. The Border Patrol in Texas has been overrun, and the requirements by the federal government being pushed upon the Border Patrol, and ICE, are impossible to maintain. . . so, illegal aliens are being shipped to other cities for processing, and illegals are being released into the general public at record numbers.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 00:59:12 +0000

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