Amos is on Day 10 of his 2nd and final heartworm treatment. We go - TopicsExpress


Amos is on Day 10 of his 2nd and final heartworm treatment. We go back to the vet for his final clearance this week. I had a bit of a scare a few weeks ago because he was constantly falling and becoming very lethargic, but it turned out to be a pretty bad ear infection. I had to board him at the vet for a few days, so he was able to get treatment and is doing very well again. Another update was that we had to bring Mello our Golden Retriever back from Michigan, so she was introduced to Mr. Amos about a week ago. They had a rocky start, but after all of my Cesar Millan books and videos, I took them on daily pack walks, slowly introduced them and we have finally made it to the point that they can sleep next to one another. He responds very well to the Cesar touch and it is fairly easy to bring him out of his obsessive behavior. He growled and went after her on day 1, but after applying all of these techniques, he hasnt acted aggressively towards her at all since. He still is definitely her boss and very Alpha, but Mello being so trusting and well behaved during the introduction (she would drop/lay down any time I told her) he finally learned that she is not there to hurt him. Feedings are his weak spot, he doesnt want her to eat or be anywhere near his food, so we have had to be extra careful there. I mostly feed them separately, but on leash will have them eat small amounts next to each other and correct him quickly when he starts getting obsessive. He hasnt improved much in this area yet, but I will continue working with him. I would probably not trust him with any other dogs that are even remotely dominant, but having an extremely laid back female has been good for him. He doesnt love her and want to be BFFs or anything yet, but is becoming very tolerant and lets her sleep on his bed. I think this will improve with more work. He is now happier when I leave her out of the kennel (always 100% supervised). We havent been able to integrate him with the cat, but our cat is the meanest thing ever, so I am not sure if he could be taught tolerance there as well with a more laid back cat. I would probably not attempt it, but my dog training isnt exactly professional, so I just know I am not up for that task. I think he will be ready in the next week or so to start going to the adoption events, so I am really just starting his training now. He doesnt know his name (I am pretty sure he has hearing issues), but will come right away when I click his leash or make that sort of metallic clicking noise. I havent worked with him on sitting or anything like that because of his surgery, but I think I will start working on that next.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 00:34:45 +0000

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