An American who became Indian cultured Monk , Addressing UK - TopicsExpress


An American who became Indian cultured Monk , Addressing UK parliament (The Place where most of the biggest decisions of the world were taken while ruling America and India) ---------------------------------------------------- Sharing few imp points of this amazing talk, Incase you dont have time to watch whole 1 hr 30 min talk. Some points are worthy to listen and mention. 1. While travelling across the world, To see how people in diff countries view world, view GOD and found there is so much hatred in the name of Loving God. Thought came- Is there common essence of all these spiritual paths that could unite us instead of Devide us? Have Read Bible, Quran and Geeta. 2. Everyones heart has two dogs - A good Dog and Bad Dog and its up to you whom you want to feed more tht will win the fight. 3. Quest: Shouldnt all Religions and spirituality be banned in all countries and there is so much fight over it.? Ans: Fight is not because of loving essence of religions. Its beacuse of Ego, holier than thou. If we stick to basic principals of spirituality than we can see how spirituality can actually unite us. Spirituality is about feeding good Dog and starve bad Dog. Learn to honor value of life , to love, to serve. 4. Quest (By an Accountant): Swami, Everything you said is totally useless, What would happen if everyone in the world will become a Swami like you, who will run the Govt, Who will run the banking, who would grow the food, who would do the educating....? Ans: What if everyone in the world will become an accountant like you, Who would run the Govt, Who will run the banking, who would grow the food, who would do the educating?? Even when everyone will become accountant like you .. Whole world will be unemployed there will no need of accountant. :) Yes, There is need of Politician, Bankers,Doctors, Teachers,Engineers, Farmers and similarly Swamis as well to live life of selfless and devotion and teaching spirituality and goodness after college education. Everyone has to honor each others good work. then only we can have a healthy society. 5. After Watching riots in Bombay, First thing came in mind that people should learn understand the universal values.. of honoring life, of respecting the environment, respecting neighbors brother/sisters and giving people rights they deserve. 6. Govt can play imp role of like being gardeners supplying water to the seeds of goodness, feeding the good dog in people. Prosperity of values by including good values in the education. 7. Supreme Dharma for every living being is to serve with Love without selfishness and unconditionally. 8. Irony of our times is We have guided Missiles but misguided Humans - Martin Luther King. 9. People are meant to be loved and things are meant to be used, But unfortunately many times, We become so People are being used and things are being loved. 10. He (Richard Slavin who later became Radhanath Swami [Official]) who had studied Bible, had a friend Narayan who used to study and teach Geeta and his friend Mohammmad who used to share his learning from Quran in magadh Patna(Bihar). They were so good friend and enjoy each others company,, how?. He explains Like Dog can recognize his masters in whatever way he dresses becuz there is love. if we cannot recognize our master, our lord when that lord comes in different dresses , different times to diff peoples to teach the same message. then we have so much to learn fro Dogs. They all felt enriched by each others view being from different religion as essence of all is positivity and goodness. P.S. : I am not sharing as if i follow any person blindly. No.. I rarely follow any Person, Monk, Politician or any Organization blindly but follow the goodness of all, the views of all which are for the welfare of the people, good talks and worthy lessons by anyone and listen to all whether he is OSHO or from Isha Foundation OR from ISKCON OR from Ram Krishna Mission,Vivekanand Samiti OR frm Art of living etc.. Overall experience was that goodness and positivity is common in all if it is taken in its true sense and must be spread. Yes, you can find many controversies on any good thing but it is said that Sea is common for all, some take pearls, some take fishes & some come out with just wet legs....World is common to all but we get only, what we want n try for..!! So Its upto us if we are more interested in controversies or in positivities and goodness.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 04:47:15 +0000

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