An Apology - Im sorry. Im sorry to all the clients, friends - TopicsExpress


An Apology - Im sorry. Im sorry to all the clients, friends and family members Ive advised wrongly over the years. If I told you youd lose weight eating wholegrain bread and brown rice over white stuff, I hang my head in shame. I know I uttered the words calories dont count several times a few years back. I told people to cut out carbs in their evening meal, always eat breakfast, and made it a rule that clients had to eat every few hours. I did this with the best intentions at heart, and using the knowledge I had at the time, going off the methods and reasoning I thought best. But I can look back now, and say I made mistakes. Heres the good news though - I firmly believe in having a flexible and constantly-evolving approach, and that its 100% okay to say youre wrong or that you dont know. In fact, Ive got MUCH more respect for a trainer who regularly utters the words I dont know or who changes their beliefs as new evidence and research comes to light, than one who proclaims themselves an expert and sticks blindly to their dogmatic views. Who knows, maybe in 5 years time Ill be back to recommending low-carb high-fat diets, giving carb cut-offs and warning against gluten. Until then though, Ill do the best job and give the most helpful advice I can with the knowledge to hand. And thats all anyone can do. Thanks for your time, and have a nice day.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 06:35:00 +0000

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