An Eagle’s story One day on a farm, a baby eagle woke up in a - TopicsExpress


An Eagle’s story One day on a farm, a baby eagle woke up in a chicken coup. The chickens looked at him like he was kinda weird but since had feathers and beak, they accepted him. Not as a chicken but just a family member. The eagle spoke eagle language and the chickens spoke chicken language so there was a language barrier initially. Eventually the eagle learned chicken but the chickens never learned to speak or understand eagle. As time went on the eagle picked up all the chicken ways and became content living a chicken life. They loved him and he loved them. He loved them so much that when they would be carted off the slaughterhouse, he would cry. He was never carted off to the slaughterhouse. The farmer never attempted to either. Just took pictures of him with his cell phone and laughed. Sometimes the farmer would charge admission for people to come down and look at the eagle in the chicken coup and he made a considerable profit. The eagle would often be up all night telling the chickens about not going to the slaughterhouse. About fighting the farmer. About living for something else beside a 3 piece and a biscuit future. The chickens laughed at the eagle and told him, Eagle you crazy. This how we do, son. They gone get you one day too. Accept it. Whats wrong with you talking crazy like this all the time? You think you better than us or something? You need to learn your history, thats what you need to do. Chickens get killed& end up on plates, grills and sandwiches. Get that through your head eagle and quit tripping. Accept who we are. Everyday, the same story. Chickens get hauled off, people look at the eagle in the chicken coupe and take pictures, farmer get paid, eagle get sad, eagle try to talk to the chickens, chickens start laughing and shaking their head. Evvvvverry day. One day, while chilling in the chicken coup, the eagle hears someone speaking eagle. He looks around& wonders which chicken is speaking his mother tongue. But he sees no one. But he keeps hearing the language. & its a song. La Familiaaaaa, you can flyyyyyy. La Familiaaaaa, you can flyyyyyy. La Familiaaaaa, you can flyyyyyy. Hes running around the chicken coup just a looking for which chicken is singing this song. But alas, he can not find not one chicken singing this song. Then the singing stops. Eagle is perplexed. Confused. He talks to the other chickens about it and they said they heard it too but they couldnt decipher it because they dont speak eagle. The next day & for the next week, the same thing happened EVERY DAY. Man, o man, eagle was going crazy. So crazy he just fellon his back & said Lord, give me a sign and when he looked uphe saw this huuuuugggeee bird flying overhead singing the song La Familiaaaaa,you can flyyyyyy. La Familiaaaaa, you can flyyyyyy. La Familiaaaaa, you canflyyyyyy. Who is that? Who is that? What is he saying? Why is he saying it? I can not fly. I am with the chicken tribe and this is my coup. None of them are flying &neither do I. & if I was, my chicken family would SURELY ridicule me. So eagle screams up to the bird in eagle as LOUD AS HE CAN,SHUT UP WITH THAT SONG!!! ITS A LIE!!! STOP LYING!!! STOP LYING!!! Now at this point the chickens, the farmer and the paid attendees are all looking at eagle like he is crazy. But they cant understand a word hes saying cause hes speaking eagle. But they do know that he is just a screaming. Then the song from the bird above stops and out of no where the big bird swoops down and lands right in front of eagle. Eagle thinks that he is looking in a mirror. The big bird looks just like him. The chickens are going crazy, the farmers and paid attendees flashes are poppin off and even somebody yells WORLDSTAR!!! After a few seconds of staring at one another, the big birdlooks at eagle and speaks. I am eagle. Youare eagle. We are family. I and many of your family come by here everyday and sing this same song for you. Yet you call us names, say that we’re liars. Look at me. Now look at the chickens. Listen to me. No listen to the chickens. Samefamily? Sorta. Same language? Same bloodline? Same capabilities? NEVA!!! You a eagle Son, just like me & we toast our wings up there in the sky in OUR environment. You scared of it cause you aint tried it. But I promise you one thing: THAT WHICH YOU RUN FROM THE MOST HAS THE BIGGEST LESSONS FOR YOU TO LEARN!!! You can stay here as long as you want and make this farmer richer and richer and keep confusing these chickens. Or you can be who and what you are MADE TO BE and come experience life first hand from an eagles view. Theres a lot you aint seen yet and a lot of other eagles that need you. They need to hear your story. Eagle looked at the big bird with a somewhat confused look on his face and said, But what about the chickens? What about them? Who’s gonna teach them to stand up to the farmer and stop going to the slaughterhouse? They need me here. The big bird said, At the end of the day they can only be what God created them to be and they really arent your responsibility. God created this ecology system and on this planet, chickens are food. Eagles arent. Theyre doing Gods work more than you are. They fulfill their destiny by going to the slaughterhouse. Maybe they will be an eagle like you & I in a future life. Right now, though, they’re just chickens. Maybe you were a chicken in a past lifetime. Who knows? However, today, your destiny is fulfilled by flying and toasting your wings with the magnificent rays of the Sun. It wont be revealed to you down here cause you wont spread your wings. Thats where the receptors are. The information that you need is in the Sun. Put them together and it will be made plain to you. Stay here, and it will remain confusing and a mystery. God made it this way. Not me. Im about to take off now and go back to toasting my wing sand getting my downloads. Were not going to keep doing fly bys and keep singing much longer either. Youve been told and you now are a witness tothe truth. What you do from here is on you. I will leave you with this though. Doubt is the enemy to flying. Trying to figure it all out in your head is the enemy to flying. Trying to keep relating to these chickens is the enemy to flying. Flying is the BEGINNING of your destiny. A destiny made for you by God himself. The choice is yours. Peace. Eagle just stood there. The chickens just stood there. The farmer, counting all his money and uploading his Worldstar Video,just stood there. And then a little chicken came up to eagle and saidHey eagle. I dont know what yall was just talking about but it sure seems that you could do what that big bird can do. He aint no better than you. Mannnn, I wish I was you. You got options. Id be outta here. yep, I would have left with that bird. All of us want to fly but we chickens. So we accept our lot. Many of us have tried to fly. Youve seen us around here trying. It NEVER works. We got wings but we just cant get that altitude. But you? You aint even never tried. Whats up with that eagle? Eagle looked at little chicken and said But what if Ican fly? What the other chickens gone say about me? They may call me names? Think bad of me. Then what? Little chicken put his hand on her hip and said,Eagle, you wont be able to hear any of it from up there; youll begone. Thats what. Make it do what it do, eagle. If you dont try, you less than a chicken. At least we try & we NEVVVVEERR worry about what you think of us for trying. Real talk. That night eagle didnt sleep well. he was restless. Can I fly? Am I supposed to? Whats up there? What am I supposed to be receiving from the Sun? How will I know if I dont try? But what about all the chickens that I grew up with? Oh. Theyre dead. Hmmm? The next morning the rooster crowed to announce the sunrise. All that day, eagle waited for the song to return to his ears. All that week. But it never did. He could only hear it in his heart. Little chicken walked up to eagle and just looked at him and shook her head. What? eagle asked. I thought you were smarter than that. Stronger than that. I thought you was like that bigbird. Admirable. Regal. Powerful. Man, you just chickenand walked off. None of the chickens had ever called eagle a chicken before. He had longed for acceptance all of his life from the chickens and now, today, when little chicken had finally called him a chicken, it just didnt feel right. It felt like a diss. So eagle screamed at little chicken in chicken language, Yo, are you dissing me by calling me a chicken? Little chicken looked back and said, Naw, you dissing yourself for being here so I COULD call you a chicken. Chicken! Eagle had never spoken to rooster and decided to go over to him and see what he thought. Hey, rooster. What do you think about all of this? Rooster said, Man, look. Im living my purpose. I sing the Suns praises every day at the top of my lungs and I really get a lot of joy from it. Plus, I got chicks for days. DAAAYYSSS!!! You should look at your future eagle. And your past. Why none of these chicks got with you yet? You ever had some chicken lovin? Wonder why? Cause we accept you but not like that. I hang where Im accepted FULLY for who & what I am and what Im capable of. They cant make it around here w/o me. All them little eggs? Thats me son. I did that. I dont sit on them but I put in that work. And I’m essential in the process of creating life here. I believe life is about putting in work on YOUR PURPOSE!! In this chicken coup, you aint got no more purpose. Up there, youll at least be closer. Thats what I think. Now, I gotta go and holla at a few of the new chicks that just got up in here. Peace. Eagle went over and hopped up on edge of he fence. No effort whatsoever. He stared into the Sun and inhaled a very deep breath. And then the song returned.But this time it was on another frequency. It seemed to have more resonance. More tonality. More volume. Yet there where no birds in the sky. At that moment, Eagle realized it was coming from the Sun itself. The Sun was speaking to Eagle.Singing to Eagle. Filling eagles heart up with joy. With power. With Love. Eagle had never felt these feelings. Eagle had never really looked into the Sun either. La Familia. You can fly. Come closer. I love you. Little chicken looked up and said You still here? Even I heard that one, Eagle. Eagle looked back into the Sun and as if pulled by the strings of his heart, his wings started to spread and he was airborne. Quickly he rose. Higher and Higher. I CAN FLY!! I CAN FLY!! WOW!!! As Eagle spread his wings and gained altitude he felt the magnificent heat of the radiant Sun on his wings and thought to himself, Ahhhhhh,this must be what toasting feels like. It really feels like I’m downloading millions of bits of information EVERY second. This is sooooo exhilarating. Eagle flew high in the sky “toasting” all day. His heart was filled with love and purpose. This was totally a great day. Eagle knew he was where he belonged and many great things were revealed to him that day and every day that he lived his life as an Eagle. Eagle never flew back to the chicken coup. He never flew over the chicken coup again either. Eagle went on to do many great things as they were directed to him through “toasting” with the Sun. His life was filled with happiness and prosperity for the rest of his life. Can you relate to this story? Could you see yourself in this story? I know I could. I could see the struggle of coming up one way but realizing that that way was not really “MY” way. Sometimes the day of realizing this i.e. enlightenment,approaches us fast and sometimes slow but rest assured it is approaching. We all have gifts that God has given us to get closer to him and receive the countless benefits. We just have to use them. I encourage all to LET YOU EAGLE OUT and “toast” with theSun.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 01:13:27 +0000

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