An Elder Writes: I grew up on the river, so I have seen some - TopicsExpress


An Elder Writes: I grew up on the river, so I have seen some pretty crazy storms. What I loved most was watching the storm slowly come our way from across the river. My sisters and I could perfectly time how many more minutes we could play outside before the rain came. In so many ways I wish the spiritual storms of life would approach us the same way. If only we could see them coming, and then count the minutes before they were upon us; just long enough to prepare and get ready for whatever lay ahead. The truth is we can. Every day, God is right there waiting for us to spend time with Him and His Word. This is our storm preparation time. In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. (Psalm 5:3) I used to have a hard time having a quiet time in the morning. Often I would wait until the evening when the house seemed a bit quieter. What I realized, though, was that I wasn’t prepared for the storms that were going to pop up during the day, and I would be caught without any ‘rain gear.’ I would function in my own abilities instead of God’s. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. (John 15:5) When I switched to the mornings, I realized I was walking out of the house already geared up. Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble. (Psalm 119:165) I had peace knowing I was ready for whatever storm may come my way. I will admit, though, sometimes the storm can be a bit stronger than what we anticipate, seemingly coming out of nowhere. For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. (Philippians 2:13) Even when those difficult storms come, we have to remind ourselves this is God at work for His good purpose (Romans 8:28). Usually in the storm it’s hard to see anything, but the hard rain, the roaring thunder, and the blinding lightning. However, rest assured, God is right there in the midst with you. Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life. (Psalm 143:8) Do you entrust your life’s storms to God? As Pastor Eric said, God’s purpose is for all of us to get through the storms of life successfully. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. (Ephesians 1:4) God would not choose us before the creation of the world to be sent in a storm, simply to be destroyed. That is Satan’s goal, to steal, kill, and destroy (1 John 1:9). God’s goal is for us to be holy and blameless. Sometimes it takes a storm for us to see who we are in light of who God wants us to be. Read: Psalm 121 From sermon 20140706
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 10:47:47 +0000

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