An Empty Book, By Nat Mukta. I am. I come out of my slumber, - TopicsExpress


An Empty Book, By Nat Mukta. I am. I come out of my slumber, the deepest abyss of eternal rest, I am, filled with wonder, awe towards this external crown like crest. The saint makes the point first and last that they cannot teach you anything, to not believe or even try to remember anything they say. You understand mortality therefore you too understand its contrasting factor to do so, being immortal. You can know it with direct experience when you remove your doubts. Though, do not believe this or anything you take in, see for yourself. The wisdom and humbleness of saying, I do not know Is always welcomed. All things come and go within It, It is not a thing to be known. Acceptance/Happiness/Peace does not come from outside or inside. Acceptance/Happiness/Peace is what is. Never coming and never going, yet almost always missed. Reality is a superposition of infinite possibilities, only when observation is made does anything actually take any form. Its a movie, always changing scenes. Only the screen is ultimately real. Love is our natural state. Anything else must be learned, unlearn all you have learned, Love is all there is. Time is the perception of changes within the now. One without another. I am That, I am. If I point you to the moon and you grab my finger, you cannot see the moon. There is no choice, no freewill, simultaneously, there is no fate, no destiny. Truth is not outside nor is it inside, outside and inside are both within Truth. You are a human being having a spiritual experience, While simultaneously, You are a spiritual being having a human experience. Stay quiet within your being. All that is, is every thing. Every thing, is all that is. Everything is nothing, with a twist. Forget the past, ignore the future, this is all there will ever be. Be, like a leaf in the breeze. The waves are not separate from the ocean. God dwells within all things, all things dwell within God. Stormy or sunny sky, the sky is the sky. When you get there, there is no there there. The entire sky can be reflected by one drop of dew on just one blade of grass. The life force that moves the stars moves atoms and even you. The self we can know, is known by our Self. The glass is always full, with water or air, always full. Burn everything in the fire of love. Whatever the quality of fuel, with a spark the fire will burn. Know not knowing. There is no witness and witnessed, only witnessing. There is a field, a web that connects all things. You can have the whole meadow, why settle with one flower? The only distance between you and the divine is a thought. Listen to your heart, it will always know. Everything that comes and goes is not real, only that which stays is real. When things seem to be falling apart, they are in fact, falling into place. Allow the flow of life to take you where it may, never resist. What is cannot be manipulated, for, What Is, is What Is. Do not fear fear. Do not project onto the world, accept what is for what is. What is tomorrow? Have you ever experienced it? You can only feel out of place when you compare this moment to a thought. Rejoice in the knowing that you exist. Emotions pass like clouds, the sky always remains and allows. Sit still within your being. Allowing is always behind what happens, even the allowing of not allowing. Do not assume, it makes an assofyouandme. Where the wind blows, nobody knows. Love like you have never loved before. Life is a game, remember to play. Just plant the seed, the tree grows on its own. There is a place within us all that connects us all. Allow the fires of life to burn, from the ashes will rise a phoenix, stronger than before. The whole universe exists within you. Wrong and right are just human ideas, in reality there is only perfection. Notice how a child plays in the rain, no worry, no fear, no hiding away. Logic will never help you understand what is, only with intuition, it can be. Wisdom is not knowing, only in not knowing is there room to know. Life changes and the answers you have are susceptible to changing also. Sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes and the grass grows, by itself. Enlightenment is the Egos ultimate disappointment. You have to ask yourself the question, Who am I? Focus on the mystery of the awe of your own existence. If the pond is still or with ripples, the pond is still a pond. Nothing is permanent. Thoughts are thoughts, not reality. Life is a wonder, dont try to understand it, live it. Your duty is to Be, and not to be this or that. If there is Truth, it cannot be true for one and not for another. It must be consistent, therefore true for all. Each wave is but an extension of the ocean. To say I think is like saying I grow cells or I circulate blood. Drama is a great way to feel alive when you have forgotten that you are life. Problems and the apparent entities which have them, are not real. Without a thought, one will never, in all of eternity, find them. For they are imaginary. Realization consists of getting rid of the false idea that one is not realized. Belief systems dam the waters of life, hindering your flow. Dont take the overly serious serious. Remove your expectations, they allow you to be let down. Knocking, the door opens, I have been knocking from inside. Knowledge is adding. Wisdom is removing. No reason is needed to enjoy, though, you need a reason to not enjoy. Your natural state is one of love. The most important thing in life is what is happening right now. Your cannot have a problem without a thought. If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present. You have no life to lose or to use or to waste. You are eternal, stop being so serious. Have you ever seen a life? Your life? What does a life look like? Do you keep it in your wallet? Where is it? What isnt life? If you have no life to lose how can you die? Confused by thoughts, we experience duality in life. Ones emotions and mind can be a dangerous master, though, a useful servant. Learn to control yourself, be like water. The time is whatever the time is now; The now is like the screen on which the movie of time can play. It does not matter the scene, fundamentally, the seer, is looking at the screen. Quantity of opinion does not change the truth; If 99 out of 100 people were to believe the world was flat, that doesnt make the 1 that thinks otherwise wrong. Empty your mind and heart, be like wind and water. Any form, object or sensation that you can be aware of, even pure consciousness or enlightenment, you can experience or observe. There is no death, energy is transferred from form to form, therefore life and nature are an eternal flow of harmony beyond the level of harmony that can be conceptualized. Nature is an infinite and eternal perfection. You cannot be this or that. You cannot be any thing, for any thing you see yourself to be; You are seeing. Liberation and tranquility are simpler than simple. Becoming present or trying to be in the moment are further distractions of the mind to avoid this moment, the inescapable constant. All is now, you cannot get to the now, you have never left it. Those who are confident act in a manner that is pleasant towards all. You are not the thinker, Nor the doer, You are the seeing. During any unease, one can choose to react or observe; To experience or witness. One can give belief to the situation and interpretive thoughts, empowering them and creating the perceived reality or, One can realize that thoughts are passing, that they themselves are not the thoughts but the unaffected space in which thoughts can pass. It is your choice to identify with thoughts or not. The future never arrives, it is always yet to come. If you are clouded by dreams of the future, you cannot see what is now. The past has passed, memories are only ideas. If you are stuck in the past you cannot live, for the past is dead. The eyes see it, But no hands can take hold of it - The moon in the stream. There is a force that guides and binds all things; It is within and without all. There is no thing that escapes it, all is subject to its influence. Everything experienced, every moment of existence perceived has been from the same position has it not? The same reference point, right here and now. Have you ever witnessed from any other point, future, past, there? In truth, there is oneness, unity, completeness, an infinite and perfect whole. Without thought, without belief, identity creating the ability to know this and that, pure reality is simply here, always. Through conditioning and memories we feel we can recall the past, in turn know something. This is only imagination, with projected thought we analyze and name our experience, filtering and separating it into parts, you, me, it. Stay wild, fresh, you are not only the leaf but also the very breeze that moves it, effortlessly. Domesticate nothing, resist nothing, be wild, be natural, be truly free. To master life completely, all one needs to truly realize is that they exist, right here right now, and that everything else is just imagination. Life is simpler than simple and only ever as complex as you allow yourself to believe. The universe does not make mistakes, pay attention. No one is getting anywhere in life, no one has ever gone anywhere. We are all always right here and right now, there is no more. Your here right now, and your alright, everything is fine in this moment. There is no past or future. There is, has always been and always will be one moment. That moment is now. Its all one big reflection, understand by stepping out of time into the timeless, you will know. You are not the bodymind, you do not exist within time. This is not some fluffy idea, this is not a belief, this is Truth. Contemplate the question, Who am I?, and you will realize how simple, how obvious this Truth really is. Time is what Infinity looks like to the Mind. Before after and during life, we are beyond death, it is simple because objects only exist in the mind so only ideas can be born or die. Find an object without thought. It cannot be done. Incubate within, In the fire of self, Let it burn all doubts. I do not believe you are a person that can suffer. You suffer because you believe. Simply do not listen, like reading a book, you can read the words or you can look past them and see the page, unfocused. Do not read the noise, see the silence behind it. Do not read the things, see the nothing behind it. Belief is used to cover insecurity. Can you be measured of defined, do you have a start and end, do you have a shape? The person or the body, the human experience is constantly shifting and changing. Theres no point where you can say, Ahh, there it is, thats me, thats that, thats who I am, Im this person. Because this body is gonna go, this mind is gonna change, it evolves, it goes through a process of flow. It comes and goes, parts come and add on and parts go and get taken away, and, eventually it falls apart completely. For any apparent you, this is a concept, this is a belief. Therefore its referring to the past, therefore youre not present. So a Being, an individual entity can never be in the moment. An individual entity can never be present. Through self inquiry, the question, who am I? the mind will become still and one will be left with clarity. Through acceptance you will find peace, not through the acceptance of others. What is productive, if one sits still and does nothing the body is producing millions of new cells automatically. I am that, i am; I am, nothing, nobody, Simply here and now. I am, a post sign, a finger pointing. Here to point at this moment. Neti neti is an ancient and basic technique of self-inquiry. Neti neti means not this, not this, or neither this, nor that. As the observer, everything you observe, remember not this, not this. As all that is observed cannot be you. This recognition that you are not what you observe draws attention from form and shows you youself. There is no way, no path to the timeless. A path implies space and time. You are not the body, you are not the mind that sees the body, you are not the consciousness that sees the mindbody. You are that which sees even consciousness. That which sees seeing itself. Focus your attention on attention itself. I cannot give you any reason or understanding. It is not something that can be taught and understood, you must have the direct experience yourself to rid any doubts. The wise win before they begin for they see no enemy. Without comparison. However wise; One will not see how things should be, Though, nature sees; So to know, there is no need. What size are you without any comparison to any other size? Truth is obviously simple, Illusion is overly complex. When two truly meet, there will be no one there. You are not the mind, nor any concept. The mind is always becoming therefore always forgets to be. Accept your inherent perfection, Though with no pride, For your perfection is also mine. Do not focus on you and what you are doing, let go. Completely unfocused is how the greatest art is made, how the best sports players play. They become so unfocused that they become one with the task itself. Its simpler than simple, so obvious that most never see it. Like the old saying, its right in front of your nose. The only difference between an enlightened being and an unenlightened being, Is that an enlightened being knows there is no difference. That which cannot be seen but makes seeing possible. Your entire existence is based on the faith that you are a separate being and not this universal consciousness. Try to find a person without thoughts, you cant, yet you can know yourself, the fact that you are the one that is aware of the awareness of the mind shows that you are not the mind, for you perceive it. When one perceives a tree or some phenomena, they know it is not them, for they are the one perceiving it. Yet when you perceive consciousness and thoughts, for some reason, you identify with them and assume they are you, not realizing that obviously they cannot be for you are the one perceiving them. If not eternal, it would have a start and end which would make it a thing that had to come from somewhere, so the only other option is that nothing is the infinite. That in some incomprehensible way, nothing is the source and the screen on which the images of everything play on. Consciousness, the silence that all noise resides within. This can explain the origins of everything. Also the interconnectedness between all things as they are all but vessels within the ocean of nothing. This would suggest that everything is ultimately one whole nothing, including our sense of self. Do not try to understand yourself, jut be yourself. What is Love? Love is the absence of judgment. And what is judgment? Judgment is the identification of apparent form. The room around you, your own body, all these shapes and forms are like the symbols, different patterns and formulations of symbols on the sheet music. If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything. Be quiet, sit here and now. Thoughts are the source of the world. I is the source of thoughts. What is the source of I? All paths imply time, therefore no path can take you to the timeless. Compassion and love are our true nature, there is nothing to cultivate, no path to being loving, only away, a path implies time. Love is the timeless, so no path can get there. One with too many problems thinks too much. One with a problem thinks. To believe youre a being that can observe a separate world is to be unconscious. An inflated self-assessment due to not clearly seeing the incompetence of mind and your sense of I. All is correct and incorrect at the same time. Never trust thoughts, they are only for feeding your illusions. Let your heart of hearts do the thinking, it knows. Reality and imagination. Equally invalid, equally unreal. There is no difference at all. There is only the self. I am Youniverse It is not a matter of becoming but being, abide as the self. All is Brahman, Consciousness is all. Your perception of yourself is a perception, not your self. It cannot be determined as correct or incorrect for that which determines the validity of the perception is the perception itself. The self is not some new identity or upgrade, it is what you have always been, the only change is not believing thoughts. Its really that simply, that is all transcendence is. Your sense of identity is a grub, it feels stuck and confused. This is not bad at all, you see, you are in your cocoon, and soon, you will emerge more beautiful and alive than ever before. Emotions are so simple to remove yet we are convinced it is a struggle. It is like carrying something really heavy, getting sore and tired, feeling weak, and all you have to do is put it down, just let it go. When you do you will realize that it was so simple, that the only hard part was actually trying to carry around the weight. If it is not original, pure or fresh then you are believing in the concept of time, this apparent past that can be repeated is only an idea in mind, it does not exist beyond your thoughts. True power is gentle and soft, like the moving water which erodes the sturdy rock. True strength is like a flower germinating so, from its seed graciously with the power to shatter stone. The timeless one has no time to worry nor to waste. Realize that for any dissatisfaction you must compare with thought, and, That without comparison, no matter the situation, you are inherently satisfied. Not me, not me, for I am the one that sees. Even if a seer is seen, not me, not me, for it is seen. Being inherently knows itself, the illusion is just illusion and holds no value what so ever. It is not denied when realized to be unreal, it is for the first time, fully accepted. To think there is one who can see an apparent creation is foolishness. There is no subject object split in reality, this is only a thought. It can be believed or seen with clarity for what it is. All that is there is a cloud, seen from here, Here is not a location, you are here. All locations are clouds, seen by you, Clouds of nothing seen by nothing. Only when the clouds are believed to be, are they separate from the sky. Just clouds in the sky. Stop chasing clouds. Beliefs will always come and hold power if you believe the initial belief, the belief in yourself, your sense of I. Remove this belief and the whole world will cease to exist. True meditation isnt about positivity or even silence, one will realize for there to be noise, there must be silence behind it like the white behind these words. The same too goes for negativity, behind it is always the joy of simply existing, meditation is about realizing you are like an open sky, allowing the clouds to roll by, positive or negative, they will come and they will go on their own. That is why you must look deeper, underneath the clouds of the surface, the things in life, you are, you exist, and to sit in that knowing, to simply be, it is more than any words could ever describe. The forms are only waves in the ocean of consciousness, they can appear to seem separate but they are always one, the ocean makes no distinction between itself and its waves, all is the ocean, all is consciousness. Remain open and unknowing, to know is to be closed, Closed by knowledge alone one cannot have room for the open nature of wisdom. People and the world are not real, only thoughts, arising from the mind. No one is suffering, there isnt even any one to suffer in the first place. There is no understanding to be gained or taught, there is no path. We are that, if there is a you to imagine a you that is your own projection. Can you pick it up and asses it? Can you show me this apparent you known or, you knowing you, without thoughts, can you find it at all? No, it cannot be found, it is only a thought. A true mystic is scientific, a true scientist is mystical. Even mathematics only works because of the magical essence of the universe. You see, what must always come first for any mathematical equation? Even the simple 1+1, for this there must first be nothing, zero, absence, then one is added to begin the equation. Then another one equaling as you should know, 2. That absence, the zero needed to begin any equation, that is magic. It is the universal force behind and within all things. Who am I? Who or what is aware of my sense of I? One can question the teaching of non duality but it can never be show it to be false. Your doubts are just the minds reaction, arising from its fear of being realized as nothing more than illusory. A projected sense of existence which seems real enough to draw ones attention in to create emotional reaction and an experience of immersion. Not unlike a good movie or video game. One cannot achieve the self, one is the self, the self cannot happen, or come, it cannot be gained. This is one of the main hurdles one could say, one of the biggest traps of enlightenment is to think you havent always been enlightened, that is why when you seek truth, it cannot be found, it is only realized when one completely lets go, even letting go of the desire to be more, or enlightened. How you see this all depends on your perception for the words and concepts have unique meanings to all beings. Being awake is often used to describe the indescribable state of perfection, also known to some as knowing God or Nirvana. It has many titles but they are only post signs, if you get attached to the pointer youll never see what its pointing to. All are the divine, though some are believing for now the thoughts that they are instead the body/mind, or anything else within existence. Every happening, everything, ultimately, is you learning about yourself. Words can not be wrong or right talking about such a thing, the words hold little to no importance at all, that from which the words arise is the true message or knowing being pointed to. If one points you to the moon and you focus on the finger, you will not see the moon. Which means, if words are used to point to truth and you attach or focus on the words in any way what so ever, you miss what they are pointing to. A rain drop is not a rain drop after it has merged with the ocean. Everything is just one force or field of consciousness, all form is too this consciousness. One infinite being. Remove everything, let it all go, what is left? Only a thought can think it thinks, this is because you are that which sees the thought of any apparent you thinking. When you look through the persons eyes and see a tree, you know you are not the tree for you see it, though when you look at the conscious awareness of mind and the coming and goings of the person you assume you are it even know you are that which sees it, therefore you simply cannot be it, you can only imagine and belief you are due to your emotion and attachment, identification to form. This position is the no position, the position-less position, no opinion, the opinion-less opinion, it cannot be clarified, you will never understand. If you are attempting to understand then you are not paying attention to what is said, what is said is not said to the one that can understand. You are asking you to sit still and be quiet so you can realize you will never recognize yourself. Its only mind if you are believing in the mind, in thoughts. Meaning one cannot love nor hate the mind, it cannot be calm or chaotic, it cannot be purified or emptied, the mind never even existed. I am that, that that which is. Not unlike a painting, If you are looking at it, You are not in it. That which you can see you cannot be. Although, this is not what your eyes can see, All that you are aware of is seen, Including the seeing of your eyes seeing. Knowing knowing is like a mirror tunnel. When you know knowing, when you are aware of awareness it becomes infinite. Knowing is the infinite. That which is, the ultimate truth, it is not understood within existence though still known from beyond it. No matter the conditioning or how one perceives, this is known, knowing comes first, knowing is not just the word knowing, it is the very knowing of the word knowing even more so. When you wake up, You cannot go back to sleep. If you think you can go back to sleep, It is because you didnt actually awake completely, You only awoke into another dream. Now, Wake up. As nobody, nothing, one can still make cuppa. You will never know yourself, not ever. Its so simple its impossible to not miss. Like trying to see your eyes with your own eyeballs. It can never happen, but you dont need to see them, you see from them, so that is enough to know what they are. Why does a child mold play dough? To simply do it, that is what this existence is for. To exist, it has no real purpose other than that. According to spirituality the individual self is an illusion. According to science the individual self is an illusion. Everything is essentially one. Do you not see that all things are your brothers and sisters, aunties and uncles, grandmothers and grandfathers, we are one. Only in silence the word, only in dark the light, only in dying life: bright the hawks flight on the empty sky. Getting wrapped up in worries is bad for your body and spirit. That’s when you must short out your logic circuits and reboot your heart. The cavity of the heart, the emptiness within yourself, dont be attached to it, not even to space Conditioning does not matter, within existence one must be conditioned. Though, this is still known, and knowing, knowing where the A key is on a keyboard, all knowing is the infinite, the pure consciousness of the universe, only thoughts can pretend otherwise, yet this is still known. Its simple to experience, knowing god is the exact same experience as knowing where the A key is or anything else. A bluff of the mind, that divine knowing is some how different to general knowing, this stops us from seeing that all things are in fact divine, and all knowing is the pure knowing of the universe itself. You can never experience anything but complete oneness and bliss with the universe, you just call it all kinds of different things, like imagined images in a cloud. Eyes closed or open, aware or ignorant, how can the infinite ever be avoided. We are inevitably enlightened and one with all in every moment, there is no other way, we can only pretend otherwise. Who is aware of that which is aware of my sense of I? If you take it personally, if it effects you emotionally, do not listen. If it does not, if it does not effect you emotionally, this is your intuition. Its just thoughts, clouds in the sky of your awareness, take the position of a person and they can affect you for the person is another cloud, another thought. Step back and stay seated as the open sky of your consciousness and no thought can effect you, they just roll by. For a moment remove all your ideas, just for a moment, you can take them back afterwards, just see. Remove all ideas, all the baggage, they are not original or true to you. Your gender, name, everything, they are not original, you were given these ideas. Not even the thought I remains, no mind, as you were when you were first born. If you try this for a moment, being empty of all ideas, what is left? When you take your ideas back, what happens to that which was left without them? The truth is simple, the one who seeks truth is complex. This complexity makes the seeker continuously trip over themselves. Too many concepts, ideas, notions, beliefs and so on. The self flows by effortlessly as you stay centered as the self, observing your infinite self. If I perceive it, If I see it, I cannot be it. You have no responsibility to get anything done, your only responsibility is to allow yourself to be open to the way, the force behind the entire universe which in turn would drive you effortlessly, benefiting all life as a whole. You do not have to do anything yourself. The very fact that we exist at all proves there is some form of eternal creative force. What ever you believe created the universe, something created that, it had to start from somewhere. Therefore for anything to exist there must be an infinite source. If there is an infinite anything, it must be everything for infinity has no boundary. Therefore, you must be the infinite source of the universe and the universe itself simply because you exist. The pursuit to understand with knowledge is futile. All knowledge is a waste of time essentially. The more we know the more we know we dont know. In an infinite universe, the objective search to understand will literally be eternal. Never ending. If you can tell me about it, you must be aware of it. If you are aware of it, Aware first, it second. Then Awareness comes first. It is what it is. It acknowledges all things and no things as it. It cannot be more or less than it is, simply, it is what it is. It is not identified, it is not an idea or thought. It is conscious without consciousness. It knows only it without knowing. It is not there, it is here. It is neither separate nor one. It is neither within nor without. If you define it, it becomes an idea of it and not it. So to define it, is to take away its meaning. Know all you need to know is this, just this. It matters not what we call it. Everything is a fractal of/within nothing, an eternal/infinite field of pure consciousness. Our consciousness is filtered down into human expressions of consciousness, though, any one, can see from/return to unified universal consciousness anytime. This is what all the saints have being trying to say for centuries, we are god/children of god, we are universal consciousness expressed as human. Can you understand that we must do nothing yet everything we can to balance that which is not unbalanced? R-evolution starts as a seed in the heart. Feed these seeds clarity, understanding and they will grow on their own, start in your own. When your tree of radical action is fully grown, no more effort is needed to sow. Seeds will drop and spread to the hearts of others on the winds of flow, the seeds are now in your heart, now grow. I dont want to know your name, I want to know who you are. Can you tell me who you are without using a name? You need a reason to be anything but at peace with this moment. We wear a costume on ourselves. Any identity you hold is a mask, an outfit the source has put on to be something, to experience other things and other someones. All form is an outfit for the absolute. The only consciousness that can be distracted or feel a sense of time, a coming into and out of awareness or presence is the one that you are constantly aware of. Therefore you are not it, there is nothing you must do or not do, you cannot do or not do, all simply happens. Do not think about it, just feel it. Do not feel the need to reply or make any report, this too is seen by you, all doubts and questions are just further seen phenomena and therefore hold no importance or truth, just objects coming and going constantly changing never being stable, your awareness of this change is the only stable, stay here, abide as the self. Keep awareness on awareness, it matters not where you are or what support you have nor what you do, just keep awareness on awareness. Be aware that because you are aware, all that you are aware of, you are not, you are that which is aware of all possible things. Comfortable silence and stillness are the most pure expressions of love, so being overly affectionate in most cases is thinking too much and not feeling enough. Ask, who am I, and see that all that is seen, even nothing or blank, it is seen, so it is not you, you see it, all thoughts, everything that could ever be, you cannot be it, you see it, who am I, abide as the self, stay here. The present is not a product of the past. The past is created in imagination, In this moment. Therefore the past comes after the present moment, not before. I am here, And I am now, Not here now and now here, I am here and now. I am the wind that moves the leaf, and the air that the leaf moves through. In reality, none of this is real. When I close my eyes the universe goes to sleep, it hides away in the abyss, waiting as nothing silently. When I open my eyes it comes into being, the universe exists purely for me. They say, there are three parts to every being; What we think of ourselves, What others think of us, And what we truly are. You cannot learn from anything but yourself. Only our direct experience can support any knowing we have, relying on outside sources for validation is the task of the fool. Though some wise beings say, Spirit of the valley is immortal. It is called the mystic nature. The gate of the mystic nature is regarded as the root of the universe. It is everlasting and cannot be consumed. By not adoring the worthy, people will not fall into dispute. By not valuing the hard to get, people will not become thieves. By not seeing the desires of lust, one’s heart will not be confused. Therefore the governing of the saint is to empty one’s mind, substantiate one’s virtue, weaken one’s worldly ambition and strengthen ones essence. He lets the people to be innocent of worldly knowledge and desire, and keeps the clever ones from making trouble with their wits. Acts naturally without desire, then everything will be accomplished in its natural order. What is cannot be named, it cannot be imagined, only realized by that which is. As soon as beauty is known by the world as beautiful, it becomes ugly. As soon as virtue is being known as something good,it becomes evil. Therefore being and non-being give birth to each other. Difficult and easy accomplish each other. Long and short form each other. High and low distinguish each other. Sound and tone harmonize each other Before and after follow each other as a sequence. Realizing this, the saint performs effortlessly according to the natural Way without personal desire, and practices the wordless teaching through one’s deeds. The saint inspires the vitality of all lives, without holding back. He nurtures all beings with no wish to take possession of. He devotes all his energy but has no intention to hold on to the merit. When success is achieved, he seeks no recognition. Because he does not claim for the credit, hence shall not lose it. This wisdom is not yours or mine, nor is it claimed by the wise ones who spoke, wrote or expressed it, it is inherent in all beings, remain still, empty and it is known. All belief and opinions are transient, Therefore not true and only fleeting illusion, Passing like clouds, Only the space they move through remains true. Power is shadow on the wall, no one really runs anything. They only cast the shadow to make it seem as if they do, the shadow is feared and in turn creates the illusion of power and control. Travel not, the path less traveled, travel the path of no paths. When you try to be happy you make it into something you must achieve, something there and not here. As it is inherent and can only be realized now, happiness cannot be found when you seek it. The only plan you will ever need is no plan. The true way is the way of no ways. Natures philosophy is to have no philosophy. Ask your own questions, Or, Forever receive the answers of others. Finding peace of mind, A clear mind, It is not about changing what you think you already have in any way. It is about coming to a place within your own being where you can realize that everything has always been perfectly fine, and it always will be. Thoughtless thinking; Without a thinker there is no thinking, And, the thinker is only a thought. When one sees clearly, One will not think for there is no thinker to report. Thoughts will come, and thoughts will go, Have no mind, the empty mind, With no thinker life will still flow. Without, outside, there, then, these are ideas which can only occur inside, within this, now. Your awareness is the same as mine, Or, You are awareness as so am I, We do not have different states of consciousness. You are just identifying with phenomena that arises within your seeing, thoughts. Do not believe that you are a wave, Knowing it is one with the whole ocean; Know you have always been the ocean, Know you have always been that, All waves arise within it, And again return to cease within it. As they come so to they go, Through that they are seen to flow. You see all, All that passes, Within your seeing, Know that, Your formless being. Belief is for those who are insecure, those who are content are content to know they know nothing at all. Your imagination is not real, this means, if you walk from one room to another, the room you left no longer exists, it can only exist as a thought. This is not ignoring it, its realizing its only a thought in mind, it only exists when you give it attention, your thoughts create the whole world. Now, Just be. When love and hate are both absent, everything becomes clear and undisguised. Make the slightest distinction, however, and heaven and earth are set infinitely apart. If you wish to see the truth, then hold no opinions for or against anything. To set up what you like against what you dislike is the disease of the mind. All is love. Making change, even positive, this is ego, though only if identified with. Unidentified thoughts move without any thinker, actions take place with no doer. Just the Tao, the flow of life, the same force that moves the wind which moves the leaf as it blows does all this. It even wrote these words, it reads them now. That is what all things are, exist within, it is. These are just words known by it. It can never be known, knowing is only happening within it. You are It. What is, is, it cannot be spoken of, Only spoken from and within. The most important time in your life is now. The most important person in your life is the one your looking at right now. The most important thing that you can do in your life is what your doing now. The best way to prepare for the future is to be totally present now. Forget all your learnings, just remember that now is the moment that never ends. You are at a place of great seeing, vast awareness, though what is aware of this also? Are you are still within duality? If there is you and the world, there are two. Duality is not true because it is all changing; nothing holds a form so nothing can be truly considered anything at all. Stay here, abide as the self, stay as what is. Remain still. We all only serve our self. You serve to uphold and protect that which you identify with, all beings do, most are just limited by their individual sense of self, or their close family/friend net. When one Identifies with the community, one serves to uphold and protect the entire community. When identified with life itself, one serves to uphold and protect all life as one. This is why realizing your true unified self has a greater effect than any other on the well being of life generally. You must unlearn what you have learned. Unlearn everything, be an empty vessel so that the waters of life can fill you and allow you to flow as one with all life. If you can become comfortable being alone you can feel your connection to the entire universe. And then you will feel all one, with everything, far from lonely, but still alone. Be true to yourself. Do not see anything as good or bad, though see the apparent suffering that is caused by dependance. Do not be attached and reliant towards anything. Enjoy the silence, like the white, the page behind these words, no matter how much we write or how much noise there is, the silence or backdrop always remain. Just enjoy the dead silence. Don’t read the noise. On the dual plain, from one perspective, love is the opposite of fear, the two states of being, the trunks of the two trees. All other emotions, feelings and experiences branch out from these two states or trunks. The light and the dark side. All thought. Then, from a non dual perspective, you have actually love, pure love, not filtered into the experience of an individual being, which is essentially the core or essence of all things and nothing. That which is. Death is a certainty, the end of all that has begun, it is a must. Death creates birth, yin and yang on the constant flow of life. All life is life, all life is equal. When the rain drop hits the ocean, does it tell the story of becoming one with the ocean? It is the ocean, it sees it never was the raindrop. You need a reason to be unhappy, you dont need any reason to be happy. Stop giving your thoughts so much attention and they wont trouble you. Be, Nobody, Empty like the sky, Let the clouds pass by. You cannot know light without the dark, you cannot know separation without unity. How could you know and comprehend being mortal without already knowing and comprehending being immortal, you could not know one without the other. The same goes for knowing time, you must also know the timeless, for space, you must know infinity. Let go of your false sense of self, let yourself fall and the universe, your true self will catch this sense of you as awaken to realize you are not any sense of self you can know, for you are the one knowing any sense of self. There is no objective reality, all is subjective. The apparent objective understandings that one can have are all based off of a subjective understanding of ones own experience within existence. Therefor nothing can be proved to be true, even scientific facts are only subjective understandings that we perceive as objective to feel a false sense of security. To know who or what you are is an illusion, for you are the one that knows this sense of self, no matter what it is. You can never be a thing that can be known, because you are that which is knowing all things. Nothing will last the test of time. You enjoy having time for things to happen and get done, Though, Where do you enjoy time from? If time is a thing you can experience, Where do you experience it from? It must be from outside of time, From some timeless point or non point. Ironically there is a stigma of spiritual practices being laziness, just sitting around. Sitting quietly with yourself is the greatest work that can be done. Time. Its not even real, time doesnt flow, Its always right now. Its still now. Even now, it is now. And again, it is now, and now, and now, and even now, no time, just now. The concept, soul is a thought, which can be considered ego. While the ego is not really a separate entity and therefore can be seen as the soul, expressing in a certain way. There is no conflict when one can see they are both the one. Who are you? The answer is not something you can know, you must be it. One who is dumb or ignorant cannot know they are and will insist that they are not because they are too dumb and ignorant to realize otherwise. Those who know that they can never truly know either way, realizing they can never know or not if they are truly intelligent, paradoxically, prove their own intelligence. Do not seek to fill you cup with knowledge. The fuller it is with knowledge, the less wisdom it can hold, forget all that you have read here, remove your knowledge so wisdom can take its place. Without thoughts one cannot imagine and assume that they are form, Without thoughts for time there is no there and then, there is only the present moment, there is only life, nothing else. One thing is constant, certain, That all things must constantly change. You cannot be the person because you are that which is aware of the person, the separate sense of self. Just like you know you are not the wall because you are that which sees its, you know you are not the person or its sentience for you are that which see its, not it. You allow yourself to believe that you are it simply to play in the game of life and then transcend it, to experience returning to your true self. Because we identify with the body and mind, the person, we become attached to it and feel it is alive, that we have a life, then from this we project that things have lives they can loose. When in truth nothing has a life, all things are life, all things are nature, the universe itself, we are all just pieces of the one whole. The person or human form, the mind, it is constantly changing, compare who you think you are today to who you thought you were 10 years ago, not only was the body made of completely different cells and molecules the mind had completely different thoughts and ideas. Just like the cloud, every aspect of the person is just a process, the person is a flow of life just like the cloud or a river or the wind, all one movement. When a cloud becomes rain we do not say it dies because we do not assume that it too has sentience, we recognize that it is a flow of atoms, life and that nothing is lost, it is only transformed. This is true also with the human form, though, we experience through this form and become identified with it, creating the illusion of the separate self, the person, which is often referred to as the ego. All life supports life, every part of life being created is life being destroyed. Atoms transforming, nothing is lost. Death and birth are the same act, two sides of the same coin. In this existence one cannot be without living off others, that is the circle of life, duality. Therefore for anything to consume anything else that it can survive of off sustainably is perfectly normal and accepted by the very design of existence itself, let nature do its thing, just watch. Nothing is real, Everything is permitted. Nothing needs to be lost, you just need not identify with things you have. Or the you that has them. The processes of life can continue as they are, you just see from a new non place, or placeless place Which isnt really new, it is eternal, older than old itself while at the same time ever fresh, newer then new. Have nothing, be empty. Within, have nothing while still having. Any understanding of life is only a piece within it, an understanding that can be had within life which automatically excludes the understanding from its own understanding of life therefore all understandings of life must be incomplete. Therefore, life can never be understood, it can only happen. It can only be lived, known, expressed, never comprehended. No one needs any laws or rules, all one needs is to be the self. Religion is just a philosophy that has become a cult. Acceptance, clarity and common sense is enough to keep human life on this planet harmonious. You are not the person experiencing the universe. You are the universe experiencing yourself through the person. Do not expect instant change, Some energies will linger, This is ok. Like a fan being turned off, It will continue to slow and slow until it eventually stops. Know and confirm within your being, That all suffering is a product of thought. Know that without thought, It is simple impossible to suffer. Does thought exist independent of you? Without your attention, can a thought exist? Or, Can thought only exist in the space of your awareness, Like clouds have no where to float without the sky? Round and round the mind spins, Thought after thought. Like the turbulent winds, That blow the clouds, What drives the mind cannot be caught. With sight or eyes, It cannot be seen, Though in our heart we know. The clouds move like thoughts are seen, By what?, It will not show. Know this, You are not the mind, It comes and goes, Though, You remain. This is perfect. You are perfect, I am perfect, our imperfections are perfectly imperfect. Nothing could ever be out of place, One can only imagine such things. Listen not, To the minds nonsense, Enjoy the perfection of what is. What ever your path is, It is yours to walk alone, And it will forever be the right path for you. You can never do anything wrong in the sense that something better or different could have been done, what ever is done is meant to be done. There is a lesson to be learned in all things. There is a beauty to be seen in all things that have came and gone. Without them, exactly as they were, we could not be here right now. Beautiful is the world, when ones eyes are no longer closed. The most useful of spiritual pointers are those which cannot be understood conceptually, everything else is only distraction. Allow your knowing to be one with what it is you know. Your actions to be one with that which it is you act upon. And your loving to be one with that which you love. Realize we are one with the universe, that we can never be apart. You are not any image or concept, not even the immortal soul, the universe or life, for you are that which is aware of it, all things come and go, you remain, but as what? Drop all the ideas, all your beliefs, all ideas are beliefs because the knower of ideas is not even known, it is a belief itself and therefore cannot know anything. Unless you believe it does of course. Without thought there is no thinker to desire, there is simply the space of consciousness. Try to find a desire without thought, analyze or comprehend a desire without thought. Can it be done? There is no emotion, There is Peace. There is no ignorance, There is Wisdom. There is no passion, There is Serenity. There is no chaos, There is Harmony. There is no death, There is The Way. All things are an expression of life, nature and therefore describe it equally in some sense. Though the more it is described the more it is thought about and the less it is lived, felt. It really needs no description, all are simply images seen by it, never truly coming close to describing it. You cannot know it, only be it. Its simpler than simple, just do not identify with any thoughts, without your identification, your attachment to thoughts, they cannot effect you at all. If you know you are not the ship but that which sees the ship how could you possibly sink? Nothing is serious, everything is fine, to take nothing personally, to enjoy the ride, Essentially, to be glad to even exist at all. Keep attention on attention itself, there is no one here, just attention now; With awareness kept on its own seeing there isnt even one who is paying attention, this one is only a thing within attention, there is only pure awareness when it is kept on itself and not allowed to wonder off onto passing thoughts. You can either be the master and lead the dog or you can be the dog and be lead by instinct, chasing everything that comes by. Calm is your natural state of uninterested or invested attention or awareness. Stay calm, stay as yourself. Your very nature is divinity. One who is playing that they are not already enlightened seems to assume that they are not their only guru they will ever have. They assume that they can somehow learn from others. All thought is past, even the thought of now is slightly in the past, so the only way to understand you are present through experience is to not think, thoughts can come like normal, even chaotically, just do not identify and you can function as normal while staying completely present. When one speaks of truth one will inevitably be misunderstood by all. Though, do not give this your attention. Listening with heart, not mind, one will feel the truth behind what is said. Stay strong, stay true, stay aware, stay you. Even before there is one who can have or not have, Do or not do, I am. To have a chance to catch a fish with bare hands, One must move with the flow of the current which the fish follows, To move against the flow is to create resistance, Which will give the fish or mind something to react to. This apparent separation is merely imagination. Stop thinking and you will not be able to decide if there is separation or not. You simply know. You can never leave this here now, you are the self, always, anything that is known is known, seen from the self. This is what is, that all things come and go within, arise from it and cease returning to it, no thing will ever not be included in it. Nothing can escape this, no thing must be done. Remain in your clarity, in this space of seeing. Fence or no fence, the space behind the fence is here if you can see it or not, fence pallings, thoughts, cannot block out the space of the self, it is always here. The Teacher makes the point first and last that they cannot teach you anything, to not believe or even try to remember anything they say. All that you have read, let it go now, remove it all. Stay here. Now, remove here also.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 22:21:53 +0000

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